Publishing House: Национален статистически институт
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Economy, Sociology, Economic development, Socio-Economic Research
Frequency: 2 issues
Print ISSN: 1310-7410
Online-ISSN: 2367-5489
Status: Active
- 2023
- 2024
- Issue No. 1
- Issue No. 2
- Issue No. 1
Articles list
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({{ article.TitleEnglish }})
- Publication: {{ article.Publisher }} ({{ article.Issue }})
- Author(s): {{ article.Authors }}
- Contributor(s): {{ article.Contributors }}
- Language: {{ article.Language }}
- Subject(s): {{ article.Subjects }}
- Issue: {{ article.Issue }}
- Page Range: {{ article.PageRange }}
- No. of Pages: {{ article.NumberOfPages }}
- Keywords: {{ article.Keywords }}
- Summary/Abstract: {{ article.SummaryAbstract }}
- Price: {{ common.currency(article.Price) }}
Short Description
The ‘Statistics’ Journal is a specialized publication of the National Statistical Institute of the Republic of Bulgaria (BNSI), which has been published since 1929. Since August 2022, there is a new editorial board, headed by the editor-in-chief - assoc. prof. Atanas Atanasov, PhD - President of the National Statistical Institute. Its members include representatives of the scientific community in Bulgaria and abroad, as well as practitioners with extensive experience in statistical activities. The new editorial board aims to provide the journal with a broad representation of scientific publications in the fields of statistics, data analysis, business intelligence systems and artificial intelligence. Our aspiration is to inform readers in a timely and competent manner about current topics related to the state and to the development of the Bulgarian and global statistical theory and practice.
The journal will continue to publish articles and other materials presenting the latest developments in the field of statistical science and theory. At the same time, the scope will be broadened by enabling publications in the fields of data analysis, business intelligence systems and artificial intelligence.
Editorial board
1. Editor-in-Chief: Assoc. Prof. Atanas Atanasov, PhD - President of the National Statistical Institute, Sofia, Bulgaria
2. Deputy Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Mihail Konchev, PhD - Deputy President of the National Statistical Institute, Sofia, Bulgaria
3. Responsible editor: Antoaneta Ilkova - Director of Multi-Domain Statistics, Methodology and Registers Directorate at NSI, Sofia, Bulgaria
4. Style Editor and Translator: Radina Lyondeva - Andreeva, Chief expert at Publications, Library and Digital Products Department, Multi-Domain Statistics, Methodology and Registers Directorate at NSI, Sofia, Bulgaria
5. Style Editor and Translator: Vesselina Popova - Senior expert at Publications, Library and Digital Products Department, Multi-Domain Statistics, Methodology and Registers Directorate at NSI, Sofia, Bulgaria
1. Assoc. Prof. Alexander Efremov, PhD Eng. - Technical University, Sofia, Bulgaria
2. Assoc. Prof. Angel Marchev, PhD - Sofia University ‘St. Kliment Ohridski’, Sofia, Bulgaria
3. Assoc. Prof. Boryana Bogdanova, PhD - Sofia University ‘St. Kliment Ohridski’, Sofia, Bulgaria
4. Assoc. Prof. Ekaterina Tosheva, PhD - University of National and World Economy, Sofia, Bulgaria
5. Assoc. Prof. Kaloyan Haralampiev, PhD - Sofia University ‘St. Kliment Ohridski’, Sofia, Bulgaria
6. Assoc. Prof. Lyubomir Ivanov Todorov, PhD - Academy of Economics ‘Dimitar A. Tsenov’, Svishtov, Bulgaria
7. Assoc. Prof. Margarita Lambova, PhD - University of Economics, Varna, Bulgaria
8. Assoc. Prof. Plamen Ivanov Petkov, PhD - Academy of Economics ‘Dimitar A. Tsenov’, Svishtov, Bulgaria
9. Assoc. Prof. Alexander Naydenov, PhD - University of National and World Economy, Sofia, Bulgaria
10. Svilen Kolev, PhD - Deputy President of NSI, Sofia, Bulgaria
11. Prof. Diana Ivanova Georgieva, DSc in Economics - University of Forestry, Sofia, Bulgaria
12. Nina Stoimenova - Director of Macroeconomic Statistics Directorate at the National Statistical Institute, Sofia, Bulgaria
13. Corr. Member Tudorel Andrei - President of the National Statistical Institute of Romania, Bucharest, Romania
14. Assoc. Prof. Maryana Kotzeva, PhD - University of National and World Economy, Sofia, Bulgaria, General Director at Eurostat Luxembourg
15. Assoc. Prof. Plamen T. Nenov, PhD, Research Economist, Norges Bank, Researcher I, Housing Lab, Oslo Metropolitan University, Assoc. Prof. of Economics, Norwegian Business School, Oslo, Norway
16. Prof. Eleftherios Thalassinos, PhD - Affiliate Professor, University of Malta - Msida, Malta, Visiting Professor in 8 European Universities
17. Prof. Nikša Alfirević, PhD in Economics - University of Split - Split, Croatia