Polonia Inter Gentes Cover Image

Polonia Inter Gentes
Polonia Inter Gentes

Publishing House: Akademia Zamojska
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, History
Frequency: 1 issues
Print ISSN: 2719-8871
Online-ISSN: 2956-3224
Status: Active

  • 2020
  • 2021
  • 2022
  • 2023
  • Issue No. 1
  • Issue No. 2
  • Issue No. 3
  • Issue No. 4
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  • Year: {{ issueInfo.Year }}
  • Volume: {{ issueInfo.Volume }}
  • Number: {{ issueInfo.IssueNo }}

Articles list
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Short Description

"Polonia Inter Gentes" is a scholarly journal collecting articles and scholarly materials on the issues of the political history of Polish emigration in the nineteenth and twenty-first centuries. Our field of interest also includes multifaceted research on Polonia. In this field we are interested not only in the history of Polish communities in various regions of the globe, but also in the view of these diasporas from various perspectives, including sociological, political and legal. The editors of the year-book wish - through the publication of in-depth analyses in the pages of the journal - to make "Polonia Inter Gentes" an important place on the scientific map for the dissemination of studies on the topics of Polish political emigration and the history of the Polish diaspora in its various aspects. We are committed to the internationalization of research results, as well as to the development of scientific cooperation, so we invite researchers representing also foreign centres to publish in the yearbook.

▶︎ Aim and thematic scope

"Polonia Inter Gentes" has been published since 2020. The yearbook addresses the issues of Polish emigration in the nineteenth and twenty-first centuries and the life of Polonia and Poles abroad, both currently and in the past. In accordance with the profile of activity of the General Władysław Anders Institute in Lublin - whose team edits the magazine - most space in the pages of the yearbook is devoted to topics related to the history of Polish independence political emigration after 1939 and the life of Poles and Poles abroad. This is not tantamount to limiting it to these topics only. We are open to papers on, for example, the Great Emigration or labour migration from Poland, in a word, to all dissertations falling within the framework outlined above. We would like to look at these topics from the point of view not only of history, but also of political science, sociology, law, linguistics or literary studies. Our pages are therefore open to researchers representing various scientific disciplines, but also to those dealing with the areas of emigration and the Polish diaspora professionally, such as diplomatic representatives and government officials. Finally, let Poles and Poles abroad, whose affairs are of particular interest to us, feel invited to speak.

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