Panoptikum Cover Image


Publishing House: Uniwersytet Gdański
Subject(s): Film / Cinema / Cinematography
Frequency: 2 issues
Print ISSN: 1730-7775
Status: Active

  • 2008
  • 2009
  • 2010
  • 2011
  • 2012
  • 2013
  • 2014
  • 2015
  • 2016
  • 2017
  • 2018
  • 2019
  • 2020
  • 2021
  • 2022
  • 2023
  • 2024
  • Issue No. 07 (14)
  • Issue No. 08 (15)
  • Issue No. 09 (16)
  • Issue No. 10 (17)
  • Issue No. 11 (18)
  • Issue No. 12 (19)
  • Issue No. 13 (20)
  • Issue No. 14 (21)
  • Issue No. 15 (22)
  • Issue No. 16 (23)
  • Issue No. 17 (24)
  • Issue No. 18 (25)
  • Issue No. 19 (26)
  • Issue No. 20 (27)
  • Issue No. 21 (28)
  • Issue No. 22 (29)
  • Issue No. 23 (30)
  • Issue No. 24 (31)
  • Issue No. 25 (32)
  • Issue No. 26 (33)
  • Issue No. 27 (34)
  • Issue No. 28 (35)
  • Issue No. 29 (36)
  • Issue No. 30 (37)
  • Issue No. 31 (38)
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  • Year: {{ issueInfo.Year }}
  • Volume: {{ issueInfo.Volume }}
  • Number: {{ issueInfo.IssueNo }}

Articles list
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Short Description

„Panoptikum” (nr ISSN 1730 – 7775) to wydawany przez Uniwersytet Gdański rocznik poświęcony kulturze audiowizualnej. Na jego łamach publikowane są zarówno oryginalne artykuły w zainicjowanym przez redakcję monograficznym kluczu tematycznym, jak i wiodące tłumaczenia z zakresu filmoznawstwa, nowych mediów oraz sztuk wizualnych. Zgodnie z częścią B wykazu punktowanych czasopism naukowych (poz. 1547), ogłoszonego przez Ministra Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego dnia 17 grudnia 2013 r., za publikację w "Panoptikum" przyznaje się 6 punktów. "Panoptikum" jest indeksowane w następujących bazach danych: CEEOL (The Central and Eastern European Online Library), PBN (Polska Bibliografia Naukowa), Katalog Czasopism Kulturalnych, Index Copernicus, ARIANTA.


"Panoptikum" is a semi-annual journal published since 2003. Individual issues are thematic. All issues concentrate around selected key topics related to contemporary audiovisual culture. The editorial board pre-selects the papers and after they undergo the blind peer-review process, they constitute the framework of a given issue. Along with academic essays which undergo the review process and constitute about 80% of the journal's content, each issue also includes the "Varia" section which is composed of reviews and reports unrelated to the issue's main topic.

The researchers and doctoral students affiliated to the University of Gdańsk are responsible for the journal, but the editorial board regularly collaborates with other research centres in Poland. Authors of the papers also represent various research generations and centres.

"Panoptikum" is an interdisciplinary journal on audiovisual culture, but the essays revolve around several dominant disciplines: film studies, media studies, cultural studies, gender and postcolonial studies, aesthetics. Some of the most important topics represented in the journal include: contemporary documentary, queer cinema, changing television, relations between the viewers and the receivers, audiovisual dystopias and utopias, cultural images of masculinity, transformation in cinema and reception practices and monograph of Gilles Deleuze's ideas of cinema and culture. 

Since 2010 the journal has been included into the B list of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. „Panoptikum” is indexed in the major databases of academic journals, including CEEOL, ERIH+, CEJSH, BazHum.

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