EON Cover Image


Publishing House: Eon – Asociație pentru Promovarea Culturii, Artei, Educației și Cercetării Științifice
Subject(s): History, Anthropology, Philosophy, Language and Literature Studies, Education, Media studies, Communication studies, Theology and Religion, Theory of Communication
Frequency: 2 issues
Print ISSN: 2734-8296
Online-ISSN: 2734-830X
Status: Active

  • 2022
  • 2023
  • 2024
  • Issue No. 1/3
  • Issue No. 2/3
  • Issue No. 1/4
  • Issue No. 2/4
  • Issue No. 1/5
  • Issue No. 2/5
  • Issue No. 3/5
{{ issueInfo.Volume }}/{{ issueInfo.Year }} Cover
  • Year: {{ issueInfo.Year }}
  • Volume: {{ issueInfo.Volume }}
  • Number: {{ issueInfo.IssueNo }}

Articles list
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({{ article.TitleEnglish }})

  • Price: {{ common.currency(article.Price) }}
Short Description

EON is a newly founded biannual and open access scholarly journal, open to reflections on the transformative potential of our times through the lenses of philosophy, literature, cultural studies, theology, anthropology, and communication studies.
Articles are evaluated in a double-blind peer review procedure and are scanned with a plagiarism software, in order to ensure academic integrity. We aim to contribute to the dissemination of relevant knowledge and to build bridges between cultures and generations of researchers.
Starting with 2022, Eon journal is published by Eon - Association for the Promotion of Culture, Art, Education and Scientific Research.

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