Review of Psychopedagogy Cover Image

Revista de Psihopedagogie
Review of Psychopedagogy

Publishing House: Universitatea din București, Facultatea de Psihologie și Științele Educației, Departamentul Psihopedagogie Specială
Subject(s): Education, School education, Educational Psychology, State/Government and Education, Developmental Psychology, Inclusive Education / Inclusion, Distance learning / e-learning, Pedagogy
Frequency: 1 issues
Print ISSN: 1584-4919
Online-ISSN: 2784-3092
Status: Active

  • 2021
  • 2022
  • 2023
  • Issue No. 1/X
  • Issue No. 1/11
  • Issue No. 1/12
{{ issueInfo.Volume }}/{{ issueInfo.Year }} Cover
  • Year: {{ issueInfo.Year }}
  • Volume: {{ issueInfo.Volume }}
  • Number: {{ issueInfo.IssueNo }}

Articles list
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  • Price: {{ common.currency(article.Price) }}
Short Description

The Review of Psychopedagogy publishes original research, case studies, analysis in special education, scientific reviews on improving education and services for people with disabilities. The jurnal aims to achieve two main goals, namely the theoretical approach of modern ideas in psychopedagogy, psychology and pedagogy, information on methodological experiences in education and recovery of children with developmental difficulties, and on the other hand the revelation of experiences and original aspects in following school practices and investigations conducted by the authors of the articles.

Indexing information

Review of Psychopedagogy is indexed in the following international databases:EBSCO, Crossref, CEEOL, Index Copernicus,Semantic Scholar, WorldCat, DRJI, ROAD, Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek (EZB), Scilit, CiteFactor, ReasearchBib, Advanced Science Index, OAJI.

Editorial board

Academician Alexandru BOBOC (Romanian Academy)
Associate Professor PhD. Marilena BRATU (University of Bucharest)
Associate Professor PhD. Cristian BUICĂ-BELCIU (University of Bucharest)
Professor PhD. Vasile CHIȘ (Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj Napoca)
Professor PhD. Lucian CIOLAN (University of Bucharest)
Professor PhD. Verginia CREȚU (University of Bucharest)
Professor PhD. Anca DRAGU (Ovidius University Constanța)
Professor PhD. Alois GHERGUȚ (Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Iași)
Lecturer PhD. Cerzar GIOSAN (University of Bucharest)
Professor PhD. Mihai GOLU (The Academy of Romanian Scientists)
Professor PhD. Jasper HOLST (University of Copenhagen)
Professor PhD. Dragoș ILIESCU (University of Bucharest)
Professor PhD. Romiță IUCU (University of Bucharest)
Professor PhD. Anca MUNTEANU (West University of Timișoara)
Professor PhD. Adrian OPRE (Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj Napoca)
Professor PhD. Poesis Diana PETRESCU (West University of Timișoara)
Professor PhD. Doru Vlad POPOVICI (University of Bucharest)
Professor PhD. Aurelia RACU (State Pedagogical University, Chișinău)
Professor PhD. Adrian ROȘAN (Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj Napoca)
Professor PhD. Steliana TOMA (Technical University of Civil Engeneering Bucharest)
Lecturer PhD. Damian TOTOLAN (Ovidius University Constanța)
Professor PhD. Emil VERZA (University of Bucharest)
Professor PhD. Florin Emilian VERZA (University of Bucharest)

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