Јужнословенски филолог
South Slavic Philologist
Publishing House: Институт за српски језик Српске академије наука и уметности
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies, Phonetics / Phonology, Morphology, Syntax, Lexis, Historical Linguistics, South Slavic Languages, Philology
Frequency: 2 issues
Print ISSN: 0350-185x
Status: Active
- 2017
- 2018
- 2019
- 2020
- 2021
- 2022
- 2023
- 2024
- Issue No. 1-2/73
- Issue No. 3-4/73
- Issue No. 1/74
- Issue No. 2/74
- Issue No. 1/75
- Issue No. 2/75
- Issue No. 1/76
- Issue No. 2/76
- Issue No. 1/77
- Issue No. 2/77
- Issue No. 1/78
- Issue No. 2/78
- Issue No. 1/79
- Issue No. 2/79
- Issue No. 1/80
Articles list
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({{ article.TitleEnglish }})
- Publication: {{ article.Publisher }} ({{ article.Issue }})
- Author(s): {{ article.Authors }}
- Contributor(s): {{ article.Contributors }}
- Language: {{ article.Language }}
- Subject(s): {{ article.Subjects }}
- Issue: {{ article.Issue }}
- Page Range: {{ article.PageRange }}
- No. of Pages: {{ article.NumberOfPages }}
- Keywords: {{ article.Keywords }}
- Summary/Abstract: {{ article.SummaryAbstract }}
- Price: {{ common.currency(article.Price) }}
Short Description
The journal Južnoslovenski filolog publishes papers on linguistic theory, Slavic philology, history, and dialectology of South Slavic and other Slavic languages, history of linguistics and related research areas. This gives an international character to Južnoslovenski filolog, which has always been its mark, ever since it was first launched. The fist volume of Južnoslovenski filolog was published in 1913. The journal was established by Ljubomir Stojanović and Aleksandar Belić, members of the Serbian Royal Academy. Aleksandar Belić was its first editor (1913–1959 [since Vol. XI (1931) it was edited by A. Belić, St. M. Kuljbakin, St. Ivšić, Fr. Ramovš, and since Vol. XVIII (1949/50) by Aleksandar Belić]). The subsequent Editors include Mihailo Stevanović (1961‒1973), Milka Ivić (1974‒2008), Predrag Piper (2008‒2018), Rajna Dragićević (2018–); Vol. XXX (1–2) (1973) was edited by M. Pavlović, R. Bošković and M. Pešikan, whereas the Editor of Vol. LVI (1–2) (2000) was Slobodan Remetić. Since Volume XVIII, Južnoslovenski filolog has been jointly published by the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts and the Institute for the Serbian Language of SASA.
The journal Južnoslovenski filolog publishes original papers that have not been published previously: original research articles, critical reviews, book and event reviews, etc. Južnoslovenski filolog is an Open Access journal.
Južnoslovenski filolog is issued twice a year. It is indexed in DOAJ, EBSCO and ERIH Plus. Digital copies of the journal are archived in the Digital Repository of the National Library of Serbia.