Publishing House: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Economy, Education, National Economy, Business Economy / Management, Financial Markets, Marketing / Advertising, Human Resources in Economy
Frequency: 2 issues
Print ISSN: 2603-2759
Online-ISSN: 2603-2767
Status: Active

  • 2019
  • 2020
  • 2021
  • 2022
  • 2023
  • Issue No. 2/III
  • Issue No. 3/III
  • Issue No. 1/IV
  • Issue No. 2/IV
  • Issue No. 3/IV
  • Issue No. 1/5
  • Issue No. 2/V
  • Issue No. 3/V
  • Issue No. 4/V
  • Issue No. 1/VI
  • Issue No. 2/VI
  • Issue No. 3/VI
  • Issue No. 4/VI
  • Issue No. 1/VII
  • Issue No. 2/VII
  • Issue No. 3/VII
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  • Year: {{ issueInfo.Year }}
  • Volume: {{ issueInfo.Volume }}
  • Number: {{ issueInfo.IssueNo }}

Articles list
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Short Description

“Real Estate Property & Business” is an academic online journal where are published original academic and scientific articles focused over business with Real Estate Properties and current topics related to its economical behavior and management.

“Real Estate Property & Business” is an academic platform addressed to local and international scientists focusing over economic, management, finance, marketing and other aspects of Business sciences. The authors and the readers of the journal are representatives of different aspects of the Real Estate business – construction, trades, management and assessment services companies.

The main discussed and reviewed aspects in the journal are related to:

o    Analysis of Real Estate Property sector;

o    Property management;

o    Facility management;

o    Innovations and tendencies in construction and construction materials;

o    Analysis of Real Estate market;

o    Marketing of Real Estate Properties;

o    Trade of Real Estate Properties;

o    Accounting aspects of Real Estate trade and management;

o    Current challenges faced in urban planning;

o    Financing and investments in Real Estate Properties;

o    Lawful aspects of business with Real Estate Properties;

o    Assessment of Real Estate Properties;

o    Insurance of Real Estate Properties;

o    Human resource management in Real Estate Properties sector;

o    Risk management of transactions with Real Estate Properties;

o    Financial analysis and etc.

Editorial board

1.     Jordanka Jovkova, Prof. PhD.
UNWE – Sofia
Finance, Financial management, Financing and investments in properties

 2.     Statty Stattev, Prof. D.Sc.(Econ.)
UNWE – Sofia
Theory and Methodology of Macroeconomic Analysis, Macroeconomic Theory

 3.     Krum Aleksandrov, Prof. D.Sc. (Econ.)
UNWE – Sofia
Trade, Economy of Enterprises, Economical-mathematical methods

 4.     Georgy Zabunov, Assoc. Prof. PhD.
UNWE – Sofia
Marketing, Market of properties, Property and Facility management

 5.     Plamen Iliev, Prof. PhD.
UE – Varna
Management and Assessment of Real Estate Properties, Constriction entrepreneurship

 6.     Zhelyu Vladimirov, Prof. D.Sc.(Econ.)
SU „St. Kliment Ohridski“
Business administration, Entrepreneurship, Innovations

 7.     Mariyana Bozhinova, Prof. PhD.
AE "D. A. Tsenov" – Svishtov
Management of trade activity, Tourism, Energy efficiency

 8.     Tihomir Pelov, Assoc. Prof. PhD.
UNWE – Sofia
Cost and pricing, Property assessment, Facility management

 9.     Dragomir Boiadzhiev, Assoc. Prof. PhD.
UNWE – Sofia
Human Resource Management , Recruitment process, Motivation and stimulation of labor

 10.  Vasilka Stamenova, Assoc. Prof. PhD.
UNWE – Sofia
Trade and deals with Real Estates Properties, Trade Management

 11.  Shi Yizhe, pHd
Urban, Urban Security, Urban Risk Management

 12.  Sergey Maksimov, Prof. D.Sc. (Econ.)
Urban Economy, Management and development of Real Estate Properties, Market and Economy of Real Estate

 13.  Dimitar Velev, Prof. PhD.
UNWE – Sofia
Informatics, Web based information systems and applications

 14.  Marin Galabov, Assoc. Prof. PhD.
UNWE – Sofia
Corporate Finances, Accounting, Effectiveness of business with Real Estate Properties

 15.  Galina Litvintseva, Prof. D.Sc. (Econ.)
NSTU – Russia
Public economy , Macro economy, Regional economy

 16.  Albena Vutsova, Prof. PhD.
SU „St. Kliment Ohridski“
Economy of enterprise, Project Management, Euro Integration

 17.  Cvetana Stoianova, Assoc. Prof. PhD.
UNWE – Sofia
Strategic management, Global Management, Competitiveness

 18.  Ognyan Andreev, Prof. PhD. Eng.
TU – Sofia
Project Management, Production and Operational management

 19.  Nikolai Stoenchev, Prof. PhD.
UF - Sofia
Statistics, Application of statistical methods in corporate management

 20.  Silvia Trifonova, Assoc. Prof. PhD.
UNWE - Sofia
International finance, banking, monetary theory and monetary policy

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