Tax Magazine Cover Image

Tax Magazine
Tax Magazine

Publishing House: Editura Solomon
Subject(s): Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, International Law, Law on Economics, EU-Legislation, Commercial Law
Frequency: 6 issues
Print ISSN: 2392-7011
Status: Active

  • 2019
  • 2020
  • 2021
  • 2022
  • 2023
  • 2024
  • Issue No. 1
  • Issue No. 2
  • Issue No. 3
  • Issue No. 4
  • Issue No. 5
  • Issue No. 6
  • Issue No. 1
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  • Issue No. 4
  • Issue No. 5
  • Issue No. 6
  • Issue No. 1
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  • Issue No. 3
  • Issue No. 4
  • Issue No. 5
  • Issue No. 6
  • Issue No. 1
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  • Issue No. 3
  • Issue No. 4
  • Issue No. 5
  • Issue No. 6
  • Issue No. 1
  • Issue No. 2
  • Issue No. 3
  • Issue No. 4
  • Issue No. 5
  • Issue No. 6
  • Issue No. 1
  • Issue No. 2
  • Issue No. 3
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  • Year: {{ issueInfo.Year }}
  • Volume: {{ issueInfo.Volume }}
  • Number: {{ issueInfo.IssueNo }}

Articles list
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  • Price: {{ common.currency(article.Price) }}
Short Description

Tax Magazine is a taxation magazine that appears only in electronic format (pdf). We send it to subscribers by email or it can be accessed online at , in the section dedicated to the magazine with an id and password. The magazine has been released for the first time in September 2014 and has already become one of the best periodicals in the field of taxation in Romania, an area which is not solidly represented in editorial terms here. Until the end of 2017, the magazine was issued monthly and starting 2018 it is issued once per 2 months.

Each issue has an estimated 70-80 pages content. The magazine is also indexed in HeinOnline and EBSCO, international legal research databases.

Tax Magazine has an editorial council formed by one of the most appreciated tax lawyers and consultants in Romania: Gabriel Biriș, Luisiana Dobrinescu, Marilena Ene, Andrei Iancu, Gabriel Sincu, but also Arnaud Moraine, from France.

Our publication has set the goal to engage the best taxation professionals in Romania, lawyers and economists alike, with a double major and addressing a broader audience made up of both lawyers (lawyers and judges specializing in tax at the tax courts) and the tax consultants. The magazine relies on a significant number of contributors, famous experts in the field of taxation, thanks to more than 12 years of experience in publishing similar publications of the editor-in-chief, Nicoleta Solomon.

The content of the magazine is varied and offers analyses on controversial taxation issues, tax updates and comments on them, constructive criticism of negative practices of tax administration and the most interesting cases of the fiscal administrative case law (jurisprudence) in the country and the European Court of Justice or the European Court of Human Rights incidence in the field.

Tax Magazine continuously receives positive signals from the market. Its objective is to promote quality stable and practical content, aiming to certify its maturity and scientific quality in the short-term future.

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