Konińskie Studia Społeczno-Ekonomiczne
Konin Socio-Economic Studies
Publishing House: Akademia Nauk Stosowanych w Koninie
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Economy
Frequency: 4 issues
Print ISSN: 2391-8632
Status: Active
- 2015
- 2016
- 2017
- 2018
- 2019
- 2020
- 2021
- 2022
- Issue No. 2/1
- Issue No. 3/1
- Issue No. 4/1
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- Issue No. 1/5
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- Issue No. 1/6
- Issue No. 2/6
- Issue No. 3/6
- Issue No. 4/6
- Issue No. 1/7
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- Issue No. 3/7
- Issue No. 4/7
- Issue No. 1-4/8
Articles list
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({{ article.TitleEnglish }})
- Publication: {{ article.Publisher }} ({{ article.Issue }})
- Author(s): {{ article.Authors }}
- Contributor(s): {{ article.Contributors }}
- Language: {{ article.Language }}
- Subject(s): {{ article.Subjects }}
- Issue: {{ article.Issue }}
- Page Range: {{ article.PageRange }}
- No. of Pages: {{ article.NumberOfPages }}
- Keywords: {{ article.Keywords }}
- Summary/Abstract: {{ article.SummaryAbstract }}
- Price: {{ common.currency(article.Price) }}
Short Description
The dynamic changes of pluralist civilization create the phenomenon of multiculturalism, which in turn leads to not only an intergenerational discussion, but also thoughts exchange between various scientific and research communities. This extraordinary diffusion of pluralist civilization takes places in the everyday life of individuals, experiencing changes hic et nunc we strive for a lively reflection that is to protect us against the mistakes made, and which the historians write about.
These facts make us enter this interdisciplinary discourse concerning the established reality basing on the experiences of philosophers, sociologists, historians, ethnologists, economists, psychologists or pedagogues. It may help us to understand, but also to avoid and prevent a repeat of the mistakes made by previous generations who accepted certain ideological ideas while looking for civilization development.
Konin Socio-Economic Studies is a scientific Journal, which was established because of the need to find the common social, personal and scientific ground for different experiences of individuals. The Journal by definition is multidisciplinary in its nature and scientific searches with multi-layered dimension means not being limited to a certain methodology or specific field and that is why we promote the transdisciplinary attitude in the proposed articles of different authors. Therefore, we wish to publish in our Journal the papers concerning a wide range of issues connected with various scientific fields and are willing to accept any types of elaborations which will help to create a new perspective, a novel approach while interpreting social problems and the world around.
Such an attitude means that our Journal is open and welcome researchers and academics from different regions of Poland, Europe and the whole world. We encourage all the people to share their scientific experiences. Moreover, we hope that our Journal will become a place of exchanging thoughts and opinions, but also a source of inspiration for those who wish to understand the surrounding reality.