Journal for Freedom of Conscience Cover Image

Jurnalul Libertății de Conștiință
Journal for Freedom of Conscience

Publishing House: Editions IARSIC
Subject(s): History, Social Sciences, Theology and Religion
Frequency: 1 issues
Print ISSN: 2495-1757
Status: Active

  • 2017
  • 2018
  • 2019
  • 2020
  • 2021
  • 2022
  • 2023
  • 2024
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Articles list
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Short Description

The Journal for Freedom of Conscience contains the papers presented during the International Conference on Freedom of Conscience and Religion. The annual conference is organized by the Conscience and Liberty Association in collaboration with the Committee for Legal Matters, Discipline and Immunities of the Chamber of Deputies in the Romanian Parliament, in partnership with the International Religious Liberty Association (USA), Association Internationale pour la Défense de la Liberté Religieuse (Switzerland), Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3 (France), ESSACHESS – Journal for Communication Studies, Institute for Advanced Religious Studies and Internetworking (IARSIC-Corhis) (France), Institute for Peace Studies in Eastern Christianity (USA), State Secretariat for Religious Affairs (Romania).

Editorial board

Rev. Ioan-Gheorghe ROTARU, Ph.D, Editor-in-Chief

Seventh-day Adventist Church, Nord Transylvania Conference, Cluj-Napoca, Romania; Associate Professor, ‘Timotheus’ Brethren Theological Institute of Bucharest, ROMANIA

Rev. Dragoș MUȘAT, Associate Editor

Director of Religious Liberty / Communication Department, Seventh-day Adventist Church, Bucharest, ROMANIA

Acad. Alexandru SURDU

Director, Institute for Philosophy and Psichology “Constantin Rădulescu Motru”, Romanian Academy, Bucharest, ROMANIA

Acad. Lucian-Liviu ALBU

Director, Institute for Economic Forecasting, Romanian Academy, Bucharest, ROMANIA; Ex-Minister of Labor and Social Protection

Acad. Gheorghe PĂUN

Romanian Academy, Bucharest, ROMANIA; Member of Academia Europaea (The Academy of Europe), Cambridge, GREAT BRITAIN

Rev. Ganoune DIOP, Ph.D

Director of Public Affairs and Religious Liberty Department for the worldwide Seventh-day Adventist Church, Washington DC, United States of America; General Secretary of International Religious Liberty Association; Secretary of the Conference of Secretaries of the Christian World Communions; UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

Rev. Nelu BURCEA, Ph.D

Public Affairs and Religious Liberty Department Associate Director at the General Conference of the Seventh-day Adventists; The representative of the Seventh Day Adventist Church and International Religious Liberty Association to the United Nations in New York and Geneva; UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

Rev. Liviu Romel OLTEANU, Ph.D

Observer Permanent Representative to the United Nations in Geneva, New York and Vienna; Permanent Representative to the EP in Strasbourg and Brussels, spokeperson at the COE in Strasbourg and at the OSCE. Director of Public Affairs and Religious Liberty in the Division Inter-Europa, Bern, SWITZERLAND

Liviu Bogdan CIUCĂ, Ph.D

Professor, “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, Vice president of the Romanian Academy of Legal Sciences, Bucharest, ROMANIA

Ecaterina ANDRONESCU, Ph.D

Senator, Professor and President of the Senate, Politehnica University of Bucharest; President of the National Council of Rectors; Former Romanian Minister of Education and Research, Bucharest, ROMANIA

Mihnea COSTOIU, Ph.D (c)

Senator, Rector, Politehnica University of Bucharest, ROMANIA


Senator, Associate Professor, “Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian University, Bucharest, ROMANIA; Visiting scholar at Harvard University / Center for the Study of World Religions; Former Minister of Foreign Affairs and former Minister of Justice, Bucharest, ROMANIA

Gheorghe ZAMAN. Ph.D

Professor, Ecological University from Bucharest; Director of Institute of National Economy, Romanian Academy; Member (correspondent) of Romanian Academy, Bucharest, ROMANIA

Fr. Wilhelm DANCĂ, Ph.D

Professor, Member (correspondent) of Romanian Academy, Dean, Faculty of Roman-Catholic Theology, University of Bucharest, ROMANIA

Marta-Christina SUCIU, Ph.D

Professor, Bucharest University of Economic Studies; Member (correspondent) of Academy of Romanian Scientists, Bucharest, ROMANIA

Petru ANDEA, Ph.D

Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Electrical and Power Engineering, Politehnica University of Timisoara; member of the Academy of Romanian Scientists; State Secretary for Relations with the Parliament and Social Partners of the Romanian Ministry of National Education, Bucharest, ROMANIA

Emil Ene DINGA, Ph.D

Professor and Senior Researcher, Romanian Academy, Bucharest, ROMANIA


Professor, Universite Paul Valery de Montpellier, France; IARSIC-CORHIS EA, France

Mihaela Alexandra TUDOR, Ph.D

Associate Professor, Universite Paul Valery de Montpellier, France; IARSIC- CORHIS EA, FRANCE

Fr. Ioan CHIRILĂ, Ph.D

Professor, President of the Senate, “Babeş-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca, ROMANIA


Professor, Member of Medical Sciences Academy, Romania; Member of New York Academy of Sciences, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

Fr. Dumitru VANCA, Ph.D

Professor, “1 Decembrie 1918” Alba Iulia University, ROMANIA

Col. Dumitru NICA, Ph.D

Professor, Carol I National University of Defense, Bucharest, ROMANIA

Gen. Cristian BARBU, Ph.D

Professor, Military Technical Academy; Counsellor, Ministry of National Defence, Bucharest, ROMANIA.

Rev. Otniel BUNACIU, Ph.D

Professor, Dean, Faculty of Baptist Theology, University of Bucharest, ROMANIA;

Professor, Baptist Theological Institute of Bucharest, ROMANIA; Faculty, TCM International Institute, Wien, AUSTRIA

Professor, Rector, “Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian University, Targu Mures, ROMANIA

Rev. Corneliu SIMUȚ, Ph.D

Professor, Emanuel University of Oradea, ROMANIA; Associate Research Fellow, University of Pretoria, SOUTH AFRICA


Professor, Universitatea „Aurel Vlaicu”, Arad, ROMANIA; Associate Professor, Evanđeoski Teološki Fakultet, Osijek, CROATIA


Professor, "Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu, ROMANIA

Rev. Jeno SZIGETI, Ph.D

Professor, Miskolc University, Hungary; Member of the Hungarian Scientist Academy, HUNGARY

Fr. Emil JURCAN, Ph.D

Professor, “1 Decembrie 1918” Alba Iulia University, ROMANIA

Emilia VASILE, Ph.D

Professor, President of the Senate, “Athenaeum” University, Bucharest, Romania

Sorin Radu MIHAI, Ph.D

Professor, Rector, Petrosani University, ROMANIA


Professor, Dean, Faculty of Orthodox Theology, “1 Decembrie 1918” Alba Iulia University, ROMANIA

Aurel BURCIU, Ph.D

Professor, "Ștefan cel Mare" University of Suceava, ROMANIA

Radu Ştefan VERGATTI, Ph.D

Professor, Valachia University, Târgovişte, Romania, Member of Romanian Scientists Academy, ROMANIA

Dumitru BORȚUN, Ph.D

Professor, National School of Political Science and Public Administration, Bucharest, ROMANIA

Eliodor TANISLAV, Ph.D

Professor, Dean, Faculty of Public Administration, ”Athenaeum” University of Bucharest, ROMANIA

Laurenţiu IONESCU, Ph.D

Professor, Head of Doctoral Studies at the University of La Plata, ARGENTINA


Associate Professor, Deputy Director, Institute of Philology of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Chisinău, REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA

Brîndușa COVACI, Ph.D

Senior Researcher, Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania; Associate Professor, Vice-Rector Adventus University, Cernica, ROMANIA

Fr. Lucian DÎNCĂ, Ph.D

Associate Professor, Chair, Doctoral School of Theology and Religious Studies, University of Bucharest, ROMANIA

Gen. George - Mircea BOTESCU, Ph.D

Associate Professor, University of Bucharest, ROMANIA

Fr. Gabriel GÂRDAN, Ph.D

Associate Professor, “Babeş-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca, ROMANIA

Corina ENE, Ph.D

Associate Professor, Vice-Rector, “Hyperion” University, Bucharest, ROMANIA

Șerban TURCUȘ, Ph.D

Associate Professor, “Babeş-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca, ROMANIA


Associate Professor, Rector, Adventus University, Cernica, ROMANIA

Alina Livia NICU, Ph.D

Associate Professor, Craiova University, ROMANIA

Daniela MITRAN, Ph.D

Associate Professor, Rector, ”Athenaeum” University of Bucharest, ROMANIA

Rev. Daniel MARIȘ, Ph.D

Associate Professor, Rector, Baptist Theological Institute of Bucharest, ROMANIA Associate Professor, University of Bucharest; Adjunct Faculty, TCM International Institute, Wien, AUSTRIA

Rev. Laurentiu MOT, Ph.D

Associate Professor, Dean, Faculty of Theology and Social Sciences, Adventus University, Cernica, ROMANIA

Rev. Sorin SABOU, Ph.D

Associate Professor, Vice-Rector, Baptist Theological Institute of Bucharest, ROMANIA

Fr. Stelian MANOLACHE, Ph.D

Associate Professor, Ovidius University of Constanta, ROMANIA

Rev. Sorin BĂDRĂGAN, Ph.D

Associate Professor, Dean, Baptist Theological Institute of Bucharest, ROMANIA; Associate Professor, University of Bucharest; Adjunct Faculty, TCM International Institute, Wien, AUSTRIA

Fr. Adrian LEMENI, Ph.D

Associate Professor, University of Bucharest, ROMANIA

Delia Mariana ARDELEAN, Ph.D

Associate Professor, West University "Vasile Goldis", Arad, ROMANIA

Rev. Ieremia RUSU, Ph.D

Associate Professor, Rector, Timotheus Brethren Theological Institute of Bucharest, ROMANIA

Dudley C. ROSE, Ph.D

Associate Dean, Harvard Divinity School, Cambridge, MA., UNITED STATES

Veronica TURCUȘ, Ph.D

CS I, George Barițiu Institute of History, Cluj-Napoca, Romanian Academy, ROMANIA

Rev. Samuiel BÂLC, Ph.D

Associate Professor, Baptist Theological Institute of Bucharest, Romania;

Timotheus Brethren Theological Institute of Bucharest, ROMANIA

Rev. Ciprian-Flavius TERINTE, Ph.D

Associate Professor, Pentecostal Theological Institute of Bucharest, ROMANIA

Cristian CARAMAN, Ph.D

Associate Professor, Timotheus Brethren Theological Institute of Bucharest, ROMANIA

Marian Gh. SIMION, Ph.D

Lecturer, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, United States of America; President Institute for Peace Studies in Eastern Christianity, Inc.; MA., UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

Fr. Cosmin Tudor CIOCAN, Ph.D

Lecturer, Ovidius University of Constanta, ROMANIA

Otilia MANTA, Ph.D

Centre for Financial and Monetary Research of the Romanian Academy – Victor Slăvescu; Lecturer,”ATHENAEUM” University of Bucharest, ROMANIA; Associate Professor, School of International University Studies, The Department of Agricultural, Food, Energy and Environmental Sciences (D.A.F.E.E.S.), Instituto di Ricerca di Dr. Arioli S.a.s., Turin, ITALY

Zenobia NICULIȚĂ, Ph.D

Lecturer, Adventus University, Cernica, ROMANIA

Rev. Mihai MALANCEA, Ph.D

Lecturer, Vice-Rector, „Divitia Gratiae” University, Chișinău, Republic of Moldova; University of Bucharest, Romania; Faculty, TCM International Institute, Wien, AUSTRIA

Zorica Aurica TRIFF, Ph.D

Lecturer, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, North University Center from Baia Mare, ROMANIA

Laurențiu TĂNASE, Ph.D

Lecturer, University of Bucharest, ROMANIA; ICCV- The Romanian Academy; former Secretary of State, Ministry of Culture and Religious Affairs - State Secretariat for Cults, Bucharest, ROMANIA

Rev. Daniel FODOREAN, Ph.D

Lecturer, Associate Dean, Distance Learning Education Baptist Theological Institute of Bucharest, ROMANIA; Adjunct Faculty, Titu Maiorescu University - School of Law, Bucharest, ROMANIA; Adjunct Faculty, Instructor of Theology, Liberty University, Virginia, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

Rev. Ioan BRIE, Ph.D

Lecturer, Rector, Pentecostal Theological Institute of Bucharest, ROMANIA


Senator, Romanian Parliament, Bucharest, ROMANIA

Fr. Marius NECHITA, Ph.D

Lecturer, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, North University Center from Baia Mare; Director, The Orthodox Theological Seminary “St. Joseph the Confessor”, Baia Mare, ROMANIA

Corina TURȘIE, Ph.D

Lecturer, Vest University of Timisoara, ROMANIA

Dumitru GOLDBACH, Ph.D

Lecturer,Valahia University of Târgoviște, ROMANIA

Rev. Imre TOKICS, Ph.D

Lecturer, Head of the Theological Studies - Old Testament, Hungarian Adventist Theological College, Pecel, HUNGARY

Rev. Eugen JUGARU, Ph.D

Lecturer, President of the Senate, Pentecostal Theological Institute of Bucharest, ROMANIA

Fr. Ionuț Adrian GHIBANU, Ph.D

Lecturer, Valahia University of Târgoviște, ROMANIA

Rev. Virgil PEICU, Ph.D

Lecturer, Adventus University, Cernica, ROMANIA

Rev. Arpad KOVACS, Ph.D

Lecturer, Adventist Theological College, Pecel, HUNGARY

Cristiana BUDAC, Ph.D

Lecturer, Vest University of Timisoara, ROMANIA

Gheorghe RADU, Ph.D

Lecturer, Dean Faculty of Economics, ”Athenaeum” University of Bucharest, ROMANIA

Dorin-Gheorghe TRIFF, Ph.D

Lecturer, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, North University Center from Baia Mare, ROMANIA

Alexandru BULEARCĂ, Ph.D

Lecturer,”Athenaeum” University of Bucharest, ROMANIA

Fr. Marian Robert PUIESCU, Ph.D

Lecturer, Valahia University of Târgoviște, ROMANIA

Rev. Elisei RUSU, Ph.D

Lecturer, Timotheus Brethren Theological Institute of Bucharest, ROMANIA; Romania Leadership Ministries, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

Rev. Daniel Adrian NEAGU, Ph.D

Editorial Director, „Life and Health” Publishing, Bucharest, ROMANIA

Fr. Daniel Gligore, Ph.D

Priest in the Archdiocese of Arges and Muscel, Curtea de Argeș, ROMANIA

Consuela WAGNER, Ph.D

Institut für Bildung und Persönlichkeitsförderung, Pfinztal, GERMANY

Mihai COVACI, Ph.D

Lecturer, Hyperion University from Bucharest, ROMANIA; Lecturer, Adventus University, Cernica, ROMANIA

Rev. Arthur WAGNER, Ph.D

Freikirche der Siebenten-Tag-Adventisten, Heidelberg, GERMANY

Mirela Beatris MUNTEANU, Ph.D

Lecturer, ‘Timotheus’ Brethren Theological Institute of Bucharest, ROMANIA

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