Educational Transactional Analysis Cover Image

Edukacyjna Analiza Transakcyjna
Educational Transactional Analysis

Publishing House: Uniwersytet Jana Długosza w Częstochowie
Subject(s): Social Sciences
Frequency: 1 issues
Print ISSN: 2299-7466
Status: Active

  • 2012
  • 2013
  • 2014
  • 2015
  • 2016
  • 2017
  • 2018
  • 2019
  • 2020
  • 2021
  • 2022
  • 2023
  • Issue No. 1
  • Issue No. 2
  • Issue No. 3
  • Issue No. 4
  • Issue No. 5
  • Issue No. 6
  • Issue No. 7
  • Issue No. 8
  • Issue No. 9
  • Issue No. 10
  • Issue No. 11
  • Issue No. 12
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  • Year: {{ issueInfo.Year }}
  • Volume: {{ issueInfo.Volume }}
  • Number: {{ issueInfo.IssueNo }}

Articles list
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Short Description

The Educational Transactional Analysis Journal is aimed at educators, teachers, psychologists and people dealing with transactional analysis in theory and in practice. It can also be treated as a source of inspiration for all those who begin their “adventure” with E. Berne’s concept, but have already noticed its potential. The first issue was published in 2012. The guiding principle for its editorial team was to create a journal embracing a wide range of perspectives offered by transactional analysis within the area of its theoretical framework and practical applications in education. Thus, the main objectives of the Journal is the exchange of ideas connected with: the possibilities of using TA concepts in the theory of education and upbringing using the concepts of educational transactional analysis in practical work with children, youth and adults the analysis of communication between a teacher and a student the significance of life script in the educational process the prevention of negative phenomena in the school environment through the interpretation of games and other issues linked with widely understood educational phenomena and inspirations. We would like to invite everybody who is interested in and involved with transactional analysis to contribute to our Journal, which is divided into the following sections: Inspirations for education, TA in education, On the border, From experience , Research reports, Varia, Reviews.

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