National political barometer Cover Image

Barometru politic național
National political barometer

March 15-20, 2019

Author(s): Bruno Stefan
Subject(s): Governance, Public Administration, Electoral systems, Applied Sociology, EU-Approach / EU-Accession / EU-Development
Published by: Biroul de Cercetări Sociale – BCS
Keywords: European elections;trust in political leaders;voting intentions;
Summary/Abstract: Survey conducted between March 15-20, 2019 on a national sample of 1144 people. He measured the intention to vote in the European elections, the attitude towards political parties, trust in the main political leaders, the degree of information about political games and events, the attitude towards the European Union, towards Romania’s foreign policy, towards doctrines and political values.

  • Page Count: 83
  • Publication Year: 2019
  • Language: Romanian
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