A REFERENDUM ON THE UNKNOWN TURK? Anatomy of an Austrian debate Cover Image

A REFERENDUM ON THE UNKNOWN TURK? Anatomy of an Austrian debate
A REFERENDUM ON THE UNKNOWN TURK? Anatomy of an Austrian debate

Author(s): Author Not Specified
Subject(s): Inter-Ethnic Relations, EU-Approach / EU-Accession / EU-Development, Identity of Collectives
Published by: ESI – European Stability Initiative
Keywords: Turkish EU-accession;
Summary/Abstract: Around the world, the quality press has been reporting for weeks on the run-up to theAustrian referendum on Turkish EU accession. In London, The Guardian writes: “In 1683, Turkey was the invader. In 2015, Austria still sees it that way.” A commentator in The Financial Times notes: “For many Austrians it is as though the Janissaries were even now aiming their cannon at the gates of Vienna.” The Austrian press (“Siege Mentality”, “The Return of the Turks”, “Bulwark Austria”) and the Turkish media (“The Walls of Vienna”, “Will Vienna fall?”) are awash with military metaphors. || There has never been any doubt about the outcome of the referendum. For more than a decade, Eurobarometer polls have recorded no more than 10 percent support among Austrians for Turkish accession. With the exception of the Green party, all political parties represented in parliament have campaigned for a ‘no’ vote. It is the inevitability of the result which fascinates some (and shocks others). Vienna 2015 will replace Vienna 1683 as a global metaphor for the eternal confrontation between Christian and Muslim Europe.

  • Page Count: 17
  • Publication Year: 2008
  • Language: English
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