BEYOND ENLARGEMENT FATIGUE? Part 1: The Dutch debate on Turkish accession
BEYOND ENLARGEMENT FATIGUE? Part 1: The Dutch debate on Turkish accession
Author(s): Author Not Specified
Subject(s): International relations/trade, EU-Approach / EU-Accession / EU-Development
Published by: ESI – European Stability Initiative
Keywords: EU enlargement; Turkish EU accession;
Summary/Abstract: Since the spring of 2005, when the proposed European Constitutional Treaty was rejected in referenda in France and the Netherlands, debate on the drawbacks of enlargement has gained in intensity. Senior politicians across Europe have called for a slow-down, freeze or even a permanent halt to enlargement.3 Voices opposing enlargement regularly make headlines, creating the impression that the future of enlargement is hanging in the balance. || Was 2005 a decisive break in a half century of European Union expansion, or just one of ist periodic episodes of gloom and self-doubt? Could enlargement fatigue become a self-fulfilling prophecy, slowing down reforms and spreading instability among the candidates? || To explore these questions, ESI is carrying out a series of studies on current debates on enlargement in key EU member states, entitled Beyond Enlargement Fatigue? The series begins with one of Turkey’s traditional supporters, the Netherlands, and examines how Dutch attitudes have developed since 1999. It will continue with studies of the enlargement debates in Austria, Germany, France and other EU members.
Series: ESI Reports
- Page Count: 30
- Publication Year: 2006
- Language: English
- Content File-PDF