№241. The EU’s Response to the Financial Crisis: A mid-term review Cover Image

№241. The EU’s Response to the Financial Crisis: A mid-term review
№241. The EU’s Response to the Financial Crisis: A mid-term review

Author(s): Karel Lannoo
Subject(s): Supranational / Global Economy, Governance, Economic policy, Political economy, EU-Approach / EU-Accession / EU-Development, Financial Markets
Published by: CEPS Centre for European Policy Studies
Keywords: EU; Financial crisis; ‘de Larosiere institutions’; European System of Financial Supervisors (ESFS); Financial market; G-20;
Summary/Abstract: Two years after the London G-20, the EU is making good progress towards delivering on the commitments it undertook to implement by the 2013 target date. Important steps have been taken on the institutional side, and regulatory changes are moving ahead. On some issues, such as remuneration, the EU has made even more pronounced headway than the US. But some sensitive matters remain, such as bank resolution and structural changes.

  • Page Count: 12
  • Publication Year: 2011
  • Language: English
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