Exploring the Preconditions of the Mobilization of Bias: Towards an organizational-based argument
Exploring the Preconditions of the Mobilization of Bias: Towards an organizational-based argument
Author(s): Dren Doli, Fisnik Korenica
Subject(s): Political Sciences, Governance, Government/Political systems
Published by: Group for Legal and Political Studies
Keywords: Mobilization of bias; Mobilization of bias exercising; Elitism; Pluralism; Organizational bases as preconditions for the mobilization of bias
Summary/Abstract: The mobilization of bias is considered a contemporary but also important political phenomenon in the democratizing world. This paper intends to find the organizational bases that precondition the mobilization of bias, having understood that the level of democracy inside a political society is the crucial determinant on the latter phenomenon. At the outset, this paper discusses the mobilization of bias phenomenon, by specifically being based in the Bachrach & Baratz scholarship, given the explanation of the tension between pluralism and elitism. Following that, the paper shows some of the instruments the elites use to mobilize the bias. Finally, in its body the paper builds a set of organizational / systemic bases which arguably precondition or give terrain to the mobilization-of-bias practice.
Series: Group for Legal and Political Studies - Academic Papers
- Page Count: 17
- Publication Year: 2009
- Language: English
- Content File-PDF