Discourses on the Notion of Sovereignty: Towards an Inclusive Modern Definition
Discourses on the Notion of Sovereignty: Towards an Inclusive Modern Definition
Author(s): Fisnik Korenica, Dren Doli
Subject(s): Governance, Government/Political systems
Published by: Group for Legal and Political Studies
Keywords: Sovereignty; Constrain of sovereignty; Loss of sovereignty; Domestic sovereignty; External sovereignty; Public International Law; Authority; Power; Territory; Sovereign;
Summary/Abstract: This paper follows the need for rethinking the notional context of sovereignty, not only from a modern perspective but also from an inclusive one. Thus the paper is aimed at discussing most of the definitional approaches used to describe the phenomenon of sovereignty, nevertheless contributing to an agreeable critique on most of them. While doing so, the paper per se does not intend to draw the modern concept of sovereignty, thus limiting its contribution on the lines that should be followed in order to reach the latter objective. As a result, the paper surveys some of the political philosophy contributions towards the theme, but it also underpins the political science’s modern involvement into the explanations upon the notion of sovereignty. Following that, the paper shows contributions towards a modern constructed sovereignty concept, where many dimensions of the latter show synchrony between themselves.
Series: Group for Legal and Political Studies - Academic Papers
- Page Count: 19
- Publication Year: 2009
- Language: English
- Content File-PDF