2011 CSO Sustainability Index - Albania
2011 CSO Sustainability Index - Albania
Author(s): Author Not Specified
Subject(s): Civil Society, Government/Political systems, Politics and society
Published by: IDM – Instituti për Demokraci dhe Ndërmjetësim
Keywords: The Civil Society Organization (CSO); Financial Viability; Civil Society; Infrastructure
Summary/Abstract: CSOs in 2011 found it almost impossible to successfully influence decision makers. Even though CSOs have called on political parties to engage in constructive dialogue, progress has generally only been made following international pressure. In November 2011, after strong pressure from the EU, the United States, and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, the two major polit-ical parties agreed to resume dialogue on key reforms urged by the European Commission’s Opinion on Albania’s EU Bid.
- Page Count: 8
- Publication Year: 2011
- Language: English
- Content File-PDF