Pages from the Romanian Military Thinking. The Political-Strategic Vision on (Northern) Dobrogea: 1878-1913 Cover Image

Pages from the Romanian Military Thinking. The Political-Strategic Vision on (Northern) Dobrogea: 1878-1913
Pages from the Romanian Military Thinking. The Political-Strategic Vision on (Northern) Dobrogea: 1878-1913

Author(s): George Ungureanu
Subject(s): Security and defense, Military policy
Published by: Centrul tehnic-editorial al armatei
Keywords: borders; internal vulnerabilities; external threats; projects; actions; evolutions;
Summary/Abstract: Starting from the complexity of the defence and national security field, this article, basedon Romanian, Western, Bulgarian and Turkish historiographical contributions, supplementedwith archival military documents, deals with the problem of defence of the right bank Danubeterritory obtained after the Berlin Congress (1878), until the incorporation of SouthernDobrogea (Quadrilateral) in 1913. This article briefly shows the initial Romanian views on theinclusion of Dobrogea, then the measures enforced by the authorities at two levels, namelythe political-diplomatic and military one, and the ethnopolitical one respectively, includingeconomic, social and cultural aspects. The conclusion is that the military measures takenled to limited achievements, mainly due to some objective reasons, but this situation wascounterbalanced by suitable political-diplomatic combinations and options and especially bythe remarkable result of the work aiming to enhance, modernise and colonise the territory.A decisive stage in this respect was that of 1890-1895.

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