«Quietness» and «silence» in B. L. Pasternakʼs poetry: linguistic aspect Cover Image

Образы «тишины» и «молчания» в поэзии Б. Л. Пастернака: лингвистический аспект
«Quietness» and «silence» in B. L. Pasternakʼs poetry: linguistic aspect

Author(s): Anna Vladimirovna Khiznichenko, Larisa Borisovna Kryukova
Subject(s): Poetry, Lexis, Semantics, Descriptive linguistics, Russian Literature, Stylistics
Published by: Masarykova univerzita nakladatelství
Keywords: linguistic analysis; perceptual semantics; «quietness»; «silence»;
Summary/Abstract: In the article linguistic means of verbalization of «quietness» and «silence» images and their role in a creation of the text are considered. Lexical and syntactic units with perceptual semantics represent author's world perception and allow to convey desirable impressions and senses brightly and precisely. The individual description of «quietness» and «silence» results from various semantic and syntactic transformations (for example, replacement of some lexical units in the phraseological locution, "threading" of cognate words, use of synonyms, etc.). Research of linguistic units with semantics of «quietness» and «silence» in stylistic aspect allows to say that the author uses such figures of speech as a metaphor, personification, a metonymy, contrast, an oxymoron, inversion. It is important that the personification of «silence» is directly connected with semantics of the movement. «Silence» is ubiquitous, it promotes enlightenment, provokes cogitative activity and imagination. Traditionally the silence is built in an associative array "dream" - "winter" - "death". The partial linguistic analysis of poems "Oath" and "Silence" confirms thought of the importance of the studied perceptual images in poetic creativity of B. Pasternak. In the first case, the poem is under construction by the principle of contrast from «loud sounding» (holiday) to «lack of sounding / deafness». In the second, on the contrary: from total absence of sounds to silent sounding and its strengthening (besides structural-semantic device of contrast syntactic reception of interchange is also used). Images of «quietness» and «silence» in B. Pasternak's poetry are semantically and structurally significant, and linguistic means of their representation need to be considered as specific characteristics of the author's individual style.

  • Page Range: 266-271
  • Page Count: 6
  • Publication Year: 2016
  • Language: Russian
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