Pesthy Ferenc (†1575 körül) felső-magyarországi jövedelemigazgató hivatalnoki pályafutása a Magyar Kamara kötelékében
The Career of Ferenc Pesthy as Royal Estate Administrator of Upper Hungary in the Royal Chamber
Author(s): Ágnes Póka
Subject(s): 16th Century
Published by: Erdélyi Múzeum-Egyesület
Keywords: Pesthy Ferenc; bibliography;
Summary/Abstract: This paper treats the career of Ferenc Pesthy in the Royal Chamber, detailing his responsibilities too. Pesthy offered his services to the Habsburg king Ferdinand in early 1552, immediately after the murder of George Martinuzzi. Ferdinand entrusted him the office of the tax collector (dicator) of the county Bihar and from 1553 that of the mustramester. From 1557 on he served as the coadiutor, i.e. assistant, of the royal estate manager of Upper Hungary, Zsigmond Torda, whom he followed in the position. The paper details the range of tasks performed by Ferenc Pesthy in his various offices, which, besides collecting the royal revenues, included recruiting subordinate administrative personnel, informing the monarch about the political and military actions, and contributing to the administration of the counties.
Book: Hivatalnok értelmiség a kora újkori Erdélyben
- Page Range: 125-147
- Page Count: 23
- Publication Year: 2017
- Language: Hungarian
- Content File-PDF