The Green Deal and the labour market
environment: The future of work
in new sustainable economies Cover Image

The Green Deal and the labour market environment: The future of work in new sustainable economies
The Green Deal and the labour market environment: The future of work in new sustainable economies

Author(s): Adina-Ioana Hoza
Subject(s): Environmental Geography
Published by: Presa Universitara Clujeana
Keywords: European Green Deal; climate change; sustainable economy; labour market; green economy;
Summary/Abstract: At the policy level, the European Green Deal shall applybroadly; the objective of making Europe climate-neutral by 2050 is transformativeregarding the labour market. In this context, the paper aimsto delineate the spectrum of impacts the Green Deal would have on employmentin general while encompassing both challenges and opportunitiesfor the labour market within the EU. A green economy would spelldeep, indeed, structural changes. Traditional industries must transformcompletely as they become hugely reliant on fossil fuels, which suggestsjob displacement. Society will be able to meet such changes because theGreen Deal will open a new horizon for employment and innovative jobopportunities—such as in green energies, energy efficiencies, and sustainableagriculture. A key challenge among those identified is a skillsgap; some of them need the complementing of the workforce for newcompetencies in response to the green job requirements. This would callfor robust education and transformative training programs buttressedby the European Skills Agenda. A second significant challenge is regionaldisparities; some of the specific locations depending on traditionalindustries will experience marked severe changes. The Just TransitionMechanism is well-recognised as a critical instrument for addressingsuch discrepancies and offering financial and technical support to theregions and communities that are most affected.

  • Page Range: 249-264
  • Page Count: 15
  • Publication Year: 2024
  • Language: English
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