The Neptun Deep Project: A Catalist for the Redesign
of Regional Energy Security
The Neptun Deep Project: A Catalist for the Redesign
of Regional Energy Security
Author(s): Mihai Melintei
Subject(s): Environmental Geography
Published by: Presa Universitara Clujeana
Keywords: energy; energetic security; Neptun Deep; Romania; gas;
Summary/Abstract: Against the background of changes in the global securityarchitecture of the supply of energy resources and volatile changesin the natural gas market, the offshore sector in the Black Sea experienceda redesign regarding energy security. In the last ten years, theuse of natural gas has increased significantly, according to IEA data.Thus, the development of the Neptun Deep project becomes a necessaryvariable for strengthening the energy security of Romania andthe Southeastern Europe region, including achieving a sustainable andfair energy transition. The debate on the evolution of offshore activitiesin Romania is a topic of strategic importance for the state authorities,mainly due to the undeniable impact on Romania’s economy andenergy security, but also against the background of the complexity ofthe changes in the European energy market. Considering the significantpotential of the natural gas reserves, which could become commercialexploitations, large-scale investments will be made withinthis project in the coming years. For this reason, a more careful examinationand analysis is required of natural gas as a resource and theeconomic consolidation and industrial growth potential that theseinvestments can bring to Romania as a whole. Also, considering thatnatural gas is declared as a source of energy transition, according tothe UE advice, the Neptun Deep project can contribute to a sustainableand intelligent transition in Romania. Energy must, first and foremost,be safe. At the same time, there is no energy transition withoutinfrastructure and pragmatism. Thus, through the proposed article,an analysis is proposed regarding the new opportunities in the energysector, namely the Neptun Deep project, which can contribute toRomania’s economic and technological development and mitigate theimpact related to the energy transition.
Book: Green Deal Challenges for a Sustainable Future of the EU
- Page Range: 59-68
- Page Count: 10
- Publication Year: 2024
- Language: English
- Content File-PDF