Double-Edged Sword of Lapse of Arbitral Award as a Ground for Annulment Cover Image

Double-Edged Sword of Lapse of Arbitral Award as a Ground for Annulment
Double-Edged Sword of Lapse of Arbitral Award as a Ground for Annulment

Author(s): Sofia Cozac
Subject(s): Civil Law, Sociology of Law, Court case
Published by: ADJURIS – International Academic Publisher
Keywords: lapse of the arbitral award; arbitration; arbitration rules; Romanian Code of Civil Procedure; annulment of the arbitral award;
Summary/Abstract: Raising the exception of the lapse of the arbitral award (caducitate) in the arbitration proceedings has certain implications and effects. What expectations we should have when invoking the lapse of the arbitral award within the arbitration proceedings and how this can be successfully invoked in a claim to set aside an arbitral award, will be considered in the following article. Furthermore, the analysis of the relevant case law on the subject matter will help us understand this institution and to use it properly.

  • Page Range: 462-477
  • Page Count: 16
  • Publication Year: 2023
  • Language: English