The Panegyric for Michael and Gabriel by Clement of Ohrid within the Structure of the Kokalyane Miscellany from the Beginning of the 17th C. Cover Image
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Похвалното слово за архангелите Михаил и Гавриил от Климент Охридски в състава на Кокалянския сборник от началото на XVII в.
The Panegyric for Michael and Gabriel by Clement of Ohrid within the Structure of the Kokalyane Miscellany from the Beginning of the 17th C.

Author(s): Mariyana Tsibranska-Kostova
Subject(s): Language studies, Language and Literature Studies
Published by: Кирило-Методиевски научен център при Българска академия на науките
Summary/Abstract: The article deals with one of the most important copies of St. Clement of Ohrid’s Panegyric for the archangels Michael and Gabriel, hold in Bulgarian repositories. Its importance leans on the following features of the copy: closeness to the original, including the preservation of several grammatical archaisms; relatively small number of lexical variants, some of which have not been recorded in the St. Clements’s edited works. The copy ends with a still unidentified fragment using the key metaphor for Christ as the angel of the Great synod. That opens up the discussion where it could be taken from. The copy in the Kokalyane miscellany is the most complete in comparison to the other three texts gathered together to worship two calendar feasts – the Miracle of St. Michael at Chonae on the 6th of the September, and Synaxis of the holy Angels on the 8th of November. Practically, it is reproduced with minimal lapses, no purposeful shortening is observed. The copy reveals the ways of compiling the angelological content for the needs of the Christian homily in the temple, as well as the importance of the worship of the archangels Michael and Gabriel in the Sofia region during Ottoman rule.

  • Page Range: 714-728
  • Page Count: 15
  • Publication Year: 2018
  • Language: Bulgarian