Clement’s of Ohrid Rhetorical Works and the Chronicle Eulogies Dedicated to First Medieval Russian Christian Rulers Cover Image
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Ораторските образци на св. Климент Охридски и летописните похвали за първите староруски християнски владетели
Clement’s of Ohrid Rhetorical Works and the Chronicle Eulogies Dedicated to First Medieval Russian Christian Rulers

Author(s): Iliana Chekova
Subject(s): Language studies, Language and Literature Studies
Published by: Кирило-Методиевски научен център при Българска академия на науките
Summary/Abstract: The article is focused on the influence of the rhetorical style and models of the Clement`s sermons of medieval Bulgarian bookman St. Clement of Ohrid on the eulogies dedicated to first Christian rulers of Kievan Rus’ in the annals Povest vremennykh let (The Tale of Past Years, Primary Chronicle, Nesto’s Chronicle) at the beginning of 12th century – princes Оlga, Vladimir, Yaroslav, Boris and Gleb. The textual analysis, presented here, highlighted the linguistic and the stylistic closeness between the Eulogy to Olga of 969 and Festal Sermon on Assumption by Clement; between Eulogy to Vladimir from 1015 and Clement’s Didactic Sermon on an apostle and martyr; between Eulogy for Yaroslav and Vladimir from 1037 and Clement’s Eulogy for St. Cyril and St. Methodius; between Eulogy for Boris and Gleb from 1015 and Clement’s Eulogy for Demetrius, etc. We could add a new alleged source – Clement’s sermons to the list of sources that have served in the compilation of Povest vremennykh let. The observations presented here shed new light on the reception of Clement’s works in Kievan Rus’, and in a broader frame – on the role of his works as a building block of the literatures of Slavia Orthodoxa.

  • Page Range: 696-713
  • Page Count: 18
  • Publication Year: 2018
  • Language: Bulgarian