Grammatical Archaisms and Rear Words as Indicators for the Text Prototype (Unexplored Serbian transcript of Sermon about the birth of St. John the Baptist, considered to be a work of St. Clement of Ohrid) Cover Image
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Граматическите архаизми и редките думи като показател за първообраза на текст (Непроучен сръбски препис на Слово за Рождество на Йоан Предтеча, считано за вероятна творба на Климент Охридски)
Grammatical Archaisms and Rear Words as Indicators for the Text Prototype (Unexplored Serbian transcript of Sermon about the birth of St. John the Baptist, considered to be a work of St. Clement of Ohrid)

Author(s): Maria Spasova
Subject(s): Language studies, Language and Literature Studies
Published by: Кирило-Методиевски научен център при Българска академия на науките
Summary/Abstract: The paper analyzes the grammatical archaisms and rare words and hapaxes in the text of Sermon about the Birth of John the Baptist, whose authorship is ascribed to St. Clement of Ohrid. The text of the published copy F.I.n.46 from 12th c. (Kliment Ohridski. Collected Works. Vol. 2) is being compared in advance with Serbian copies ZIIIc19, 14th c., and NIM24, the middle of the 14th c., and the results of the conducted research are being analyzed on grammatical and lexical levels. The rare words and the hapaxes are compared to works with ascertained authorship of Clement, to the lexical fund of the classical Old Bulgarian written canon and Old Bulgarian original and translated works, contemporaneous to Sermon for the Birth of John the Baptist, but preserved in late copies. The facts are undisputable: the sermon does not belong to Clement of Ohrid. All the peculiarities that are important for the attribution of the authorship of the Sermon point to the idiolect of John the Exarch and to a peculiar arch of texts emerged in the Pliska-Preslav literary region.

  • Page Range: 525-555
  • Page Count: 31
  • Publication Year: 2018
  • Language: Bulgarian