St. Clement of Ohrid’s Biblical Theology Cover Image
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Библиското богословие на свети Климент Охридски
St. Clement of Ohrid’s Biblical Theology

Author(s): Ratomir Grozdanoski
Subject(s): Language studies, Language and Literature Studies
Published by: Кирило-Методиевски научен център при Българска академия на науките
Summary/Abstract: This study reveals St. Clement’s personality founded on faith, the Bible and theology. The core of his life and his person is God’s revelation: the Holy Scripture and the Holy Tradition. Those are the foundations on which he builds his life as a student, clarifies the purpose of man’s existence when he is a teacher, and then, being an arch-pastor, reveals the secrets of eternity through his activities and abundant writings, directing people to the true path towards the ultimate goal – salvation. In all of that, he didn’t use only his word, but also God’s Word – the Bible. He participated in its translation into Old Church Slavonic, and then he set it up as a feature of the Ohrid University (of course, the word university is not intended here in its modern sense): a University with a Biblical world-view, and he also put it as a foundation of his literary works – prose and poetic: hagiographic, rhetorical and hymnographic. His hagiographies breath with the Bible. His hymnographies sing biblically. His sermons teach and speak biblically. And the whole of St. Clement’s biblical theology is not only parlance, but also living according to the Bible. St. Clement is completely dedicated to serving God’s Word through exegesis, preaching, writing, telling and showing by his personal example. That’s what holiness is like, and that’s why he’s a holy man.

  • Page Range: 490-504
  • Page Count: 15
  • Publication Year: 2018
  • Language: Macedonian