The Slavonic Sourses About Cyril and Methodius and Their Disciples – Chronology, Links, Dependences Cover Image
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Славянските извори за Кирил и Методий и техните ученици – хронология, връзки, зависимости
The Slavonic Sourses About Cyril and Methodius and Their Disciples – Chronology, Links, Dependences

Author(s): Boyka Mircheva
Subject(s): Language studies, Language and Literature Studies
Published by: Кирило-Методиевски научен център при Българска академия на науките
Summary/Abstract: The present study aims at arranging the Slavonic sources on the basis of their chronology and dependences among them found by different scholars and at presenting them in a genealogical scheme based on studies made so far. The Slavonic Cyrillo-Methodian sources are arranged in such a way as to evolve a scheme of links and dependences among the separate works while at same time taking account also of the supposed works that have not come down to use. This scheme should include also the foreign-language sources that have influenced the Slavonic ones. Some of them have been translated in full and have taken their places among the Slavonic sources. The map that emerges will be remade into an interactive kind as each of the sources will have a link leading to the copies of the work and from each copy it will be possible by means of links to obtain data about: a digital copy of the copy (if that would possible), editions and studies, which if possible will be presented in the internet in full.

  • Page Range: 313-332
  • Page Count: 20
  • Publication Year: 2018
  • Language: Bulgarian