The Orations of St. Clement of Ochrid in the Panegyric from the 12th C. Cover Image
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Словата на св. Климент Охридски в Тържественик от XII в.
The Orations of St. Clement of Ochrid in the Panegyric from the 12th C.

Author(s): Elka Mircheva
Subject(s): Language studies, Language and Literature Studies
Published by: Кирило-Методиевски научен център при Българска академия на науките
Summary/Abstract: In her latest works research worker Todorka Georgieva has made the supposition that above orations are a work written by St. Clement of Ochrid. The article discusses the hypothesis concerning the authorship of the Oration on Nativity of Christ available in the Panegyric from the 12th C. The latter is in Ms F.п.I.46 in the Russian National Library. A collation with a text from Byzantine literature, a text given in Patrologia Graeca, shows that the text of the Orations is a translation. The copies, redactions, and contaminations that have been preserved show that it is one of cases of multiple translations in Old Bulgarian literature. They have been made independently of one another in literary centers linked with the Preslav Literary School.

  • Page Range: 196-208
  • Page Count: 13
  • Publication Year: 2018
  • Language: Bulgarian