Impact of Climate Change on The Arctic
Impact of Climate Change on The Arctic
Author(s): Rabia Kalfaoğlu
Subject(s): Energy and Environmental Studies, Environmental and Energy policy
Published by: Transnational Press London
Keywords: Impact; Climate; Change; Arctic; region;
Summary/Abstract: The Arctic region covers approximately 6% of the Earth’s surface. Geographically, about 33% of the region consists of landmass, with the remaining half divided between the Arctic Ocean, including continental shelves shallower than 500 meters (1,640 feet), and the other half comprising oceanic waters deeper than 500 meters. The Arctic region is experiencing one of the most significant impacts of global climate change. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), this polar region, located above the Earth’s northernmost latitude 66°33’N, is considered an area where climate change is primarily looming.
Book: Arctic 8 Policy: Reassessing International Relations
- Page Range: 89-107
- Page Count: 19
- Publication Year: 2024
- Language: English
- Content File-PDF