Migration Processes and Risks on Inter-ethnic Relations in Bulgaria Cover Image

Миграционни процеси и рискове за междуетническите отношения в България
Migration Processes and Risks on Inter-ethnic Relations in Bulgaria

Author(s): Anna Ivanova Mantarova
Subject(s): Security and defense, Migration Studies, Inter-Ethnic Relations
Published by: Висше училище по сигурност и икономика (ВУСИ)
Keywords: risks; cross-border migration; national security; attitudes and reactions towards immigrants
Summary/Abstract: The article discusses a particularly important problem in today's conditions of political and economic instability and military conflicts – the impact of contemporary migration processes on inter-ethnic relations. Statistical information was used, as well as data from nationally representative empirical sociological surveys. The two migration streams that have the potential to influence inter-ethnic relations in Bulgaria are outlined – that of illegal migrants from the Middle East and Africa and the other one of Bulgarian citizens – ethnic Turks, who emigrated several decades ago to Turkey and their descendants. The attitudes of the local population towards immigrants and potential risks of a negative impact on ethnic and interreligious relations are outlined.

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