Media Characters and Plots of the Transition and Their Transposition into Tabloid Literary Forms Cover Image

Медийни образи и сюжети на прехода и преносите им в таблоидни литературни формати
Media Characters and Plots of the Transition and Their Transposition into Tabloid Literary Forms

Author(s): Totka Monova
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Communication studies
Published by: Софийски университет »Св. Климент Охридски«
Keywords: media; Transition; media formats and stereotypes; media narratives; media plots; media heroes; tabloid – tabloid formats; tabloid literature
Summary/Abstract: The classic media discourse is increasingly being transformed into a specific media narrative, thus radically changing the communicative situation and reception. Literature is becoming more and more documentary, confessional and autobiographic, while the media content is filled exclusively with accounts of a feature, hypertext and storytelling type. The present article focuses on the tabloidization of the media as a result of their integration into a specific corporate industry and on the transposition of the plots and characters thus created into the field of literature. For its part, the literal transfer of these characters and content and their saturation of the literary field results in the tabloidization of at least a part of it. The authors of such “novels” claim to be creating a vast picture of the Bulgarian Transition by using typically literary means. In fact, however, what they do is simply transposing some durable media formats, stereotypes and personages into literary forms.