The impact of demographic processes on the contraction of labour resources in Poland Cover Image
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Wpływ procesów demograficznych na kurczenie się zasobów pracy w Polsce
The impact of demographic processes on the contraction of labour resources in Poland

Author(s): Anna Organiściak-Krzykowska
Subject(s): Sociology
Published by: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Keywords: labour resources; demography; ageing
Summary/Abstract: The chapter is an attempt to determine the role of demographic changes in shaping labour resources in Poland. The essence of these changes is related to the demographic processes of ageing observed in the country. This phenomenon is the result of an increase in the average life expectancy, a decrease in the fertility rate of women and migration. As a result of these processes, labour resources are shrinking and the share of older people in the population is increasing. The consequence of the intensification of these processes is an increase in the burden on the economically active population, which is a threat to the social security system.

  • Page Range: 103-118
  • Page Count: 16
  • Publication Year: 2023
  • Language: Polish