Creation and protection of jobs in the policy of public employment services Cover Image
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Tworzenie i ochrona miejsc pracy w polityce publicznych służb zatrudnienia
Creation and protection of jobs in the policy of public employment services

Author(s): Ewa Flaszyńska
Subject(s): Sociology
Published by: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Keywords: jobs; public employment services; labour market; labour offices; employment
Summary/Abstract: There are a number of instruments and institutions that support economic development and operate at national, regional and local levels. Many of them are related and cooperate with one another. It would seem that public employment services do not create jobs, and their main task is to reduce the effects of long-term unemployment through various programmes and to support the process of professional reintegration. However, labour offices carry out activities supporting entrepreneurs in creating new jobs, combining them with the implementation of statutory activities addressed to the unemployed. What is also worth emphasising, labour offices passed the test that was the COVID-19 pandemic, being an integral part of the system supporting the protection of existing jobs. The aim of the article is to analyse the policy of public employment services in terms of creating and protecting jobs.

  • Page Range: 87-102
  • Page Count: 16
  • Publication Year: 2023
  • Language: Polish