Interdependencies in indicators characterizing mental qualities and tactical actions in attack of students playing basketball Cover Image

Взаимозависимости при показателите, характеризиращи психическите качества и тактическите действия в нападение на студенти, спортуващи баскетбол
Interdependencies in indicators characterizing mental qualities and tactical actions in attack of students playing basketball

Author(s): Ilko Iliev
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Education, Sociology, Sports Studies
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: Interdependencies; mental qualities; tactical actions; students; basketball
Summary/Abstract: The purpose of the research is to establish the strength and nature of the relationships between the indicators determining the mental qualities and tactical actions in attack of students playing basketball. The present research was conducted in 2016. To establish the level of tactical actions, testing was carried out in laboratory conditions of a total of 10 indicators. Pedagogical observation and recording of game actions from video recording of basketball meetings are applied.