Европейският съюз след 2020 г. – нова Европа в нов свят
EU Post 2020 – New Europe in a New World
Reports from the Sixth International Scientific Conference of the European Studies Department, Faculty of Philosophy at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence
Contributor(s): Ingrid Shikova (Editor), Kaloyan Simeonov (Editor), Mirela Veleva (Editor), Jovan Andonovski (Editor), Gergana Radoykova (Editor), Miruna Andreea Balosin (Editor), Penka Hristova (Translator), Hristina Yotova (Translator)
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Anthropology, Social Sciences, Economy, Education, Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, National Economy, Supranational / Global Economy, Political Theory, International relations/trade, Politics and society, Culture and social structure , Higher Education , EU-Approach / EU-Accession / EU-Development, Fiscal Politics / Budgeting, Socio-Economic Research, EU-Legislation, Politics and Identity
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: European Integration; European Union; European Union Development; EU Economy; EU Politics; EU Integration
Summary/Abstract: This book presents reports from „EU Post 2020 – New Europe in a New World“, Sixth International Scientific Conference of the European Studies Department, Faculty of Philosophy at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence. The conference was held in May 2019 with the support of Hanns Seidel Foundation and Erasmus+ programme.
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-954-07-4751-4
- Page Count: 432
- Publication Year: 2019
- Language: English, Bulgarian
After the Election – Before the New Start. The European Union in Transition
After the Election – Before the New Start. The European Union in Transition
(After the Election – Before the New Start. The European Union in Transition)
- Author(s):Eckart D. Stratenschulte
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, EU-Approach / EU-Accession / EU-Development
- Page Range:15-25
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:European Parliament; Elections; Members of Parliament; European Politics
- Summary/Abstract:Report by Prof. Dr. Eckart D. Stratenschulte Chairman of the Executive board of the German National Foundation, on the outcomes of the recent European Parliament elections.
Между „мъдреца на сцената“ и „режисьора в залата“ – съчетанието на традиционните и иновативните методи в преподаването на европейски изследвания
Между „мъдреца на сцената“ и „режисьора в залата“ – съчетанието на традиционните и иновативните методи в преподаването на европейски изследвания
(Between the ‘Wise Men on the Stage’ and the ‘Director in the Hall’ - Combination of Traditional and Innovative Methods in Teaching European Studies)
- Author(s):Ingrid Shikova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Higher Education
- Page Range:26-41
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:European Studies; Education; Teaching Methodology; Active Learning; Simulation Games
- Summary/Abstract:The article addresses issues related to teaching methods, active learning, the role of the university lecturer. The application of the tools for active learning in the field of European studies such as simulation games, project-based learning and problem solving, distance and blended learning is reviewed in this paper.
Участие на гражданските организации в процеса на преподаване на Европа
Участие на гражданските организации в процеса на преподаване на Европа
(Civil Society Organizations Participation in the Teaching Process of Europe)
- Author(s):Teodora Kaleynska
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Higher Education
- Page Range:42-53
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Civil Organizations; Teaching Europe; Non-formal Education; Thematic Areas
- Summary/Abstract:This article reviews the participation of non-governmental organizations in the process of teaching Europe, which has been ongoing since the beginning of the Bulgarian democratic transformation in 1989. Non-formal education is considered as a field of work of the Bulgarian non-governmental organizations. Teaching of Europe is represented through the main specifics of the educational work in the sector, mainly in the field of education for democracy and democratic governance, human rights education and basic freedoms, education for the development of the professional role of those teaching Europe.
The New European Dimension of Teaching. The Role of European Studies
The New European Dimension of Teaching. The Role of European Studies
(The New European Dimension of Teaching. The Role of European Studies)
- Author(s):Miruna Andreea Balosin
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Higher Education
- Page Range:54-62
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Common Values; European Studies; European Union Studies; European Education Area
- Summary/Abstract:Teaching European studies, from the universities’ standpoint, is to modify their syllabuses to include EU law in their law courses, EU common policies and project management in their economics and the process of European construction in their history courses, as well as to dedicate more time to research on EU affairs. European Education projects represent the best way to promote European integration at the EU and non-EU level, having a large impact among the most important audiences: professors, students and researchers every year. A press release provided by the European Commission in September 2014 mentions that an European Union studies background can contribute to improving European governance and policymaking, leading to a simple conclusion that any modification to the Education and Training Policy could influence the approach towards European studies. According to the latest EU recommendations, teaching European studies under the safe form mentioned above, is no longer enough. The emphasis is on common values and European dimension of teaching at all levels. The proposal is to learn about Europe's common heritage and diversity, and getting a good understanding of the origins and functioning of the EU, in order to create and maintain a cohesive European society. The EU goes back to the origins of European studies and reminds the difference between European studies and European Union studies. The research methodology approach is qualitative, based on text analysis of present official EU documents, academic articles, and professional experience.
Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights – Legal Challenge for the European Union
Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights – Legal Challenge for the European Union
(Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights – Legal Challenge for the European Union)
- Author(s):Jovan Andonovski
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, EU-Legislation
- Page Range:63-73
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Artificial Intelligence; Human Rights; EU; Law
- Summary/Abstract:Artificial Intelligence is increasingly present in our lives, reflecting a growing tendency to turn for advice, or turn over decisions altogether. On the other hand, inviolability of human life is the central idea behind human rights. Artificial Intelligence generates some challenges for human rights. The European Union acts as a passive observer in the new debate that is of great importance. Between the formal regulations and ‘ethics guidelines’ in the field of Artificial Intelligence, the EU has to make a decision and position itself. Argument against regulation of emerging technologies is the stifling of innovation. On the other side of this argument is the need to provide a framework within which citizens can be protected from threats to privacy, autonomy, well-being and other aspects of human rights that may be affected as technologies like artificial intelligence are increasingly incorporated into everything. Nevertheless, the EU has to adopt a legal frame that can be developed in the future, bearing in mind the benefits of the AI.
EU Against Fake News – The Need for Policy Action Countering Online Disinformation
EU Against Fake News – The Need for Policy Action Countering Online Disinformation
(EU Against Fake News – The Need for Policy Action Countering Online Disinformation)
- Author(s):Hristina Runcheva-Tasev, Milena Apostolovska-Stepanovska
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, EU-Legislation
- Page Range:74-89
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:Disinformation; Fake News; Media Policy; Media Literacy; Freedom of Expression
- Summary/Abstract:The EU is facing one of the major and evolving challenges of the digital era: the exposure of citizens to large-scale disinformation or fake news. This phenomenon has a bigger impact than ever, as everyone can easily post and share news online and social media contribute towards effortless speeding up the spread of news. This may negatively influence the democratic processes and societal debates. Comprehensive policy response ahead of European Parliament elections is necessary to avoid the risks of integrity of information and to the integrity of elections. The paper argues that the policy initiatives of the European Commission have a significant impact, but a coordinated, joint and sustainable action is needed for a comprehensive response to the evolving online news market. The paper identifies the various actors involved in the dissemination of disinformation and it addresses the possible policy actions at the EU level. It refers to the legal basis for possible policy measures to counter disinformation operations, where the right to freedom of expression must be balanced with the right to be properly informed. The authors recommend actions based on: i) media policy based on media pluralism and diversity of sources; ii) media education and media literacy on citizens’ empowerment; and iii) promotion of responsible informing behavior.
Regulating Hate Speech in Europe: Promoting Tolerance in Diverse Societies
Regulating Hate Speech in Europe: Promoting Tolerance in Diverse Societies
(Regulating Hate Speech in Europe: Promoting Tolerance in Diverse Societies)
- Author(s):Ljubinka Andonovska
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, EU-Legislation
- Page Range:90-103
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:EU; Hate Speech; Fundamental Human Rights
- Summary/Abstract:A long-standing global economic downturn, supplemented by a massive migration movement towards Europe and the promulgation of online media, has brought to the surface a growing concern for the old issue of hate speech. It is the purpose of this paper to analyze the efforts of the European Union to regulate the dissemination of hate speech as regards the right to freedom of expression and the right to equality, with a focus on regulating traditional and new media, including social media, which are seen as enablers of hate speech. In addition to mere regulation, the prevention of incitement to violence or hatred, and of public provocation to commit a terrorist offence, are fields where the European Commission has been experimenting with soft measures in partnership with the key players from the private sector.
Идва ли краят на популистката вълна в ЕС?
Идва ли краят на популистката вълна в ЕС?
(Is the end of the populist wave in the EU coming?)
- Author(s):Dimitar Pehlivanov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Government/Political systems
- Page Range:104-113
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:European Union; European Parliament; Populism; Elections
- Summary/Abstract:The forthcoming elections to the European Parliament are extremely important considering the timing and current state of the European Union. The mandate of the outgoing parliament has witnessed many trends that make it increasingly difficult to govern the Union.
Демократични инструменти на ЕС след 2020: възможно ли е преодоляване на дефицита на легитимност?
Демократични инструменти на ЕС след 2020: възможно ли е преодоляване на дефицита на легитимност?
(EU Democratic Instruments After 2020: Is It Possible to Overcome the Legitimacy Deficit?)
- Author(s):Linka Toneva-Metodieva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Political Theory, Politics and society
- Page Range:114-127
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:EU; European Union; Democratic Deficit; Legitimacy; Lobbying; Civic Initiatives
- Summary/Abstract:This article reviews the main theories of the EU's democratic legitimacy: 1) those focusing on deficits "at the entrance" of the political process (transparency, open access, participation, public debate, accountability) and 2) those focusing on deficits "at the exit” (effective policies, maintaining sustainable growth of socio-economic development). On this basis, the text proposes an overview of two present tools on EU-level for accountability and citizen participation in decision-making - the Transparency Register and the European Citizens' Initiative, in the context of recent regulatory and functional changes. The report concludes on the potential of these two instruments (and similar ones) to build on the democratic legitimacy of the EU and to be the basis for developing policies that will gain the trust of European citizens.
Диалогът с гражданите за бъдещето на Европейския съюз – резултати и въпросителни
Диалогът с гражданите за бъдещето на Европейския съюз – резултати и въпросителни
(Dialogue with Citizens on the Future of the European Union - Results and Questions)
- Author(s):Gergana Radoykova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, EU-Approach / EU-Accession / EU-Development
- Page Range:128-136
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:European Union; White Paper; European Commission; Citizens; Consultations; Dialogues
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of this report is to assess the results of the ambitious initiative for dialogue with the European citizens in the light of the debate on the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the EU and the key elections to the European Parliament.
The EU’s Enlargement Fifteen Years Ago and Now: Declining Credibility and Positive Dynamics?
The EU’s Enlargement Fifteen Years Ago and Now: Declining Credibility and Positive Dynamics?
(The EU’s Enlargement Fifteen Years Ago and Now: Declining Credibility and Positive Dynamics?)
- Author(s):Antoaneta Dimitrova
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, EU-Approach / EU-Accession / EU-Development
- Page Range:137-154
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:EU; Enlargement; Integration; Bulgaria
- Summary/Abstract:I would like to start by congratulating the Department of European Studies of Sofia University with its twentieth anniversary and its contribution to the development of European studies in Bulgaria and even more so to the development of a European Bulgaria. Professor Shikova, its founder and driving force, has been involved with Bulgaria’s bid to join the EU from its very beginning and has helped many of us understand the process better and launch research into European Union policies and institutions. This is a great moment to thank her in person and acknowledge her great contribution.
Разширяването на Европейския съюз в геополитически контекст
Разширяването на Европейския съюз в геополитически контекст
(The European Union Enlargement in a Geopolitical Context)
- Author(s):Sonia Hinkova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, EU-Approach / EU-Accession / EU-Development
- Page Range:155-166
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:EU Enlargement; Geopolitics; Reforms; Turkey; Western Balkans; Post-Soviet Space
- Summary/Abstract:This article analyses the geopolitical dimensions of the EU enlargement. Various factors and processes are studied through the theory of international relations while applying the systematic approach. As per this approach the structure of the modern international environment and its transition towards polycentrism is examined in this paper.
Perspectives of the European Enlargement Process – Between Reform and Crisis
Perspectives of the European Enlargement Process – Between Reform and Crisis
(Perspectives of the European Enlargement Process – Between Reform and Crisis)
- Author(s):Andrej Lepavcov
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, EU-Approach / EU-Accession / EU-Development
- Page Range:167-174
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Enlargement; Western Balkans; European Union; Reforms
- Summary/Abstract:The European Union has gone through several crises in the past decade, which showed the divides and the need for reforms. The enlargement process did not stop, but is slowed due to the level of preparedness of the Western Balkans counties and the lack of consensus between the EU Member States. Additional concerns are present due to the different views of the largest members stated and their calls for a multi-speed Europe. The space for enlargement which would be left for the new EU Commission is getting narrow, in times where the EU elections and Brexit are raising tensions and uncertainty. What should be the answer of the Western Balkans countries?
Евразийският икономически съюз – конкуренция на Европейския съюз в района на Източното партньорство
Евразийският икономически съюз – конкуренция на Европейския съюз в района на Източното партньорство
(Eurasian Economic Union - Competition for the European Union in the Eastern Partnership Region)
- Author(s):Marieta Rabohchiyska
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, EU-Approach / EU-Accession / EU-Development
- Page Range:175-188
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:EU; Eurasian Union; Eastern Partnership; Competition; Cooperation
- Summary/Abstract:Following the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, Russia was intensively seeking ways to reunite the newly independent republics. Six of them (Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Moldova and Belarus) are part of the Eastern Partnership initiative launched by the European Union in 2009 in the broader context of its neighbourhood policy. President Putin's ambition to reintegrate part of the post-Soviet space is reflected in the Eurasian Economic Union (EES), established in January 2015, a new form of economic cooperation between Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan modelled on the European Union with the aim of establishing Eurasian internal market. Or perhaps it is an attempt of Eurasian integration and even its deepening?
Brexit Metaphors: Understanding Britain’s Relationship with Europe Through Mental Shortcuts
Brexit Metaphors: Understanding Britain’s Relationship with Europe Through Mental Shortcuts
(Brexit Metaphors: Understanding Britain’s Relationship with Europe Through Mental Shortcuts)
- Author(s):Georgi Iliev
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, EU-Approach / EU-Accession / EU-Development
- Page Range:189-200
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Brexit; Metaphors; EU; Referendum
- Summary/Abstract:Between 2017 and 2019, the author has created over 400 original metaphors to describe various aspects of the UK-EU relationship and the Brexit process. These topics are explored in 161 published blog articles on www.BrexitMetaphors. blogspot.com, which cover several broad themes: economic, political, historical, geographical and socio-cultural. In the present paper, the meaning of the metaphors is elaborated in brackets where it is not obvious. Metaphors are exceptionally useful both to illustrate to an audience (explain and help to understand) and to influence an audience (consciously and unconsciously). “The metaphor is perhaps one of man's most fruitful potentialities. Its efficacy verges on magic…”, said Ortega y Gasset. It is a thinking tool, along the lines of the definition of philosopher Daniel Dennett: “You cannot do much carpentry with your bare hands and you cannot do much thinking with your bare brain.” Thus, the metaphor is a useful mental model, a mental shortcut. At the same time, the burden of proof in designing a metaphor is low as any claims for similarities are alluded to, rather than stated outright, and the degree of parallelism may vary significantly. Therefore, it is often applied as a powerful tool of manipulation, e.g. in the articles of British Brexiteer politician Boris Johnson in The Sunday Times.
Съвременни предизвикателства пред европейския социален модел
Съвременни предизвикателства пред европейския социален модел
(Contemporary Challenges to the European Social Model)
- Author(s):Monika Moraliyska
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:201-216
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:Social Model; Social Policy; European Union
- Summary/Abstract:This report presents the nature and varieties of the European social model, its advantages and disadvantages. Main challenges for its current and short-term future development are analysed. Some views on prospective development of the European integration in the social dimensions are outlined. The research is conducted through deduction and induction, comparative analysis, statistical approach.
Economic Performance of North Macedonian Economy and the EU Integration Challenges
Economic Performance of North Macedonian Economy and the EU Integration Challenges
(Economic Performance of North Macedonian Economy and the EU Integration Challenges)
- Author(s):Darko Lazarov, Trajko Slaveski
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Economy, National Economy
- Page Range:217-227
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Economic Growth; North Macedonian Economy; EU Integration Process; Export Competitiveness
- Summary/Abstract:We investigate the performance of North Macedonian economy in terms of its capacity for acceleration of the real convergence process toward the EU living standards. The holistic growth diagnostic approach is used in order to analyze the country’s growth performance by investigating the current growth model and to identify the main source and the most binding constraint. The results show that the average growth rate of North Macedonian economy in the last two decades is relatively lower than the other countries in the region, which delayed the process of convergence of the country to the level of living standards of the EU Member States. One of the reasons is the lower economic integration of a country with the advanced EU countries in terms of trade integration (the export demand from EU and other countries) and financial integration (FDI inflows and the foreign capital share in the domestic banking sector). There have been expectations that the accession of the country into NATO and its integration in the EU processes will automatically increase the FDI inflows and the trade integration of the country. However, this claim has not been supported by any objective evidence. It is true that the EU and NATO accession may contribute to the acceleration of the country’s development process, but how that process will impact the national economy to a large extent depends on its government capacity to implement structural reforms, its ability to strengthen its institutional capacity, and its ability to design economic and industrial policies most conducive to improve its export competitiveness as a fundamental factor for sustainable economic growth for a small open economy.
Overcoming Bilateral Disputes as Part of the EU Accession Process
Overcoming Bilateral Disputes as Part of the EU Accession Process
(Overcoming Bilateral Disputes as Part of the EU Accession Process)
- Author(s):Vasko Naumovski
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, EU-Approach / EU-Accession / EU-Development
- Page Range:228-239
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:EU; North Macedonia; Accession; Bilateral; Disputes
- Summary/Abstract:Bilateral disputes have presented a significant obstacle for EU enlargement, especially in the region of South-Eastern Europe. The disputes between Slovenia and Croatia, Macedonia and Greece, Turkey and Greece/Cyprus demonstrated the need for a more cohesive approach in order to avoid situations where bilateral issues could pose a threat to the enlargement policy. Moreover, future enlargement rounds may be endangered by additional disputes – Croatia and Serbia, Serbia and Kosovo, Albania and Serbia, etc. Historical, cultural and political issues often favour national interests, while the common European interest remains neglected. The idea for a “Europe whole, free and at peace” can be realized only with the necessary political will and courage, strong determination for completion of the European project, and continuous commitment to the process that has brought benefits to millions of European – the enlargement. Instead of maintaining the fear of “importing conflicts”, the EU is the most appropriate actor that can contribute to solve them, using all the tools available in the accession process. Lessons learned, existing challenges, as well as potential outcomes are analyzed in this paper.
The Challenges of Secularism and European Integration (The North Macedonian Case)
The Challenges of Secularism and European Integration (The North Macedonian Case)
(The Challenges of Secularism and European Integration (The North Macedonian Case))
- Author(s):Aleksandar Spasenovski
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, EU-Approach / EU-Accession / EU-Development
- Page Range:240-250
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:North Macedonia; Secularism; European Integration
- Summary/Abstract:The separation of the Socialist Republic of Macedonia from the Socialist Federative Republic of Yugoslavia happened in the light of the major tectonic movements in the former European socialist/communist countries in the last decades of the 20th century, as a result of series internal political, economic and social conditions and circumstances. With regard to the SFRY, these processes brought to the surface some conservative myths of constituent nations, which in the process of transition of the constitutional and political systems have built, on the foundation of these premises, new top priorities – national states with a democratic order, free and competitive entrepreneurship, market economy and commerce, political and social pluralism in accordance with the standards of the developed west-European democracies. Having in mind the opposing constitutional concepts, the one that was falling apart vis-à-vis the one that was to be created, and under the pressure from major global trends, the process of a forceful collapse of the former Yugoslavia was initiated, which resulted in the formation of today's Macedonia as a sovereign, independent and democratic country which stood for full observing of the common democratic principles of the international law contained in the UN acts, as well as in the documents of the other international, European and regional organizations. By installing the new constitutional, legal and political order, Macedonia was to respond to the challenges of the new age.
Еврото в Европа и по света – 20 години по-късно
Еврото в Европа и по света – 20 години по-късно
(Euro in Europe and around the world - 20 years later)
- Author(s):Kaloyan Simeonov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Supranational / Global Economy
- Page Range:251-265
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:Euro; Economic and Monetary Union
- Summary/Abstract:The euro was created 20 years ago. Two decades is not a quite long period, nevertheless, it provides us enough opportunities to draw conclusions on common currency importance in Europe and across the globe. The euro is associated with new benefits for governments, businesses and households from the EU member states. It became the second most important and the second most commonly used currency in the world, and its significance for Bulgaria, rest of the Central and Eastern European countries as well as those in the Western Balkans is indisputable. Nevertheless, major challenges remain ahead of the euro. The EU's economic and monetary union is just not yet complete, furthermore the euro is still not widely used not only outside Europe, but even within Europe for transactions in the energy and transport sectors. That is why the prospects to the euro are for even more intense development.
The Multiannual Financial Framework and the Future of the European Union
The Multiannual Financial Framework and the Future of the European Union
(The Multiannual Financial Framework and the Future of the European Union)
- Author(s):Dencho Georgiev
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Fiscal Politics / Budgeting
- Page Range:266-279
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:Multiannual Financial Framework; EU Solidarity; Rule оf Law; Cohesion Policy; Progressive Taxation
- Summary/Abstract:This paper will look at the proposed Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) for 2021-2027 and will explore how to achieve a better future for Europe through compliance with legally binding values and objectives of the EU: democracy, equality, the rule of law, economic, social and territorial cohesion and solidarity between the Member States. It is suggested that by introducing progressivity, a reform of the EU’s finances, involving a change of paradigm in the financing of policies with redistributive effects, and a reform of the system of the EU’s own resources could ensure that solidarity becomes a matter of the rule of law and not of arbitrary governance.
Засилването на протекционистичните тенденции: потенциалните ефекти върху държавите членки на Европейския съюз
Засилването на протекционистичните тенденции: потенциалните ефекти върху държавите членки на Европейския съюз
(Strengthening of Protectionist Tendencies: Potential Effects on Member States of the European Union)
- Author(s):Iskra Hristova-Balkanska
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, International relations/trade
- Page Range:280-298
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:European Union; Financial Crisis; Trade; Protectionism; Technologies
- Summary/Abstract:Reduction of fees, increase of the quality-to-price ratio of the international transport and especially deepening of the information and telecommunication connections contribute to the changes in the manner in which the international trade and investment transactions are conducted. The development of the international trade in the post-crisis period differs significantly from that in the pre-crisis period. The economic and financial environment is uncertain.
Challenges to the Enhancement of the Efficiency of the Protection and Fight Against Fraud with the EU Funds – Bulgaria’s Experience Since 2007
Challenges to the Enhancement of the Efficiency of the Protection and Fight Against Fraud with the EU Funds – Bulgaria’s Experience Since 2007
(Challenges to the Enhancement of the Efficiency of the Protection and Fight Against Fraud with the EU Funds – Bulgaria’s Experience Since 2007)
- Author(s):Tatiana Hubenova
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Fiscal Politics / Budgeting, EU-Legislation
- Page Range:299-312
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:Financial Control and Management System; Prevention; Detection and Fight Against Fraud and Irregularities; EU Law
- Summary/Abstract:The goal of the paper is to discuss the improvement of the prevention, detection and fight against irregularities and fraud with European and own budget funds in Bulgaria during the first decade of Bulgaria’s EU membership. The focus is on increasing the institutional capacity of the financial control and management system for the achievement of a higher degree of prevention or in case of irregularities and fraud – the recovery of unduly spent funds from the general budget of the European Union and the Central Republican Budget of Bulgaria. Based on the identified problematic areas and risks, the paper discusses the challenges to attaining the strategic objectives that have been set in the National Strategy for Prevention and Fight against Irregularities and Fraud, affecting the financial interest of the European Union for the period 2014 – 2020.
Казусът Брекзит: възможни сценарии
Казусът Брекзит: възможни сценарии
(The Brexit Case: Possible Scenarios)
- Author(s):Svetla Boneva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, EU-Approach / EU-Accession / EU-Development
- Page Range:313-338
- No. of Pages:26
- Keywords:Brexit; Withdrawal Negotiations between the UK and the EU; Withdrawal Agreement; Possible Scenarios
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of this article is to outline possible scenarios for the UK's withdrawal from the EU, as well as their most likely political and economic implications for the country. The research methods used in the analysis include elements of the historical-logical method and content analysis. An a posteriori research approach is utilized, and in its essence the research has a conceptual characteristic. The results of the study represent an analysis of the relations between the European Union and the United Kingdom in the context of Brexit. The course of the unprecedented, tedious, but undoubtedly interesting from an analytical point of view, withdrawal negotiations between the United Kingdom and the EU is outlined. The study concludes that 60 years after the ratification of the Treaties of Rome, the time came when the first countries wishing to leave the Union are emerging. Until the adoption of the Withdrawal Agreement (11 March 2019 in Strasbourg), it could be claimed that the negotiating teams are working together. After 11 March 2019, the ball is in the UK’s court. Brexit process has stalled on the side of its initiator.
Правни аспекти на закрилата на морските интереси на Европейския съюз
Правни аспекти на закрилата на морските интереси на Европейския съюз
(Legal Aspects of the Maritime Interests Protection of the European Union)
- Author(s):Vanya Hristova Stamatova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, EU-Legislation, Maritime Law
- Page Range:339-350
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:European Union; Maritime Interests; Maritime Security
- Summary/Abstract:This report examines the legal aspects of the protection of the European Union's maritime interests in the context of European integration, highlighting that peace and security in the maritime space could only be achieved through the utilization of pan-European measures.
Общо културно наследство – повече приобщаваща Европа
Общо културно наследство – повече приобщаваща Европа
(Common Cultural Heritage - More Inclusive Europe)
- Author(s):Ivan Kabakov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Politics and Identity
- Page Range:351-364
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:EU; Culture; European Identity; European Culture; Cultural Heritage
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of this report is to present the significance and the aspects of the common cultural heritage for Europe. Author discusses the cultural heritage as a factor in the unification outlining its relevancy and basis in the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. Furthermore, different levels of cultural heritage are presented as well as EU’s areas of competency. Author concludes that Europe is strong with its shared values and common heritage, thus, the emerging concerns over Europe’s identity shall be resolved to take successful policy actions in the external to the EU environment.
Culture and EU’s Sustainability
Culture and EU’s Sustainability
(Culture and EU’s Sustainability)
- Author(s):Wang Xiaohai
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, EU-Approach / EU-Accession / EU-Development
- Page Range:365-374
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Culture; Sustainability; Crisis; EU; European Integration
- Summary/Abstract:The EU now is indulged in a multitude of challenges and crises. Member States such as France, Germany and Italy are suffering from their internal problems, e.g., immigration, failure in general election, financial problems and so forth. The sustainability of the EU is at stake. It is believed by many scholars that the European integration is a multi-dimensional process, involving economic, political, social and cultural dimensions. A “culturally deficit project of integration” is fragile. This paper probes into the role of culture played in the process of European integration and the importance of culture in the context of the current crises faced by the EU. To keep the EU sustainable, culture should not be ignored because culture is the ‘glue’ that joints the Member States together and the ‘lubricant’ that keeps the European integration moving forward smoothly.
To Have or to be Tracing European Heritage – The Permeation of Cultures
To Have or to be Tracing European Heritage – The Permeation of Cultures
(To Have or to be Tracing European Heritage – The Permeation of Cultures)
- Author(s):Slavenko Grgurević
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Anthropology, Social Sciences, Culture and social structure
- Page Range:375-383
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Europe; Culture; Diversity; Heritage; Future
- Summary/Abstract:On the verge of the third millennium, the all encompassing diversity and hyperconnectivity which unconditionally surpass standard forms and hierarchical structures are the main characteristics of a changing world. That which has been created through centuries is becoming the collective heritage of humankind thanks to the transference of inventions, ideas, information, products and technology from one civilization to another. The subsistence of humankind asks the question “to have or to be”, a note for everyone who searches for the truth and the meaning of existence in their individual choices or collective predication. That is in the essence of the creation and development of the European idea, its identity and continuity. The dominant values of the European culture have never been of sole significance. Instead, both those values and their counterparts are significant. The encounter, fruitful for diversification, antagonisms, competition and complements, is important for the creation and development of the European culture. Its essence is in dialogues and critical rationality contrary to taboos and imposed solutions. That’s not Eurocentrism, but the opulence of diversity which is in the essence of the individual’s spirit and fate. That is where the strength, sustainability and universality of the European idea lie.
The Future of European Languages in Australia
The Future of European Languages in Australia
(The Future of European Languages in Australia)
- Author(s):Alice Chik
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Foreign languages learning
- Page Range:384-394
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Multilingualism; Migration Policy; Multiculturalism; Languages Education; Australia
- Summary/Abstract:Australia is a migrant country, with the arrival of Anglo-European migrants dating from the 18th century. Up to the 1980s, Australian migration was Anglo- and Euro-centric. The change in Australia’s immigration policy over the last thirty years from a focus on family reunion to skills-based migration has resulted in the intake of a much more diverse migration population. The fastest growing demographic groups are of Asian heritage. Migrants bring languages. Though Australia does not have an official language policy, English is the common language. This paper examines the changes in Australia’s immigration policy and population to reflect on the future of European languages. Using Greater Sydney as a case study, this paper discusses how the changes in population have impacted languages education and public language service provision. Also discussed is where European languages are situated in a fast-changing Australia.
Европа между визионерските проекти и съвременната политическа реалност
Европа между визионерските проекти и съвременната политическа реалност
(Europe Between Visionary Projects and Contemporary Political Reality)
- Author(s):Emilia Georgieva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, EU-Approach / EU-Accession / EU-Development
- Page Range:395-407
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Europe; European Union; Visionary Projects; France; Germany
- Summary/Abstract:The report provides a detailed retrospective of visionary projects for Europe/EU in the period from the Middle Ages to present. Within two relatively differential parts – prior to and after the establishment of the European Communities/European Union, different points of view on the European unity have found a place, united under the motto "Europe is Europe's last chance". The second part especially focuses on Maastricht Europe, as well as on France’s and Germany’s common ambition for the European project, namely: "a democratic, sovereign and united Europe, competitive Europe, Europe that is a fundament for prosperity and protects its economy, its social model, and its cultural diversity. "
Europe of Nations vs Europe of the Europeans
Europe of Nations vs Europe of the Europeans
(Europe of Nations vs Europe of the Europeans)
- Author(s):Lyubomir Stefanov
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics and society
- Page Range:408-417
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Europe; Nationalism; Populism; Neoliberalism; Neoconservatism
- Summary/Abstract:On the verge of the second decade of 21st century Europe looks less European and increasingly nationalist. There are plenty of reasons behind the remarkable march to power of the likes of Victor Orban in Hungary, Jarosław Kaczyński in Poland, Sebastian Kurz in Austria and Andrej Babis in the Czech Republic. Let’s not forget the role of Marine Le Pen in France, Nigel Farage in the UK and Carles Puigdemont in Catalonia, in Italy it is Cinque Stelle Movimento of Beppe Grilo and its current leader Luigi Di Maio and Liga Nord’s chief Matteo Salvini, without forgetting, of course, AfD in Germany. Regardless of the variety in the names included in this list, there are lot of common features for their rise to prominence, probably the most notable being the failure of the old liberal democratic elites to deliver on the new demands of the post-2008-economic crisis European societies. Just to mention a few of the others will mean to refer to the consequences of this failure, i.e. the phenomenon of state-capture, which resulted in the ascendance of extreme left and right political entities; the mishandling of the migrant crisis in the Mediterranean and Aegean seas that caused the outburst of nationalism and chauvinism across Europe, most notably Central and Eastern, and of course, the most troubling one – the rising insecurity among the European citizens about the capabilities of liberal democracy to prove its “only-game-in-town” status as a successful political formula.
Европейска идентичност и европейско общество: липсващата социална основа на европейския интеграционен проект
Европейска идентичност и европейско общество: липсващата социална основа на европейския интеграционен проект
(European Identity and European Society: Missing Social Fundament of the European Integration Project)
- Author(s):Plamen Ralchev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Politics and Identity
- Page Range:418-432
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:European Society; European Identity; Social Fundament for the European Integration
- Summary/Abstract:The logic of the European integration from the very beginning has been aimed at integration of the national markets and economies for several decades. This led to economic and political union, as well as economic and monetary union. With no dispute over the achievements or highlighting the challenges of all this, this report focuses attention on the missing or underestimated dimensions of the European integration, namely the social fundament of the integration.