Between feminist and green studies
Contributor(s): Goran Đurđević (Editor), Suzana Marjanić (Editor), Marina Veverec (Translator), Marta Huber (Translator), Jasna Čugura (Translator), Monika Marić (Translator), Monica M. Topalović (Translator), Mijo Župić (Translator)
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, History, Philosophy, Social Sciences, Language and Literature Studies, Economy, Gender Studies, Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Media studies, Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life, Agriculture, Energy and Environmental Studies, Studies of Literature, Ethics / Practical Philosophy, Aesthetics, Political Theory, Sociology, Gender history, Croatian Literature, Marxism, Environmental and Energy policy, Social Theory, Human Ecology, Environmental interactions, Book-Review, Film / Cinema / Cinematography, Theory of Literature, Politics and Identity
Published by: Durieux
Keywords: ecofeminism; spiritual ecofeminism; materialist ecofeminism; vegan ecofeminism; animal rights;
Summary/Abstract: Proceedings Ecofeminism: between women's and green studies, edited by Goran Đurđević and Suzana Marjanić (Durieux Publisher, Zagreb, 2020), consists of 40 texts from the humanities and social sciences (anthropology, journalism, political science, sociology, literary theory, science of education) and art (poetry and prose), written by 37 authors from Croatia, Australia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Italy, North Macedonia, Serbia, Slovenia, the United Kingdom and the United States. The starting point for edited book was workshop cycle on the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb organized with help of professor Drago Roksandić and there was created idea for book by Mirjana Grabovac, Karmen Ratković and Suzana Marjanić. Also, various colleagues such as Dražen Tončić and Mirta Maslać from Durieux, artist Kristina Pongrac and reviewers Ivica Bakota, Zlatko Bukač and Ana Stojanović have been an important part of this volume. The aims of the collection are to actualize ecofeminism and encourage critical reflection and analysis of long-term ecofeminism in Croatia and Southeast Europe; permeation of global and local approaches and knowledge transfer; openness to young authors. For these reasons, the book can be read on several levels: theoretical as a contribution to the knowledge of the theory of ecofeminism in the context of contemporary trends, socio-political as an analysis of social processes and structures, activist through the analytical perspective of activism of individual groups and actors in public, performative and political life. The final part of the volume are poems and this piece of book shows a holistic approach to ecofeminism and integration of scholarship, essays and art which is leading back to the roots and indigenous perspectives of life and community understood as integration.
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-953-188-489-1
- Page Count: 488
- Publication Year: 2020
- Language: Croatian
Održivost i duša
Održivost i duša
(Sustainability and the Soul)
- Author(s):Susan Griffin
- Contributor(s):Marina Veverec (Translator), Marta Huber (Translator)
- Language:Croatian
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Environmental and Energy policy, Human Ecology, Political Ecology, Environmental interactions
- Page Range:19-28
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Nature; Soul; Ecofeminism; Embodiment;
- Summary/Abstract:Autorica polazi od pojma prirode, njegovog korištenja u svakodnevnom, političkom i društvenom životu te analizira međusobna prožimanja prirode i ljudi. Osim na svakodnevnom polju, prožimanja se uočavaju kroz jezik, rituale, bliskosti. Kritizira racionalnu znanost koja je poslužila kao uvod u kolonijalizam, rasizam i opresiju nad prirodom.
- Price: 4.50 €
Ekofeminizam i feministička teorija
Ekofeminizam i feministička teorija
(Ecofeminism and Feminist Theory)
- Author(s):Carolyn Merchant
- Contributor(s):Jasna Čugura (Translator)
- Language:Croatian
- Subject(s):Gender Studies, Gender history, Social Theory, Human Ecology, Post-War period (1950 - 1989)
- Page Range:29-34
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Ecofeminism; Feminism; Ecology; Theory; Political direction;
- Summary/Abstract:Autorica donosi prikaz razvoja ekofeminizma kroz prizmu feminističke teorije, tematizirajući različite pravce feminizma I ekofeminizma (liberalni, radikalni, socijalistički, marksistički) te njihov suodnos s ekofeminizmom. Uočava kako različiti ekofeminizmi imaju dugoročno drugačije ciljeve, no kratkoročno su veoma bliski.
- Price: 4.50 €
Žene i priroda
Žene i priroda
(Women and nature)
- Author(s):Susan Griffin
- Contributor(s):Monika Marić (Translator), Monica M. Topalović (Translator)
- Language:Croatian
- Subject(s):Gender Studies, Gender history, Human Ecology, Environmental interactions
- Page Range:35-42
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:nature; women; ecofeminism; activism;
- Summary/Abstract:Autorica piše o složenom odnosu između roda (žena) i prirode (u najširem smislu te riječi obuhvaćajući sva živa bića) naglašavajući važnost povezivanja ovih tema. Ključna je postavka promjena paradigme promišljanja o rodnim i prirodnim (»okolišnim «) temama, što će dovesti do stvarnih praktičnih promjena. Time bi se redefinirale tradicionalne uloge žena, prirode I svega na što se odnosi termin Drugi.
- Price: 4.50 €
- Author(s):Ariel Salleh
- Contributor(s):Mijo Župić (Translator)
- Language:Croatian
- Subject(s):Gender Studies, Psychology, Epistemology, Marxism, Social Theory, Human Ecology, Political Ecology, Environmental interactions
- Page Range:43-59
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:Ecological humanistic scineces; Anthropocene; Theodor Adorno; Embodied materialism; Epistemology of care;
- Summary/Abstract:Ovaj esej nudi socijalističku feminističku postkolonijalnu interpretaciju pojma antropocen kakav se koristi u novijoj ekokritici. U osporavanju krutoga pozicioniranja čovječanstva nad Prirodom, rad se oslanja na marksističku psihoanalitičku teoriju ne–identiteta Theodora Adorna (1973) i Julije Kristeve (1973, 1977, 1978). Donoseći ekofeministički doprinos novom području ekoloških humanističkih znanosti, kritički se bavi perspektivom istaknutog američkog znanstvenika Timothyja Mortona (2012). Uz to, sugerira se da socijalistička feministička postkolonijalna politika ekofeminizma dovodi u pitanje neizbježnu univerzalnost antropocena, gradeći Zemljinu demokraciju (Earth Democracy) epistemologijama skrbi (epistemologies of care). Zaključeno je da razumijevanje pojma antropocen, fenomena koji je duboko rodan, zahtijeva više od razmišljanja u »dubinskom geološkom vremenu« (deep geological time). U konačnici, svaka ekološka svijest zahtijevat će sposobnost razmišljanja u »dubinskom libidinalnom vremenu« (deep libidinal time).
- Price: 5.00 €
Ekofeminizam — novi identitet žene
Ekofeminizam — novi identitet žene
(Ecofeminism — A new identity of women)
- Author(s):Branka Galić
- Language:Croatian
- Subject(s):Gender Studies, Gender history, Social Theory, Human Ecology, Political Ecology, Environmental interactions, Post-War period (1950 - 1989), Politics and Identity, Identity of Collectives
- Page Range:61-80
- No. of Pages:20
- Keywords:androcentrism; anthropocentrism; bioregionalism; deep ecology; ecocentric ecofeminism; ecofeminism; feminism; identity of master; liberal feminism; neofeminism; sex; sex identity; sex roles;
- Summary/Abstract:Although the »women’s issue« has been founded as a political issue several decades ago, along with the development of »new wave« feminism, or neo–feminism, that brought to changes in the approach within the whole series of social issues, only with the emergence of »the green movement« and forwarding of »green« issues as political »women issues« as well as environmental issues, have they assumed a new importance within ecofeminist alternative groups. Ecofeminism encompasses different approaches, from liberal to ecocentric ecofeminism groups. In the course of numerous discussions between ecofeminist and feminist groups and their standpoint, there are also other intrinsic environmental groups and their standpoints, from which most prominent group representing deep ecology viewpoints, with which ecofeminist orientations are frequently in disagreement. Regardless of, however, certain disagreements within certain ecofeminist groups and their approaches, some of which are even useless or derogatory for (eco)feminism, as well as conflicts with the deep ecology, from the standpoint of social ecology it is important to take into account and take into the consideration all these (eco) )feminist standpoints, because they direct us to the situation where we should move beyond faulty dualism of the opinion model that characterizes West social and philosophical tradition, and towards which women are inferior to men, nature towards culture, emotions towards reason and body towards mind, under the condition that we want to achieve environmentally harmonious living, integrating nature with culture into an organic eco–cultural whole.
- Price: 5.00 €
Socijalna perspektiva ekofeminizma
Socijalna perspektiva ekofeminizma
(Social perspective of ecofeminism)
- Author(s):Ivanka Buzov
- Language:Croatian
- Subject(s):Gender Studies, Ethics / Practical Philosophy, Human Ecology, Political Ecology, Environmental interactions, Social Norms / Social Control
- Page Range:81-100
- No. of Pages:20
- Keywords:dialectic naturalism; domination; ecofeminism; ecology; ethics; nature; social ecology; social ecofeminism; woman;
- Summary/Abstract:Thanks to the feminist movement, women’s civic activism within the environmental movement, and the development of the theoretical discourse of feminism, polyphony developed in relation to contemporary environmental problems, known as ecofeminism or environmental feminism. The ecofeminist ethics is promoted here, based on partnership in its nature, liberated from the dualism of Western intellectual thought and gender bias on woman and nature. The social ecofeminism puts the thesis on the connection between woman and nature in the context of socially constructed patriarchal society, oppression and domination over woman, reinforcing the feminist critique of the patriarchal society, social dominations and hierarchies. It also accepts the basic principle of social ecology according to which domination naturally comes out of man’s domination over man, thus being the primary goal in society. Social ecofeminism connects the domination of woman and nature with race and class domination, and supports a radical opposition to the existing social institutions founded in this domination system. The problem of human inequality and affirmation of social justice is now being regenerated through social drifts of ecofeminism that connects the vision of gender, class, race and liberation of all those who do not fit the common social normality norms with affirmation of degraded and inferior space of in human nature.
- Price: 5.00 €
Ekofeministička analiza vrijednosti i filozofija globanih ekosela: Jesu li žene sklonije kolektivizmu i antihijerarhiji nego muškarci?
Ekofeministička analiza vrijednosti i filozofija globanih ekosela: Jesu li žene sklonije kolektivizmu i antihijerarhiji nego muškarci?
(An ecofeminist analysis of values and philosophies of global eco–villages: Are women more inclined towards collectivism and anti–hierarchy than men?)
- Author(s):Martina Topić
- Language:Croatian
- Subject(s):Gender Studies, Management and complex organizations, Human Ecology, Environmental interactions
- Page Range:101-118
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:ecofeminism; collectivism; anti–hierarchy; eco– villages; the difference approach;
- Summary/Abstract:This paper analyses global eco–villages with a particular focus on leadership styles between men and women. Besides that, the paper analyses to what extent are women more inclined towards equality, anti–hierarchy and collectivism, in line with the values of ecofeminism. The paper is founded on constructivist epistemology and uses qualitative analysis of Internet pages of 10 eco–villages from India, USA, Germany, Australia, Portugal, Italy, Costa Rica, Sri Lanka, Peru and Scotland. The paper explores whether women founded eco–villages and if so, whether there are any differences in managing and leading between men and women, in line with the difference approach and values of ecofeminism (anti–hierarchy, equality and collectivism). The results show that out of 10 analysed villages, six were founded or co–founded by women, and there is a difference between leadership and managerial styles between women and men with the majority of ‘women’s’ eco–villages being founded on the values of ecofeminism. The results also show the necessity of anti–essentialist approach to ecofeminism since there are also villages in which women demonstrate values usually ascribed to men.
- Price: 5.00 €
Ekofeministički pragmatizam sestara osnivačica u sociologiji: izvor osnaživanja žena u akademiji i društvu
Ekofeministički pragmatizam sestara osnivačica u sociologiji: izvor osnaživanja žena u akademiji i društvu
(Eco–feminist pragmatism of sisters founders in sociology as a source of empowerment of women in academia and society)
- Author(s):Lejla Mušić
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):Gender Studies, Gender history, Pragmatism, History and theory of sociology, Social Theory, Human Ecology, 19th Century, Pre-WW I & WW I (1900 -1919), Interwar Period (1920 - 1939)
- Page Range:119-130
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:sisters of founder in sociology; eco feminist movement; gender–based subversion; academia; society;
- Summary/Abstract:The first philosopher Hypathia and her tragic death are less well known, and the Minoan Age of Crete Island management represents an egalitarian society in which women are equal to men. The eco– feminist movement was founded during radical and turbulent social changes in the early eighties. Due to the effects of wars, global environmental movements and minority rights movements have joined forces to create a significant subversion of patriarchal–based theory. The author and environmental pragmatist, leading sociologist Jane Adams, winner of the Nobel Prize, who received her doctoral degree at Yale University and organized the Hull House project to investigate the behavior of immigrants, influenced the eco feminist pragmatism of Charlotte P. Gilman and Caroline Bartlett Crane. This position is later found in the works of well–known neo eco feminists and sociologists. It is necessary to implement deconstruction and demystification of patriarchal approaches to society and education, in order to form a contemporary sociological theory, involving women as authors and their achievements.
- Price: 4.50 €
Ljudi i više–od–ljudskog svijeta: Politička solidarnost protiv ekosocijalne opresije
Ljudi i više–od–ljudskog svijeta: Politička solidarnost protiv ekosocijalne opresije
(Humans and the more–than–human world: Political solidarity against eco–social opression)
- Author(s):Tara Kalaputi
- Language:Croatian
- Subject(s):Gender Studies, Environmental and Energy policy, Human Ecology, Political Ecology, Environmental interactions, Post-War period (1950 - 1989)
- Page Range:131-144
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:environmentalism; political solidarity; social solidarity; more–than–human world; ecofeminism;
- Summary/Abstract:The mistreatment of the more–than–human world, that is–nature, has propelled the emergence of Environmentalism initially as a conceptual orientation offering ecological ideas of preservation and conservation of nature as central to the survival of the human species. Environmentalism since has evolved into different directions as a more integrated view of an existing interaction between nature, society and politics. This paper will therefore challenge the traditional stance that separated the natural from the socio–political systems. The aim is to stimulate further philosophical discourse on the current hesitation about the existence of a common political language between the humans and the more–than–human world. The method used therefore is review and critical analysis of both traditional and contemporary authors from different stages of Environmentalism, with special emphasis on Ecofeminist authors. Finally, the author of this paper offers a plausible solution to the current dilemma by claiming that there is a political solidarity with the more–than–human world when struggling against ecologically–opressive state of affairs.
- Price: 4.50 €
Publika portala ecofeminizam - najaktivnija na društvenim mežama
Publika portala ecofeminizam - najaktivnija na društvenim mežama
(The audience of the portal Ecofeminizam is most active on social networks)
- Author(s):Sandra Iršević
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Gender Studies, Human Ecology, Social Informatics, Environmental interactions, ICT Information and Communications Technologies
- Page Range:145-160
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:audience; ecofeminism; social networks; web 2.0, media;
- Summary/Abstract:In this paper I am analyzing the audience of the portal Ecofeminizam. I am suggesting that ecofeminism in Serbia can only »revive« with activism through new media and social networks, which can be noticed during the analysis of the portal Ecofeminizam. In the research I use the method of analyzing content, that is, the most interesting media content for direct visitors to the portal, as well as those who visit the website Ecofeminizam through social networks. The analysis also includes elements characteristic of Internet media such as multimedia or hypertextuality.
- Price: 5.00 €
A/simetrija životinja i žena: Ekofeministička perspektiva diskursa o placenti
A/simetrija životinja i žena: Ekofeministička perspektiva diskursa o placenti
(A/simmetry of animals and women: the ecofeminist perspective of discourses on placenta)
- Author(s):Neda Radulović
- Language:Croatian
- Subject(s):Gender Studies, Ethics / Practical Philosophy, Social Theory
- Page Range:161-178
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:placenta; placentophagia; ecofeminism; a/symmetry between women and animals; feminist–vegan theory;
- Summary/Abstract:The present paper offers an analysis of dominant and alternative narratives about placenta, and especially placentophagia. It will examine the cultural construction of disgust and ask why most people find the idea of eating their own placenta objectionable, whilst recognizing animal organs as gustative and healthy. The important hypothesis of this paper is that the dominant, patriarchal narratives construct placenta as abject and that the abjectification of placenta is based on the human/animal dichotomy. By looking at the changing attitudes to placenta in the context of birth culture until the 18th century, as well as contemporary (and contrasting) narratives about placenta, this paper offers ecofeminist, and feminist–vegan conceptualization of placentophagia. The ecofeminist perspective will shed light on placenta as a case study showing how patriarchal culture constructs narratives that represent women and animals in both symmetrical and asymmetrical ways. The asymmetrical treatment of women and animals, as the narratives about placenta will show, refers to the speciest privileging based on the in/exclusion from the category of human.
- Price: 5.00 €
Negativni učinci suvremenih prehrambenih trendova na pokret za prava životinja
Negativni učinci suvremenih prehrambenih trendova na pokret za prava životinja
(Negative impacts of contemporary dietary trends on the animal rights movement)
- Author(s):Diana Didulica
- Language:Croatian
- Subject(s):Gender Studies, Agriculture, Ethics / Practical Philosophy, Health and medicine and law, Human Ecology
- Page Range:179-198
- No. of Pages:20
- Keywords:clean–eating diet; veganism; nutrition; ecology; the role of women in veganism;
- Summary/Abstract:The essay is a critical text tackling the clean–eating diet popularity and its negative effect on the animal rights movement due to misinterpreting veganism as a health issue and hijacking of the term vegan in the plant–based diet. Different aspects of the plant–based diet are covered taking into account the global impact of both plant–based and meat diets on the environment and worker rights in the developing and the developed countries, the way the plant–based diet and veganism are often falsely depicted as elitist, hindering inclusiveness of marginalized groups, and the role of women in the animal rights movement.
- Price: 5.00 €
Radikalna empatija: feminizam, nejedenje mesa i aktivističke prakse
Radikalna empatija: feminizam, nejedenje mesa i aktivističke prakse
(Radical empathy: feminism, refusing to eat meat and activism)
- Author(s):Natalija Iva Stepanović
- Language:Croatian
- Subject(s):Gender Studies, Agriculture, Ethics / Practical Philosophy, Human Ecology
- Page Range:199-208
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:feminism; refusing to eat meat; politics; activism; ecofeminism;
- Summary/Abstract:I argue that refusing to eat meat is an act of compassion as well as feminist action. Even though connection between vegetarianism and femininity existed earlier, during romanticism and suffrage movement, the first consistent theory of feminist vegetarianism was The Sexual Politics of Meat written by Carol J. Adams in 1990. Adams claims that it is possible to connect our treatment of animals and our treatment of oppressed ethnic, racial and class groups and women in general with structure of absent referent. Absent referent transforms real experience of oppression into metaphor thus masking suffering. I suggest that ethic of care is feminist ethical paradigm which makes suffering visible and helps us rethink animal liberation. Second part of essay deals with activism in practice: its mainstream form (PETA’s sexist campaigns) and more radical circles. Both forms reproduce patriarchal power relationships either by treating women as objects or by marking them as sentimental or hysterical and trying to silence them.
- Price: 4.50 €
Ekofeminizam o »etici« medijski zataškane priče: utjecaj mesne i mliječne industrije na globalno zatopljenje
Ekofeminizam o »etici« medijski zataškane priče: utjecaj mesne i mliječne industrije na globalno zatopljenje
(Ecofeminism on the “ethics” of the media–obscured stories: Impact of meat and dairy industry on global warming)
- Author(s):Suzana Marjanić
- Language:Croatian
- Subject(s):Gender Studies, Media studies, Agriculture, Energy and Environmental Studies, Human Ecology, Environmental interactions
- Page Range:209-238
- No. of Pages:30
- Keywords:global warming; livestock breeding/ agriculture; media cover–ups; post–truth;
- Summary/Abstract:It is evident that the public media address the greenhouse effect exclusively as the issue of gaseous emissions and industrial pollution, while the influence of livestock farming on climate is sparsely addressed (cf. Holm, Jokkala 2008:9). Here I would like to mention that, as emphasized by PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals), that in his book, An Inconvenient Truth (2006), Al Gore still did not expound at any length on the fact that global warming is also caused by the meat industry, which is one of the major factors contributing to the environmental disaster (cf. “Clearing a Few Things up for Al Gore”, http). We can emphasise this dichotomic media image of the world with a quote from the “climate” book by Naomi Klein: “In December 2012, a complex system scientist Brad Werner walked up to the podium at the American Geophysics Union to present a paper. It was titled: Is the Earth Fucked? His answer was: Yeah, pretty much.”
- Price: 5.00 €
Od feminizma do specizma: kolaboracija kritičke animalistike i ekofeminizma
Od feminizma do specizma: kolaboracija kritičke animalistike i ekofeminizma
(From feminism to speciesism — a collaboration between critical animal studies and ecofeminism)
- Author(s):Mia Felić
- Language:Croatian
- Subject(s):Gender Studies, Agriculture, Ethics / Practical Philosophy, Human Ecology, Environmental interactions
- Page Range:239-254
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:critical animal studies; feminism; ecofeminism; anarchism;
- Summary/Abstract:Critical animal studies represent an autonomous interdisciplinary field which aims to explore human–animal relations through a combination of activism and scientific consideration. The uniqueness of this approach lies in exactly this treatment of the animal issue which is, at the same time, political and critical and is based primarily in the effort to denaturalize the oppression and violence committed against animals and to disprove fundamental conceptions of human–animal relations which have produced harmful deterministic dualisms in understanding the natural world, such as anthropocentrism and cartesianism. In their study of structural and social preconditions for inequality and oppression, approaches like critical animal studies, feminism, ecofeminism, environmentalism, racial and gender studies, (…) encounter many points of convergence from which to oppose the dominant discourse that produces otherness, at the same time complementing, reinforcing and building on each other in recognition of the universal character of their respective basic principles and the need for a more holistic approach which would enable these fields of study to transcend their individual limitations and blend into a single entity with a shared purpose and responsibility. This paper analyses the symbiotic connection between critical animal studies and ecofeminism and indicates to the potential of academic anarchism as a tool which opens up a space for discussion and recognition of the interdependence of animal, human and ecological issues as a response to the acute global ecological and human crisis.
- Price: 5.00 €
Pogled odozdo: Ekofeminizam u obrazovanju i odgoju
Pogled odozdo: Ekofeminizam u obrazovanju i odgoju
(Looking from below: Ecofeminism in education and upbringing)
- Author(s):Goran Đurđević
- Language:Croatian
- Subject(s):Gender Studies, Education, Human Ecology, Environmental interactions, Sociology of Education
- Page Range:255-261
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:ecofeminism; school subjects; education; schools; projects;
- Summary/Abstract:In the paper author shares various ideas and advices for using ecofeminist approaches from kindergarten to primary and secondary education and universities. The basic idea is link between ecofeminism and its values as nature protection, gender equality, critical thinking of capitalism, labor rights with education, school subjects, projects and problem — based learning. Ecofeminism should be included in different school subjects in technology, sciences, engineering and art because it is holistic and inclusive approach.
- Price: 4.50 €
Bilje, raslinje, ne–umlje: Lutonjica Toporko i devet župančića u optici ekofeminističkog novorođenja
Bilje, raslinje, ne–umlje: Lutonjica Toporko i devet župančića u optici ekofeminističkog novorođenja
(Plants, flora, non–reason: »Lutonjica Toporko and nine county ruler’s sons« through the optics of eco–feminist re–birth)
- Author(s):Lada Čale Feldman
- Language:Croatian
- Subject(s):Gender Studies, Ethics / Practical Philosophy, Comparative Study of Literature, Croatian Literature, French Literature, Human Ecology, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:263-284
- No. of Pages:22
- Keywords:fairy tales; Ivana Brlić–Mažuranić; child; eco–feminism; Luce Irigaray;
- Summary/Abstract:In an epoch in which life on earth is threatened by drastic outcomes of our neglect of the nature, it is worth reminding ourselves to what extent fairy tales as a genre can be considered a full–blown »ecologic niche of the culture« (cfr. Marjanic 2006). The same holds for the opus of Ivana Brlic–Mazuranic, although that aspect of her opus got somewhat scarce treatment. Her tale »Lutonjica Toporko and nine county ruler’s sons« was rarely interpreted, its ecological »message« mentioned only in passing remarks. This article draws attention to its unexplored archetypal bases, both in psychoanalytic and folkloristic perspective, and discusses its worth for eco–feminist ideas on civilizational re–birth that are nowadays promoted in the philosophical work of French philosopher Luce Irigaray.
- Price: 5.00 €
Ekofeministički pristup iskorištavanju kitova u Melvilleovu Mobyju Dicku
Ekofeministički pristup iskorištavanju kitova u Melvilleovu Mobyju Dicku
(An Ecofeminist Approach to Whale Consumption in Melville’s Moby Dick)
- Author(s):Sanja Kajinić
- Language:Croatian
- Subject(s):Gender Studies, Ethics / Practical Philosophy, Social history, Social Theory, Human Ecology, 19th Century, Theory of Literature, American Literature
- Page Range:285-306
- No. of Pages:22
- Keywords:Herman Melville; Moby Dick; ecofeminist theory; Carol J. Adams;
- Summary/Abstract:In this paper, I will approach the celebrated masterpiece of nineteenth century American literature — Melville’s Moby Dick using the critical concepts developed by feminist and vegetarian critics within ecofeminist theory. Thus, we will first look at the cultural production of the texts of meat, which are developed by emptying out of animal subjectivity and treating animals as referents absent from the sphere of human morality. Next, we will look at the background of the Nantucket society and whale fishing industry, and its role in strengthening the texts of meat embodied in whaling. Also, the romanticizing of violence and myth making connecting the whale men with the hunters and pioneers venerated in the myth of the American frontier are then examined. The factory function of the whale ship is analyzed in terms of industrialization encroaching upon the world of nature, and of treatment of animals as consumable commodities. Lastly, the concept of »Manifest Destiny« is read through the spectacles of extinction of whales and other species.
- Price: 5.00 €
(Ne)vidljivi okoliši: problem klimatske (ne)pravde u klimatskoj fikciji
(Ne)vidljivi okoliši: problem klimatske (ne)pravde u klimatskoj fikciji
((In)visible Environments: The problem of climate (in)justice in climate fiction)
- Author(s):Marijeta Bradić
- Language:Croatian
- Subject(s):Energy and Environmental Studies, Environmental and Energy policy, Human Ecology, Political Ecology, Environmental interactions, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:307-324
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:climate justice; climate fiction; environmental justice ecocriticism; slow violence; gender;
- Summary/Abstract:This paper addresses the problem of representation of climate change in literature, through the prism of environmental and climate justice as movements emerging from certain limitations of climate sciences that are approaching climate change from a political and ethical perspective. The movements of environmental and climate justice are based on the assumption that world’s most politically and economically powerful nations function in a way that enables them to maintain their own high consumption levels while shifting the ecological burdens onto less developed countries. In other words, those who contribute the least to the pollution of the environment will be affected the most by the ecological crisis. In the context of climate change, injustice is manifested within marginalised groups, including women who are particularly vulnerable to the consequences of environmental pollution and ecological catastrophes. Although these movements are politically oriented, they can also be seen as cultural movements focused on the questions of ideology and representation, as shown in contemporary literature and literary criticism (Sze 2002). In this sense, the common place in contemporary theory is that literary texts could be useful for establishing communication between climate science and general public (Ghosh 2016; Mehnert 2016; Trexler 2015). Following this assumption, the text will analyze Helen Simpsons’ Diary of an Interesting Year as an example of how contemporary literary production can effectively present abstract and hardly visible climate issues and thus contribute to climate justice discussions.
- Price: 5.00 €
Dekolonizacija pisanjem kroz metodološke leće Linde Tuhiwai Smith
Dekolonizacija pisanjem kroz metodološke leće Linde Tuhiwai Smith
(Decolonisation by writing — the methodology of Linda Tuhiwai Smith)
- Author(s):Dina Glavan
- Language:Croatian
- Subject(s):Gender Studies, Social history, Gender history, Comparative Study of Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:325-340
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:decolonization; postcolonialism; Dalit; female writing; Linda Tuhiwai Smith;
- Summary/Abstract:The subject of this paper is the concept of decolonization and its elaboration through the methodology of Linda Tuhiwai Smith. Smith quotes 25 »Indigenous Projects« as 25 different ways through which decolonization can be achieved. By placing the whole process somewhere between personal and political, the work of decolonization is approached through the display of postcolonial literature by choosing writing as the release medium. As demonstrated by the development of writing as a decolonizing tool of Dalit or »the untouchables« through the prism of the caste system of India, the paper shows the mapping of individual male and female voices that re–create their history and identity through short stories, poetry, novels, essays. In conclusion, the paper tries to give a feminist perspective of the subject by focusing on women’s writing.
- Price: 5.00 €
Filmske mačke: feministička kritika zoomorfizma na filmu
Filmske mačke: feministička kritika zoomorfizma na filmu
(Movie cats: a feminist critique of zoomorphism on film)
- Author(s):Petra Belc Krnjaić
- Language:Croatian
- Subject(s):Gender Studies, Film / Cinema / Cinematography, Sociology of Art
- Page Range:341-369
- No. of Pages:29
- Keywords:cats on fi lm; women and animals; sexism; witches; Catwoman;
- Summary/Abstract:Throughout the history of patriarchal culture women were often equated with animals, closely associated with nature and naturalized by applying animal names, among which cats hold a high position. During the Middle Ages in accordance with patriarchal tendencies of the Catholic Church, women’s sexuality was related to bestiality and cats as one of their intimate partners and witch helpers were demonized. In the context of film history the presence of cat imagery on film is as long as the gender asymmetry and patriarchal ideas of relating women to animals. Even the first cats recorded with a movie camera bore clearly delimited traditional gender roles. Cats on film are often used to accentuate character traits of the protagonists, but while they generally soften and ennoble male characters, they are used to accentuate female unpredictability, emotional instability and independence, and give women supernatural powers. This paper brings a brief historical overview of movie cats and women as seen through a feminist lens. It also aims at locating the points of continuity of these patriarchal mythic structures in contemporary film culture which help to shape popular beliefs and continue to perpetuate the myth of the special connection between cats and women.
- Price: 5.00 €
Problem (ne)dostupnosti vodnih resursa u savremenim kapitalističkim društvima iz ugla marksističkog ekofeminizma
Problem (ne)dostupnosti vodnih resursa u savremenim kapitalističkim društvima iz ugla marksističkog ekofeminizma
(The problem of (un)availability of water resources in contemporary capitalist societies from the perspective of marxist ecofeminism)
- Author(s):Andrija Golubović
- Language:Croatian
- Subject(s):Gender Studies, Energy and Environmental Studies, Marxism, Human Ecology, Political Ecology, Environmental interactions, Book-Review
- Page Range:371-378
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:marxism; ecofeminism; ecology; water resources; capitalism; river Thames;
- Summary/Abstract:Review of: Andrija Golubović - Pamela Odih, Watersheds in Marxist Ecofeminism. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 2014. 390 str
- Price: 4.50 €
Prisjećanje na Betonski potok Shai Zakai - Zašto nam treba i devetnaest godina nakon i o raspravi te interpretaciji univerzalnosti "oslobođenja od patrijarhata"
Prisjećanje na Betonski potok Shai Zakai - Zašto nam treba i devetnaest godina nakon i o raspravi te interpretaciji univerzalnosti "oslobođenja od patrijarhata"
(Remembering Concrete Creek of Shai Zakai — why do we need it after nineteen years and the debate and interpretation of universality and ‘liberation from patriarchy’)
- Author(s):Leopold Rupnik
- Language:Croatian
- Subject(s):Gender Studies, Marxism, Human Ecology, Environmental interactions, Transformation Period (1990 - 2010), Sociology of Art
- Page Range:379-384
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Shai Zakai; Concrete Creek; ecofeminism; queer; spirituality; marxism;
- Summary/Abstract:This work serves as a reminder and summary of the importance of the social resonance of Israeli artist Shai Zakai’s project Concrete Creek, which with its complexity shows remarkable interpretative possibilities of the project through the queer, spiritualistic and Marxist reading of ecofeminism.
- Price: 4.50 €
Estetski i ideološki aspekti lika vile u pripovijetkama Elina Pelina
Estetski i ideološki aspekti lika vile u pripovijetkama Elina Pelina
(Aesthetical and ideological aspects of fairy characters in novels by Elin Pelin)
- Author(s):Marijana Bijelić, Paula Ćaćić
- Language:Croatian
- Subject(s):Gender Studies, Aesthetics, Comparative Study of Literature, Bulgarian Literature, Human Ecology, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:385-394
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:cultural critic; (anti)modernism; ecofeminism; patriarchy; myth; female archetype; aesthetic;
- Summary/Abstract:Fairies are ambivalent (malignant–benevolent) mythological female creatures connected to nature. Their ambivalent character is connected to men’s ambivalent relationship toward nature, which is closely linked to female archetype. The paper deals with the ideological and aesthetical aspect of fairy–characters in two Pelin’s novels with the same title — Fairy — and their role in his conceptualization of the clash between culture and nature, and also the clash between rural and urban, which is closely connected to it.
- Price: 4.50 €
Identiteti feministkinje i aktivistkinje za prava životinja
Identiteti feministkinje i aktivistkinje za prava životinja
(Neither woman nor animal: identities of a feminist and an activist for animal rights)
- Author(s):Snježana Klopotan
- Language:Croatian
- Subject(s):Gender Studies, Ethics / Practical Philosophy, Gender history, Identity of Collectives
- Page Range:395-406
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:feminist; activist; animal rights;
- Summary/Abstract:Experience over several centuries of discrimination and exploitation led to consideration about the connection between female and animal issues, even before ecofeminist theory. The dominant patriarchal structure of the world reduced both women and animals to objects with little or no power at all, positioning women as the ones closer to nature and animals (what is non–human can be maltreated and abused). Feminists in the animal rights movement experience differently the involvement of women and women’s bodies in the fight for animal rights, thus showing that heterogeneousness in evaluation of the methods being used in the fight against oppression also exists within the same interest group. Whilst some think that animal liberation over female bodies is not justified and that such a practice dehumanizes women and encourages a misogynous view of them, others think that being involved in actions like Rather go naked than wear fur leads to re–evaluation of ethical and moral issues and enables engagement in more important and efficacious political action. The identities of animal rights activists are being formed through a polyphony of feminist voices, agreeing that the consistently raised issue of women rights in modern times also raises issues about animal rights.
- Price: 4.50 €
Jožica Čeh Steger: Ekokritika i ekofeminizam
Jožica Čeh Steger: Ekokritika i ekofeminizam
(Jožica Čeh Steger: Ecocriticism and ecofeminism)
- Author(s):Branislava Vičar
- Language:Croatian
- Subject(s):Gender Studies, Human Ecology, Environmental interactions, Book-Review
- Page Range:407-410
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:Jožica Čeh Steger; Ecocriticism; Ecofeminism;
- Summary/Abstract:Review of: Branislava Vičar - Jožica Čeh Steger: Ekokritika in literarne upodobitve narave. Maribor: Založba litera, 2015. str. 349
- Price: 4.50 €
Široko područje nepravde: Biti na strani malenih, malenih (drugih životinja)
Široko područje nepravde: Biti na strani malenih, malenih (drugih životinja)
(Wide area of injustice: To be on the side of the little ones, little (other animals))
- Author(s):Lidija Bernardić
- Language:Croatian
- Subject(s):Gender Studies, Ethics / Practical Philosophy, Social differentiation, Book-Review
- Page Range:411-414
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:Women; Animals; Social Injustice; Animal rights;
- Summary/Abstract:Review of: Lidija Bernardić - Sister Species: Women, Animals, and Social Injustice, ur. Lisa A. Kemmerer
- Price: 4.50 €
Mudrost tijela, moć prirode — valorizacija utišanih autoriteta
Mudrost tijela, moć prirode — valorizacija utišanih autoriteta
(The wisdom of body, the power of nature)
- Author(s):Jana Ažić
- Language:Croatian
- Subject(s):Gender Studies, Epistemology
- Page Range:415-422
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:domination; nature; science; authority; epistemology; patriarchy; Mary Belenky; Blythe Clinchy McVicker; Nancy Goldberger; Jill Tarule; Women’s Ways of Knowing; Christiane Northrup;
- Summary/Abstract:The paper seeks to rethink essentialist ecofeminism in the relation of women and nature in contrast to the exploitative patriarchal science. Drawing parallel to body and nature, the paper discusses the idea of inner change and acceptance of the body wisdom, resulting in wider changes. The patriarchal power has controlled and appointed the truths of androcentric history. In addition to the classic dualistic position, the paper offers the idea of a so–called androgyne epistemology, which therefore implies questioning the previous methods of knowledge. The papper questions the autarchy of external authority simultaneously questioning the value of the inner voice as a form of the specifically female epistemology. How has it been silenced? Should it be respected within the existing value–objective systems?
- Price: 4.50 €
Žene koje su oblikovale wiccu — put iz knjige prema prirodi
Žene koje su oblikovale wiccu — put iz knjige prema prirodi
(Women which created Wicca — journey from books to nature)
- Author(s):Sonja Miličević Vukelić
- Language:Croatian
- Subject(s):Gender Studies, Cultural history, Customs / Folklore, Gender history, Human Ecology, Environmental interactions, 19th Century, Post-War period (1950 - 1989), Theory of Literature
- Page Range:423-434
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Wicca; witch; witchcraft; Dianic cult; M. Murray; D. Valiente; G. B. Gardner; witch–cult; ritual; ceremony; coven; taboo; feminism; ecofeminism;
- Summary/Abstract:During the 19th century a new idea of a different belief system began to take root. The formation of this system took place with the help of a more serious approach to the treasure of folk traditions, skills, knowledge and practice. However, the system was also modernized by occultism, following contemporary culture and society, and very soon became adaptable to changes in the world. The name for both the system of faith and the members of that system is Wicca and it functions according to the vertical system. The aspiration is to grow upwards, towards the spiritual experience of the divine in and out of oneself. This movement is based on the philosophy of the religions of nature, folklore and mythology, adding the experience of the ancient, the arrangement of the occult, and the need to create a relationship with the modern world. The system is linked to the Code — set out in the Wiccan’s Rede (basic Wiccan ethical rules), and The Thirteen Principles of Wiccan Belief adopted in April 1974. In the Principles, in points 1., 2., and 13., they emphasize intellectual responsibility towards the environment, harmony of life with nature and ecological balance, and that within the Nature we should look for everything that contributes to our health and well–being.
- Price: 4.50 €
Ekofeminističko čitanje poezije Kamale Das
Ekofeminističko čitanje poezije Kamale Das
(Ecofeminist poetry reading from Kamala Das)
- Author(s):Mirela Ribičić
- Language:Croatian
- Subject(s):Gender Studies, Other Language Literature, Human Ecology, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:435-443
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Kamala Das; Indian poet; Ecofeminist poetry;
- Summary/Abstract:Ekofeminizam kao pokret svoj nastanak duguje kako feminizmu tako I sve raširenijem zanimanju za zaštitu okoliša, tzv. ekologizmu, a zasniva se na razmišljanju o podudarnosti između središnjih teza ekologizma i feminizma, odnosno suprotstavljanju dominaciji nad prirodom i dominaciji nad ženama. Ekofeminizam se kao pokret razlikuje od drugih feminizama time što naglašava potrebu za o uvanjem prirode (okoliša, ako primjenjujemo antropocentri an termin) kao temelja feministi ke koncepcije svijeta, ali i time što uporište pronalazi u svojevrsnoj revitalizaciji kulta Majke Zemlje (Gea).
- Price: 4.50 €
Poezija - Mirjana Miljković
Poezija - Mirjana Miljković
(Poetry - Mirjana Miljković)
- Author(s):Mirjana Miljković
- Language:Croatian
- Subject(s):Poetry, Croatian Literature
- Page Range:445-452
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Mirjana Miljković; Croatian poetry;
- Summary/Abstract:Collection of poems by Mirjana Miljković ("Entropija"; "Feminizam"; "Genetski modificiran organizam"; "Klasa A"; "Loza"; "Utekla sam"; "Odrana"; "Odrastnici"; "Pjesnikinja s posebnima potrebama"; "Polje moći"; "Svuci se, Sestro Evina"; "Drugarice nisu posustale"; "Izložba"; "Ona ima okruglo oko ribe"; "Kolodvor"; "T")
- Price: 4.50 €
Poezija - Monika Herceg
Poezija - Monika Herceg
(Poetry - Monika Herceg)
- Author(s):Monika Herceg
- Language:Croatian
- Subject(s):Poetry, Croatian Literature
- Page Range:453-459
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Monika Herceg; Croatian poetry;
- Summary/Abstract:Collection of poetry by Monika Herceg ("Marijin monolog za veneru tijekom nebeske kave"; "Tijelo"; "Kvantna pepeljuga"; "Ana Magaš useljava u zvijezdu nakon ubojstva muža zlostavljača u samoodbrani"; "Reinkarnacija Jyoti Singh pije kavu kraj mene i upozorava me na promatrača iz kojeg može izrasti šipka"; "Addu Lovelace izjeda računalna logika, kasnije Ada izjeda Turinga"; "Maryam Mirzakhani tri beskonačnosti slaže na kruh uz sir i majonezu"
- Price: 4.50 €
Poezija - Luka Antić
Poezija - Luka Antić
(Poetry - Luka Antić)
- Author(s):Luka Antić
- Language:Croatian
- Subject(s):Poetry, Croatian Literature
- Page Range:460-464
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:Luka Antić; Croatian poetry;
- Summary/Abstract:Poetry by Luka Antić ("Plesala je jedno ljeto"; "Sto godina samoće"; "Primitivac"; "Tako je govorio Zaramustra"; "Daljina")
- Price: 4.50 €
Poezija - Lara Mitraković
Poezija - Lara Mitraković
(Poezija - Lara Mitraković)
- Author(s):Lara Mitraković
- Language:Croatian
- Subject(s):Poetry, Croatian Literature
- Page Range:465-466
- No. of Pages:2
- Keywords:Poetry; Lara Mitraković; Croatian literature;
- Summary/Abstract:Poetry by Lara Mitraković ("Dva puta za jug"; "Oslobod(a)"; "Prodaju kestenje, a nije jesen")
- Price: 4.50 €
Poezija - Martina Lončar
Poezija - Martina Lončar
(Poetry - Martina Lončar)
- Author(s):Martina Lončar
- Language:Croatian
- Subject(s):Poetry, Croatian Literature
- Page Range:467-469
- No. of Pages:3
- Keywords:Croatian literature; Martina Lončar;
- Summary/Abstract:Poetry by Martina Lončar ("Ljubav"; "Portret za skicu"; "Majka nosi poderane najlonke"; "Budi mi pozdravljena")
- Price: 4.50 €
Poezija - Lana Bojanić
Poezija - Lana Bojanić
(Poetry - Lana Bojanić)
- Author(s):Lana Bojanić
- Language:Croatian
- Subject(s):Poetry, Croatian Literature
- Page Range:470-470
- No. of Pages:1
- Keywords:Lana Bojanić; Croatian potry;
- Summary/Abstract:Poetry by Lana Bojanić ("Nagon")
- Price: 4.50 €
Poezija - Ema Pavlović
Poezija - Ema Pavlović
(Poetry - Ema Pavlović)
- Author(s):Ema Pavlović
- Language:Croatian
- Subject(s):Poetry, Croatian Literature
- Page Range:471-474
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:Ema Pavlović; Croatian poetry;
- Summary/Abstract:Poetry by Ema Pavlović ("Jedan od onih dana"; "Sprezanje Vremena"; "Prekid Stvarnosti")
- Price: 4.50 €
Poezija - Dubravka Đurić
Poezija - Dubravka Đurić
(Poetry - Dubravka Đurić)
- Author(s):Dubravka Đurić
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Poetry, Serbian Literature
- Page Range:475-479
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:Dubravka Đurić; Serbian literature;
- Summary/Abstract:Poetry by Dubravka Đurić ("Žudnja za morem: Ekopoetika 3")
- Price: 4.50 €
Izvatci iz recenzija
Izvatci iz recenzija
(Excerpts from reviews)
- Author(s):Ana Stojanović, Zlatko Bukač, Ivica Bakota
- Language:Croatian, Serbian
- Subject(s):Gender Studies, Human Ecology, Environmental interactions, Book-Review
- Page Range:483-486
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:Ecofeminism; Green and Feminist studies; Review;
- Price: 4.50 €