Zagadnienia prowadzenia zespołów muzycznych współczesnego rynku kultury
Issues related to managing musical bands in today's cultural marketplace
Contributor(s): Izabella Zielecka-Panek (Editor)
Subject(s): Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Music
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Keywords: music bands; choir;orchestra;
Series: Kultura, Sztuka, Muzyka
- E-ISBN-13: 978-83-226-3594-0
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-226-3593-3
- Page Count: 318
- Publication Year: 2019
- Language: English, Czech, Polish, German
Osobowość dyrygenta i jej wpływ na poziom artystyczno-warsztatowy zespołu
Osobowość dyrygenta i jej wpływ na poziom artystyczno-warsztatowy zespołu
(The personality of the conductor and its influence upon the artistic and musicianship-related standards of an ensemble)
- Author(s):Iwona Wiśniewska-Salamon
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Music
- Page Range:17-25
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:the personality of the conductor; the role of the conductor; conductor; the directing of ensembles
- Summary/Abstract:The author of the paper discusses the concept of the personality of the conductor and the influence of the activities of the leader upon the artistic and musicianship-related standards of an ensemble. She presents the ways of conducting an ensemble-based execution of music and the development of the relationships between the forms of creative output and the development of musical ensembles in the particular periods of the history of music. She also presents in a comprehensive manner the role of the conductor in the modern world, the conductor who performs the function of a manager, negotiator mediator and organiser of artistic endeavours, as well as a coordinator who drafts the artistic schedule of an ensemble and a partner in the establishment of contacts with other choirs.
- Price: 4.50 €
Odpowiedzialność w zespole chóralnym według filozofii próby Jamesa Jordana
Odpowiedzialność w zespole chóralnym według filozofii próby Jamesa Jordana
(Responsibility in a choir ensemble according to James Jordan’s philosophy of the rehearsal)
- Author(s):Krzysztof Dudzik
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Music
- Page Range:26-36
- No. of Pages:11
- Price: 4.50 €
Postęp i sukces – determinanta działań artystycznych w amatorskim zespole śpiewaczym Rozwój świadomości muzycznej chórzysty
Postęp i sukces – determinanta działań artystycznych w amatorskim zespole śpiewaczym Rozwój świadomości muzycznej chórzysty
(Progress and success – the determinants of artistic activities in an amateur songster ensemble The development of the musical awareness of the choir singer)
- Author(s):Joanna Glenc
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Music
- Page Range:37-43
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:choir; conductor; progress; success; the amateur songster movement
- Summary/Abstract:The essence of the paper consists in the discussion of the activities whose purpose is to produce the positive development of a songster in amateur choir ensembles. On the basis of the long-standing experience of the author in the work with amateur choirs she indicates progress and success as the determinant of artistic activities in a songster ensemble. The development of the musical awareness of the choir singer is a process which is directly influenced by concert-related activities, recording sessions, rehearsals, the conductor, instances of friendship and the resulting social relations. A presentation of the experiences associated with the directing of an amateur choir ensemble whose artistic standards have been already developed – an ensemble which is featured in international choir festivals in the country and beyond – demonstrates that progress and success furnish a great deal of enjoyment associated with performing music to the performers.
- Price: 4.50 €
Metodyka pracy dyrygenta z chórami szkół muzycznych I i II stopnia oraz chórami akademickimi
Metodyka pracy dyrygenta z chórami szkół muzycznych I i II stopnia oraz chórami akademickimi
(The methodology of the conductor work with choirs of the first level and second level music schools and academic choirs)
- Author(s):Tomasz Giedwiłło
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Music
- Page Range:44-51
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:the methodology of work; the choice of repertoire; the choir of the music school of the 1st level; the choir of the music school of the 2nd level; academic choirs
- Summary/Abstract:The purpose of the paper is to familiarise the audience with the organisation of the work and the methodology of conducting rehearsals with various kinds of choirs. The problems which are discussed are based on the author’s own experiences associated with the work with choirs of the Zespół Szkół Muzycznych in Tychy (the choir of the music school of the 1st level), of the Państwowa Ogólnokształcąca Szkoła Muzyczna in Katowice (the girl choir of the music school of the second level) and of the Academic Choir of the Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice. The author enumerates common features associated with the work with each ensemble and he also indicates the differences which are associated with the age and the skills of the choir singers.
- Price: 4.50 €
Zagadnienie intonacji w pracy dyrygenta z zespołem muzycznym
Zagadnienie intonacji w pracy dyrygenta z zespołem muzycznym
(The problem of intonation in the work of a conductor with a musical ensemble)
- Author(s):Karol Pyka
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Music
- Page Range:52-65
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:intonation; conductor; rehearsal; section rehearsal; the role of the conductor; orchestra
- Summary/Abstract:The author of the paper discusses the problems of intonation in the work of a conductor with a musical ensemble. He familiarises the reader in a comprehensive manner with a definition of intonation, and the peculiar nature of the work on intonation in various types of musical ensembles. He discusses the significance of section rehearsals in the context of correct intonation and the role of individual work in the process of the development of correct intonation. There is also a presentation of the tasks of the conductor in terms of the work on correct intonation.
- Price: 4.50 €
Sborové soutěže a soutěžní festivaly z hlediska porotce (i z hlediska sbormistra soutěžícího sboru)
Sborové soutěže a soutěžní festivaly z hlediska porotce (i z hlediska sbormistra soutěžícího sboru)
(Choral competitions from the point of view of a juror, as well as the choir master who participates with a choir in a competition)
- Author(s):Jiří Kolář
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Music
- Page Range:66-85
- No. of Pages:20
- Keywords:evaluation; competition; festival; choir; evaluation; scoring rules; the juror of a choir competition;descriptive evaluation;
- Summary/Abstract:The text discusses the participation in choral competitions and festivals from the point of view of a juror and that of the director of a choir ensemble. It presents the participation in competitions as an opportunity to prepare the repertoire that was chosen in a diligent manner. There is a comprehensive discussion of the disciplines/criteria in which the juror evaluates: the sound and the culture of sound of a choir, the standards of vocal technique, the intonation- and rhythm-related precision, the adequate employment of means of musical expression, especially dynamics and tempo, the stylishness of interpretation, the drama of the competition programme, the contact of the choir with the conductor and the general impression. There is also a presentation of the examples of descriptive evaluation of ensembles which were presented during choir competitions.
- Price: 4.50 €
Harmony studies for choir conductors in Latvia
Harmony studies for choir conductors in Latvia
(Harmony studies for choir conductors in Latvia)
- Author(s):Ēvalds Daugulis
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Music
- Page Range:86-95
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:harmony; teaching harmony; Latvia - teaching harmony
- Price: 4.50 €
Prowadzenie zespołów „pomiędzy nutami” na przykładzie Big Bandu Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego
Prowadzenie zespołów „pomiędzy nutami” na przykładzie Big Bandu Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego
(Directing of ensembles “between notes” based on an example of the Big Band of the Uniwersytet Zielonogórski)
- Author(s):Jerzy Szymaniuk
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Music
- Page Range:96-118
- No. of Pages:23
- Keywords:jazz; the directing of bands; the Big Band of the Uniwersytet Zielonogórski; conductor; rhythm-related issues
- Summary/Abstract:The present article discusses two crucial areas of the work of a conductor with a big band type of band: the musical area (the concept and the interpretation-related area) and the extra-musical (organisational) area. It also indicates the substantial role of the competence of the leader in the work with an orchestra as far as the musicianship, the organisation-related skills and interpersonal communication are concerned.The thesis which was put forward in the considerations is the following: at the stage of the particular skills of the band which are acquired (when the comprehension of sheet music is taken for granted), the weight of the directing of a band is shifted to the sphere of other competences of the conductor.The author emphasises the verbal commentaries and the indications contained in sheet music which are crucial for the process of interpretation. He also explains the role and the tasks of the conductor in the context of the art of conducting on the basis of an example furnished by the work with a jazz-profile orchestra (The Gestures of the conductor).The many years of experience of the author with big band-type orchestras, and particularly the activities and the achievements of the Big Band of the Uniwersytet Zielonogórski became a basis for the presentation of the conductor also in the role of an organiser and an educator.
- Price: 4.50 €
Metody pracy dyrygenckiej w zespole orkiestrowym
Metody pracy dyrygenckiej w zespole orkiestrowym
(The methods of conductor’s work in an orchestra ensemble)
- Author(s):Mirosław Kordowski
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Music
- Page Range:119-173
- No. of Pages:55
- Keywords:the amateur movement; band; brass orchestra; repertoire; Polish dances adapted for a brass orchestra
- Summary/Abstract:The author discusses the main problems associated with the directing and the functioning of amateur brass bands on the basis of an example furnished by the Brass Orchestra of the Voluntary Fire Brigade in Pruszcz, which is led by the Author. The text presents the types of brass bands, with a detailed description of the instrumentarium. In order to enhance the presentation of the peculiarities of amateur brass bands, the Author presents the line-up of the orchestra he leads, the arrangement of the orchestra during concerts and marching (parades), and the criteria of inclusion to the orchestra. The author also focuses on the realisation of works based on national dances in the orchestra. He also presents exercises whose mastery is intended to yield correct intonation, articulation and dynamics in the orchestra band.The basis of all band-related activities is constituted by the appropriately understood discipline of work and active cooperation of all band members. It also furnishes a great deal of situations which facilitate noble competition. The band members are united by a common goal, which forms their attitudes and integrates the band. Participation in a band performs a very important role – it enables the appealing management of one’s free time. In the course of common activities, band members develop links of friendship, team spirit, support and kindness.
- Price: 4.50 €
Problemy wykonawcze w pracy dyrygenta z zespołem o nietypowym składzie i ze zróżnicowanym programem
Problemy wykonawcze w pracy dyrygenta z zespołem o nietypowym składzie i ze zróżnicowanym programem
(Execution-related problems in the work of a conductor with an ensemble of on untypical line-up and a varied repertoire)
- Author(s):Karol Pyka
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Music
- Page Range:174-192
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:The Song of Creation; conductor; the role of the conductor; clay instruments;brass band;
- Summary/Abstract:The purpose of the considerations is to discuss the role of the conductor in the preparation of a concert with the participation of band which features unusual instruments on the basis of an example furnished by The sounds of nature concert. The clay instruments which were utilised were created specifically for the purpose of the concert. They were designed and prepared in the Ceramics Workroom of the Institute of Art in Cieszyn. On the basis of the previously mentioned concert, one described the diversity of the instrumentarium in the orchestra, as well as the execution-related problems of the conductor in the process of the preparation of a performance of a symphonic orchestra accompanied by ceramic instruments in The Song of Creation by Karol Pyka.
- Price: 4.50 €
Pieśń ludowa w repertuarze Chóru Uniwersytetu Śląskiego „Harmonia” oraz Chóru Kameralnego „Ad libitum” i jej wpływ na współczesną kulturę chóralną
Pieśń ludowa w repertuarze Chóru Uniwersytetu Śląskiego „Harmonia” oraz Chóru Kameralnego „Ad libitum” i jej wpływ na współczesną kulturę chóralną
(Folk songs in the repertoire of the “Harmonia” Choir of the University of Silesia and the “Ad libitum” Chamber Ensemble and its influence upon the modern choral culture)
- Author(s):Izabella Zielecka-Panek
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Music
- Page Range:195-201
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:“Harmonia”; “Ad libitum”; folk music; stylised folk song; the composers from Śląsk Cieszyński
- Summary/Abstract:The author presents the role of stylised folk song(s) in the repertoire of the “Harmonia” Choir of the University of Silesia and of the “Ad libitum” Chamber Choir. She also presents the significance of the modern-day choir song based on folklore and the means of the presentation of the given repertoire for the purpose of the popularisation and the cultivation of songster traditions. The author presents the example of songs contained on the Z biegiem Olzy CD, where the authentic song performed by folk songsters is confronted with the choral treatment of inter-war composers, and the conductors of the “Harmonia” Association of Songsters in Cieszyn.
- Price: 4.50 €
Międzynarodowy Festiwal Chórów „Gaude Cantem” im. Kazimierza Fobera w Bielsku-Białej – jeden z wielu, a jednak wyjątkowy
Międzynarodowy Festiwal Chórów „Gaude Cantem” im. Kazimierza Fobera w Bielsku-Białej – jeden z wielu, a jednak wyjątkowy
(The “Gaude Cantem” International Festival of Choirs in Bielsko-Biała – one of many and yet exceptional)
- Author(s):Jadwiga Sikora
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Music
- Page Range:202-217
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:“Gaude Cantem”; festival; competition; choirs; Bielsko-Biała
- Summary/Abstract:This year, the Kazimierz Fober “Gaude Cantem” International Choir Festival will be held for the tenth time in Bielsko-Biała. The history of the celebration of the song Gaude Cantem, for this was the original name of the event, dates back to 1996. It was in that year that “Gaude Cantem” was organised for the first time in Oświęcim, as the most important festival of songster ensembles of the year based in the Bielsko Branch of the Polish Association of Choirs and Orchestras. The venue for the first three editions of “Gaude Cantem” (1996–1998) was provided by Oświęcim. Subsequently, the event was transferred to Bielsko-Biała where the event was to be organised ever after. Since 2001, each time the programme includes the following: a competition-based festival and afternoon concerts organised in Bielsko-Biała and in various towns of the bielski region. The most recent stage in the history of “Gaude Cantem” began in 2005 when an international competition became a part of the event. Among the choirs which participated in the Festival in 2005–2013 there were representatives of the Czech Republic, Latvia, Macedonia, Germany, Slovakia, Slovenia, Hungary, Italy, Russia, Estonia, Ukraine and Poland. Since 2012 the festival is accompanied by musical workshops for choirs whose representatives are interested in them. For three years, the programme of the Festival was also enhanced by a seminar for choir conductors. The programme-related novelty of this year’s 10th anniversary edition will be the Festival of the Senior Citizens’ Choirs. During 18 years the humble one-day Celebration of Song was transformed into a magnificent four-day International Festival of Choirs, which is attended by the best songsters and the brilliant conductors from Poland and beyond. “Gaude Cantem! – Enjoy the song!”. Let the joy of singing become a true determinant of the Festival. Let the beautiful choral singing develop the artistic sensibility of the performers and the audience, let it integrate communities, let it make people live in a better world.
- Price: 4.50 €
Polski Związek Chórów i Orkiestr Oddział w Bielsku-Białej W roku jubileuszowym 40-lecia działalności
Polski Związek Chórów i Orkiestr Oddział w Bielsku-Białej W roku jubileuszowym 40-lecia działalności
(The Bielsko-Biała Department of the Polish Association of Choirs and Orchestras In the 40th anniversary year of social activities)
- Author(s):Jadwiga Sikora
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Music
- Page Range:218-229
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:the forty years of the Bielsko Branch of the Polish Association of Choirs and Orchestras; choral studies; PZCHiO
- Summary/Abstract:The author presents the activities, the functioning, the premise and the aims of the Bielsko branch of the Polish Association of Choirs and Orchestras in the 40th anniversary year of social activities. The Bielsko Branch of the PZChiO has existed for 40 years. It unites 26 ensembles (20 choirs and six orchestras). The bands represent high artistic standards. Their representatives are laureates of many Polish and international competitions. The Branch organises five regular events, which became a fixture of the musical calendar of the Branch. These events are the following: the “Złota trąbka” Festival of Brass Orchestras, the Kazimierz Fober Gaude Cantem Internation Choir Festival, the “Spotkania z kolędą” Festival of Christmas Carols and Pastorałki, the Adoramus Te Christe Ecumenical Meetings with Lent-related Songs, and the “Trojok Śląski” – the Celebration of the Silesian Choral Song (held every four years). The oldest choirs and orchestras which are the members of the confraternity also belong to the Branch. In her article, the author mentions prof. Józef Świder – a great musician, the composer of choral songs, an artist, a social activist and a friend of choirs who collaborates with the Bielsko Branch of the Polish Association of Choirs and Orchestras.
- Price: 4.50 €
Charakterystyka twórczości Henryka Jana Botora na przykładzie kompozycji Stań się!
Charakterystyka twórczości Henryka Jana Botora na przykładzie kompozycji Stań się!
(The characteristics of Henryk Jan Botor’s output on the basis of the composition entitled Stań się!)
- Author(s):Joanna Nowicka
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Music
- Page Range:230-253
- No. of Pages:24
- Keywords:Henryk Jan Botor; composer; Silesa; Stań się!
- Summary/Abstract:The text of the author consists of two parts. In the first part, the author presents a comprehensive profile of a composer, Henryk Jan Botor – his life, the characteristics of his output and an elenchus of his compositions. The second part is devoted to the work entitled Stań się! – the origin and the inspirations of this work and the numerous instances of sheet music which illustrate the brilliance of this composition.
- Price: 4.50 €
Związki Józefa Świdra z festiwalem Śląskie Dni Muzyki Współczesnej
Związki Józefa Świdra z festiwalem Śląskie Dni Muzyki Współczesnej
(Józef Świder’s relations with the Silesian Days of Contemporary Music festival)
- Author(s):Bogumiła Mika
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Music
- Page Range:257-268
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Śląskie Dni Muzyki Współczesnej; Józef Świder; composer;Silesian composers;
- Summary/Abstract:In the paper, the author describes Józef Świder’s relations with the Śląskie Dni Muzyki Współczesnej festival. The first part features a comprehensive description of Józef Świder’s relations with the Katowice branch of the Association of Polish Composers. There is also a presentation of the Śląskie Dni Muzyki Współczesnej festival. The bulk of the text is devoted to Józef Świder’s relations with the Śląskie Dni Muzyki Współczesnej festival. They are considered in three perspectives: the organisation-, repertoire- and generation-related perspectives.
- Price: 4.50 €
Wątki ludowe w działaniach kompozytorskich Józefa Świdra
Wątki ludowe w działaniach kompozytorskich Józefa Świdra
(Folk themes in Józef Świder’s compositional activities)
- Author(s):Danuta Zoń-Ciuk
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Music
- Page Range:269-280
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Józef Świder; Cieszyn region; Beskidzkie melodyjki; folk melodies;choral music;
- Summary/Abstract:The author of the article presents the figure of Józef Świder – a well-known composer and pedagogue in the perspective of his relations with the Ziemia Cieszyńska and the Upper Silesia region. The attention of the author is focused on the unfamiliar output inspired by the folklore of these regions. The composer’s own experiences in the capacity of a conductor enabled the author to present a description of one of the works of the artist intended for a mixed a cappella choir. She defined its melodic, rhythmic, harmonic and textual structure and she found the folk sources, describing the extent to which they were used in the treatment of the composer. She demonstrated the practical means of solving execution-related problems which appear in the process of the realisation of the work with an amateur ensemble.
- Price: 4.50 €
Józef Świder – przyjaciel śpiewaków i muzyków, współtwórca świetności amatorskiego ruchu chóralnego i orkiestrowego
Józef Świder – przyjaciel śpiewaków i muzyków, współtwórca świetności amatorskiego ruchu chóralnego i orkiestrowego
(Józef Świder – a friend of songsters and musicians, the co-creator of the splendour of the amateur choir and orchestral movement)
- Author(s):Andrzej Wójcik
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Music
- Page Range:281-298
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:Józef Świder; composer; social activist;choirs;
- Summary/Abstract:Józef Świder – an honorary member of the Silesian Association of Choirs and Orchestras, was honoured by the Laureateship of the Century presented by the Association of the Silesian Associations of Songsters… In the private notes of the 1990s he wondered: “Will there be my legacy in this movement?”. In 1968–1974 in the then Silesian branch of the Polish Association of Choirs and Orchestras he performed the function of an artistic director. The protocols of the Association, the “Śpiewak Śląski” periodical and the Warsaw-based “Życie Muzyczne” (originally “Życie Śpiewacze”) preserved distinct marks of this activity. A significant role in the development of the contacts of the young musician with choirs was played by the church choir of the St. Anne parish in his native town of Czechowice. It was there that Świder established the Stanisław Moniuszko choir in 1955. These early musical experiences account for the permanence of the warm and reciprocated relation of the composer with the songster movement. The popularisation of his figure and his output is supported by various initiatives (the Józef Świder International Festival of Music in Cieszyn, the Polish-wide “Cantus” Choral Festival in Katowice). Thus, the academic and the amateur songster movement celebrates the memory of the artist, teacher and social activist, the creator of works which are performed in great international events and during friendly meetings of the enthusiasts of songs.
- Price: 4.50 €
Werkbetrachtung von Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied (2012–2014) von Józef Świder
Werkbetrachtung von Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied (2012–2014) von Józef Świder
(An analysis of the work entitled Sing a New Song to the Lord (2012–2014) by Józef Świder)
- Author(s):Otfried Richter
- Language:German
- Subject(s):Music
- Page Range:299-304
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Józef Świder; Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied (Sing a New Song to the Lord); Pater Noster
- Summary/Abstract:Otfried Richter gliedert seine Betrachtungen in fünf Teile. Zunächst beschreibt der Autor, wie es zu der Komposition Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied kam. Der Bayerische Musikschultag war der entscheidende Anlass, ein Auftragswerk bei Józef Świder anzufragen, ob eine Bereitschaft für ein solch umfangreiches Werk grundsätzlich besteht. Dabei wird eine kurze Abhandlung über das bayerische Musikschulwesen, hier insbesondere die Sing- und Musikschule der Stadt Memmingen, dessen Direktor der Autor ist, vorgestellt. Der zweite Teil befasst sich mit der Textgrundlage des Werkes und den Aufführenden. Im dritten Teil beleuchtet Richter die fünf einzelnen Sätze der Komposition in einer musikalischen Analyse. Das weltberühmte Pater noster wird zum Inhalt im vierten Teil. Hierbei berücksichtigt der Autor vor allem die Ausführungsvorgaben der Komposition. Im letzten Teil gibt Richter einen Ausblick zur Erstellung für ein wissenschaftliches Werkverzeichnis.
- Price: 4.50 €
Józef Świder o sobie. Z prywatnych zapisków
Józef Świder o sobie. Z prywatnych zapisków
(Józef Świder on himself – from the private notes)
- Author(s):Andrzej Śnioszek
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Music
- Page Range:305-309
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:Józef Świder; composer; notes
- Summary/Abstract:The author describes in a very personal way his private relations with his Grandfather – Józef Świder. The paper is based on the auto-thematic statements of Józef Świder, especially on the personal notes, which were written during the course of almost sixty years, and also on the basis of official interviews with the Composer.
- Price: 4.50 €