The “self” in axiological spaces. Some problems of subjectivity in the literature of the 19th-20th century Cover Image
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„Ja” w przestrzeniach aksjologicznych. Z problematyki podmiotowości w literaturze XIX–XXI wieku
The “self” in axiological spaces. Some problems of subjectivity in the literature of the 19th-20th century

Contributor(s): Leszek Zwierzyński (Editor), Monika Wiszniowska (Editor), Paweł Paszek (Editor)
Subject(s): Anthropology, Social Sciences, Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature, Culture and social structure , Theory of Literature
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Keywords: subject; values; literature; axiology
Summary/Abstract: The book entitled “The “self” in axiological spaces. Some problems of subjectivity in the literature of the 19th-20th century”, is an attempt at formulating anew in the modern and postmodern world the relations of the subject with the sphere of values, an attempt in which the “self” and the world may reveal their slightly less obvious features. The significance of literature consists in the fact that the concepts of the world, entities and phenomena which are created by literature are concretised by literature in the form of something which actually exists, manifesting the essence of those things and what happens to them. Similarly it makes evident our “self” entwined with values. Literature creates, organises the field in which the thing which happens may be viewed and examined. By taking advantage of this ontological capability of literature, as well as by taking advantage of a wide array of phenomena which are provided by it, we inquire in the book about the adventures of the “self” in the spaces of values, about what is told about them by literary forms, the new literary figures, and the old ones which are re-interpreted. The first part of the book comprises works which focus in a particular way on poetic figures – for the purpose of the examination and the description of the axiological spaces of poetry. Here romantic and modernist areas of literature interpenetrate; most commonly they are studied according to a cross-sectional, comparative approach. What seems particularly interesting is the discussion between texts which discuss the relations of good and evil, and – in a broader context – about the various forms of the world of values. The second part of the book is organised problem-wise and is somewhat formatted by texts which determine in a fundamental way man’s situation in modernity. Metaphors and symbols faded away, there are only things, their traces in the area of memory. The final part of the book explores the axiological space in frontier literary areas: reportage, criticism or the values in the sphere of electronic output. The book is intended for experts in the field of literature, culture, for philosophers, as well as for general readership who seek a guide in the modern world and who are guided themselves by values.

  • E-ISBN-13: 978-83-226-3305-2
  • Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-226-3304-5
  • Page Count: 318
  • Publication Year: 2017
  • Language: Polish
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