Ecowskie inspiracje. Semiotyka w komunikacji i kulturze
Eco-inspirations. Semiotics in communication and culture
Contributor(s): Artur Gałkowski (Editor), Krystyna Pietrych (Editor)
Subject(s): Philosophy, Semiotics / Semiology
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Keywords: Umberto Eco; semiotics; Communication; Culture
Summary/Abstract: The book is divided into three parts, according to the following contexts: I) Linguistic and Cognitive, II) Theoretical and Literary-Historical, III) Anthropological and Cultural.
- E-ISBN-13: 978-83-8088-731-2
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-8088-730-5
- Page Count: 284
- Publication Year: 2017
- Language: Polish
Przyszłość semiotyki
Przyszłość semiotyki
(The Future of Semiotics)
- Author(s):Umberto Eco
- Contributor(s):Monika Kopytowska (Translator)
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Semiotics / Semiology
- Page Range:9-20
- No. of Pages:12
- Price: 4.50 €
Problematyka referencyjności w kontekście kognitywno-sygnalizacyjnego modelu genezy kodu
Problematyka referencyjności w kontekście kognitywno-sygnalizacyjnego modelu genezy kodu
(Problem of referentiality in the context of cognitive-signaling code genesis model)
- Author(s):Aleksander Gemel
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Semiotics / Semiology, Theoretical Linguistics
- Page Range:23-40
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:signaling games; semiotics; mathematical theory of information; convention; language genesis; conceptual spaces; referential fallacy
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of the paper is to provide a model of the formation of semantic conventions for Eco’s theory of semiotics, and to defend coherency of the model. The proposed model is based on signaling game theory with information content of the signal extended by the concept of mental reference. The defense of the model focuses on three issues, i.e. the validity of model implementation, its categorical structure, and the problem of referential fallacy.
- Price: 4.50 €
O znaku językowym z perspektywy lingwistyki tekstu
O znaku językowym z perspektywy lingwistyki tekstu
(On the language sign from the viewpoint of text linguistics)
- Author(s):Anna Kapuścińska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:41-54
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:language sign; text; thought; word; work
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of this article is to investigate the relations between the language sign (as one of the sign categories) and three categories: thought, word and work. Since each of the is object of permanent interest of the semiotics, it appears of justified to ask about their (eventual) place among the sign elements, which are in the peircean string of semiotics traditionally depicted as a trias. The conducted analysis proves that the thought and word cannot be identified with any element of sign. They can be instead either its cause or result – in case of the thought – or (against the structuralistic concept) a component of the significate – in case of the word. The work can be yet considered as the significate, regardless its specifics resulting from the aesthetic function. The conclusion is based on the one side on the semiotics concept of Umberto Eco (as an example of a concept belonging to the peircean string of semiotics), and on the other side – on the linguistics, especially the text linguistics, as a semiotic subdiscipline responsible for investigating language signs. This viewpoint demonstrates a far-reaching consistency of these both perspectives and therefore confirms the status of text linguistics as a semiotic subdiscipline, which is in position of investigating language signs in a way which is entirely consistent with the assumptions of the modern semiotics.
- Price: 4.50 €
„Il n’y a pas de hors-texte”. Semantyka intralingwistyczna i jej filozoficzne oraz kognitywistyczne konsekwencje
„Il n’y a pas de hors-texte”. Semantyka intralingwistyczna i jej filozoficzne oraz kognitywistyczne konsekwencje
(“Il n’y a pas de hors-texte...”. Intralinguistic Semantics and Its Philosophical and Cognitive Consequences)
- Author(s):Bartosz Żukowski
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Semiotics / Semiology
- Page Range:55-66
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:semiotics; semantics; structuralism; language; meaning; Eco
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of this paper is to present and metatheoretically analyse the model of intralinguistic semantics as set forth by Umberto Eco in his Theory of Semiotics. The distinctive feature of this system is the rejection of the realistic category of reference, understood as a correspondence of meaningful units with the extralinguistic domain of interpretation, i.e., with a class of extralinguistic semantic correlates. As a result, the main idea of Eco’s theory is to replace the traditional extralinguistic semantics with the new one, in which the meaning of each unit is determined solely by its relations with the other elements of the system. Language formed in this way is semantically autonomous, intralinguistically closed and self-explaining. Analysis of Eco’s theory by means of the appropriate conceptual apparatus reveals the far-reaching philosophical and cognitive implications of his approach in studies on language, meaning and truth.
- Price: 4.50 €
Globalne i lokalne: aktualizacja encyklopedycznego znaczenia
Globalne i lokalne: aktualizacja encyklopedycznego znaczenia
(Global and local: Encyclopedic meaning revisited)
- Author(s):Patrizia Violi
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:67-87
- No. of Pages:21
- Keywords:Eco; encyclopedia; meaning; interpretation;lexical semantics;
- Summary/Abstract:This essay deals directly with the issues of meaning, language use, and communication as they connect with the concept of Encyclopedia. It provides an in-depth investigation into linguistic understanding as an interpretative process and not as a simple passage of information. This reading coincides with various studies in pragmatics, as well as with recent research in more narrowly linguistic fields.This essay deals directly with the issues of meaning, language use, and communication as they connect with the concept of Encyclopedia. It provides an in-depth investigation into linguistic understanding as an interpretative process and not as a simple passage of information. This reading coincides with various studies in pragmatics, as well as with recent research in more narrowly linguistic fields.This essay deals directly with the issues of meaning, language use, and communication as they connect with the concept of Encyclopedia. It provides an in-depth investigation into linguistic understanding as an interpretative process and not as a simple passage of information. This reading coincides with various studies in pragmatics, as well as with recent research in more narrowly linguistic fields.
- Price: 4.50 €
Głos Umberta Eco w semiotycznej debacie nad ikonizmem znaku
Głos Umberta Eco w semiotycznej debacie nad ikonizmem znaku
(Umberto Eco’s voice in the semiotic debate on iconic sign)
- Author(s):Piero Polidoro
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Semiotics / Semiology
- Page Range:89-96
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:semiotics; visual semiotics; Umberto Eco; iconism; iconic sign
- Summary/Abstract:The “debate on iconism” interested Semiotics from the 70s to the 90s. The problem was: are iconic signs (ie. paintings, pictures, drawings…) “natural” or motivated by the object they represent? Or are they arbitrary and conventional, as words in verbal language? Umberto Eco has had an central role in this debate. This article aims to give an account of Eco’s position about iconism and to explain why the debate was so important for contemporary Semiotics.
- Price: 4.50 €
Świat otaczający a świat przeżywany: modelowanie znaczenia w subiektywnym uniwersum zwierząt i ludzi
Świat otaczający a świat przeżywany: modelowanie znaczenia w subiektywnym uniwersum zwierząt i ludzi
(Umwelt and Lebenswelt: Modelling the Meaning in the Subjective Universe of Animals and Humans)
- Author(s):Zdzisław Wąsik
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Semiotics / Semiology
- Page Range:97-116
- No. of Pages:20
- Keywords:ecology; existentialism; phenomenology; semiotics; (inter)subjectivity
- Summary/Abstract:This paper departs from the confrontation of a biological-semiotic concept of Umwelt with a psychological-phenomenological concept of Lebenswelt aiming at exhibiting their interpretations in selected investigative domains of the philosophy of nature and culture. The first part is devoted to the question of how the semiotic relationships of animals and humans to their subjective universes are discursively modeled in phenomenology as a study of individual experience that is consciously realized by senses from the first person perspective. Animals are admitted to have relations with actual things in the observable reality through an outward extension of their body, but they are stated to lack a direct access to the things in themselves and to their various forms of being because they cannot transcend the imprisonment of their surroundings. In the second part exposing the framework of existential semiotics, the existence modes of animal and human subjects are considered in terms of being in the world as immanence and being for the world as transcendence. Immanent subjects are explained as existing in their environments and transcendent subjects as being able to go beyond their life-world. Reassuming the similarities and differences between the research conclusions of philosophers and psychologists, the author puts forward investigative postulates addressed to anthropological linguistics or linguistic anthropology substantiating the search for the defining characteristics of speech derivable from the contrast between the verbal and non-verbal means of communication used in the world of humans and animals.
- Price: 4.50 €
Semiotyka i kamuflaż
Semiotyka i kamuflaż
(Semiotics and camouflage)
- Author(s):Paolo Fabbri
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Semiotics / Semiology
- Page Range:117-130
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:semiotics; camouflage; signs; art; nature; public life
- Summary/Abstract:The following article is dedicated to the concept of camouflage understood as a set of methods of concealment allowing otherwise visible animals, military vehicles and other objects to remain unnoticed by blending with their environment or by resembling something else. The camouflage is an essential issue for semiotics as regards the systems of representation, but also to the distortion of it. According to Umberto Eco that the author made reference to signs are made to lie. Nevertheless, the camouflage must reconsider the idea of sign. It is not limited to a referential issue (which stands for something else), but broadens the focus of the production and representation of Self and Other that operate under the forces at play. The article outlines, at the level of semiotics, different types of camouflage including nature, military, art and literature camouflage exemplifying its presence and explaining the purpose for using it in several life contexts.
- Price: 4.50 €
Interpretacja i nadinterpretacja. Przykład: Balladyna Juliusza Słowackiego
Interpretacja i nadinterpretacja. Przykład: Balladyna Juliusza Słowackiego
(Interpretation and overinterpretation based on Balladyna by Juliusz Słowacki)
- Author(s):Anna Kurska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Semiotics / Semiology, Translation Studies
- Page Range:133-152
- No. of Pages:20
- Keywords:Słowacki; Balladyna; interpretation; overinterpretation; semiotic analysis
- Summary/Abstract:The author ponders over the reception history of Słowacki’s Balladyna in order to respond critically to Eco’s theory, especially to his approach towards overinterpretation. Taking this particular case into consideration, the article focuses on the fact that, for many years, the audience have demonstrated disregard for the text’s intention. Therefore, the paper contrasts entirely opposing interpretations, which are also strongly ideologized and, according to Eco, paranoid, so as to reveal a complex as well as frequently unpredictable process of the identification of the text’s intention. The interpretation history of Balladyna proves that the old literary work not only requires ‘Eco’s encyclopaedia’ but also consideration ingrained in the knowledge and experience of recipients, who explore the old text to learn about themselves, their world and art. Only then can interpretation lead to a proper understanding as it results from the genuine communion with a literary work. In the author’s view, this very form of overinterpretation, criticized by Eco, provides an old text with an opportunity to enter the contemporary audience consciousness.
- Price: 4.50 €
Historie palimpsestowe Olgi Tokarczuk. Literackie zabawy (z) Eco?
Historie palimpsestowe Olgi Tokarczuk. Literackie zabawy (z) Eco?
(The Olga Tokarczuk’s palimpsest stories. Literary fun (with) Eco?)
- Author(s):Krystyna Pietrych
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Theoretical Linguistics, Studies of Literature
- Page Range:153-171
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:novel; intertextuality; narrative; model reader; novel illusion
- Summary/Abstract:The text is an attempt to demonstrate non-obvious relationships and affinities between the novels by the eminent Polish writer Olga Tokarczuk and Umberto Eco’s fiction and theoretical reflection on literature. This relationship turns out to be so complex that it becomes worthy of deeper consideration. For that purpose, I chose two novels by Tokarczuk – the first one and latest. These two achievements are the most multifaceted references to Eco’s novels, while also connecting the works by the Polish writer with a unique, “Ecoean” intertextual link. Far more space is dedicate to the last novel, Books of Jacob, because of its incomparably more extensive problematic content, both in terms of technique and the aesthetic, which builds a complex semantic structure. I bring out the multiplicity of intertextual relations, however the most important strategy used by both writers turns out to be double coding.
- Price: 4.50 €
Ciało jako znak w przestrzeni tekstu. Rozważania tożsamościowe wokół Błękitu Tedźi Grower
Ciało jako znak w przestrzeni tekstu. Rozważania tożsamościowe wokół Błękitu Tedźi Grower
(Body as a sign in the textual space. Some reflections on identity in Teji Grover’s Blue)
- Author(s):Kamila Junik-Łuniewska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:173-189
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:corporality; identity; subject; sign; body; text
- Summary/Abstract:In her article, the author discusses the problem of corporality (body) of a subject, in reference to the writer’s/narrator’s search for her or his own identity. The analyses are based on a prose piece by Teji Grover [Tejī Grovar], a contemporary Hindi writer.The subject’s identity is unstable, changeable, reveals a breakage and, thus, remains in a constant need of auto-creation. The author of the article supports the main idea by referring to the concept of self and showing that the contemporary subject is of a dual nature, divided between I and me – being simultaneously the subject and object of its own actions and reactions. The subject in the novel, she argues, experiences her own body in three ways: in relation to touch (by a man/lover); by changing the narrative’s “I” into “she” and/or by producing own replica(s) (images), separate from her sexuality and desire, in order to make the body visible, present, accessible; by changing her body into text. The latter may be explained literally – as forming the body from letters, constructing a literary corpus, and metaphorically: as writing about carnal experiences in the very text of the novel. There, the subject re-fashions her body into the textual space of own writing, and in this way re-presents and re-creates her own identity.
- Price: 4.50 €
Podmiot jako znak in progres. Filozoficzne podstawy procesualności „ja” tekstowego
Podmiot jako znak in progres. Filozoficzne podstawy procesualności „ja” tekstowego
(The subject as a sign in progress. Philosophical foundations of processuality of textual ‘I’)
- Author(s):Tomasz Dalasiński
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Philosophy, Theoretical Linguistics
- Page Range:193-206
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:entity; processuality; metaphysics; anti-metaphysics
- Summary/Abstract:The article concerns the variants of processuality of textual ‘I’ in view of its philosophical foundations. Processuality of a subject, defined as its dynamism and remaining at the level of what ‘event’ and not what ‘done’, the author considers to be one of the most important categories in which contemporary researchers see the textual ‘I’. However, there isn’t one coherent definition of processuality; it depends on the way of approaching to the problem. Academics analyze the issue in two main perspectives: the metaphysical and anti-metaphysical. Within the first one, the most important variants of processuality are: traditional processuality (quasi-processuality), personalistic (tran¬scendental) processuality and ‘organic’ processuality (process philosophy of Alfred North Whitehead and Charles Hartshorne). Within the other hand – processuality is defined based on genealogical praxis of ‘I’ and on research semiology (concepts of Julia Kristeva).
- Price: 4.50 €
Wstyd jako mechanizm kultury
Wstyd jako mechanizm kultury
(Shame as a mechanism of culture)
- Author(s):Dorota Jewdokimow
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Semiotics / Semiology
- Page Range:207-223
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:shame; culture; text; sexual revolution; Tartu-Moscow School
- Summary/Abstract:This text is an attempt to present the anthropological and axiological category of shame within the framework of semiotic description. The aim of this text is to present the role which is played by shame in culture, the role which controls behavior patterns of its representatives. I will present shame as a mechanism which constitutes the inner content of culture, which divides the areas of culture, non-culture and anti-culture. In order to do so, I will use the notions developed by the Tartu-Moscow School. Applying the semiotic theory I will also derive from the concepts put forth under different approaches to culture, to an extent which will allow me to develop my considerations. The tools developed by the Tartu-Moscow School, enriched by the elements of hermeneutics, allow conducting a historical and cultural analysis of shame in its axiological and psychological dimension. They make it possible to determine how the mechanism of shame functions as a culture-producing pattern.
- Price: 4.50 €
Prokrust i kolektyw. Deixis a działanie performatywne w tekście „kultury stalinowskiej”
Prokrust i kolektyw. Deixis a działanie performatywne w tekście „kultury stalinowskiej”
(Procrustes and collective. Deixis and performative action in texts of “Stalinist culture”)
- Author(s):Bartłomiej Starnawski
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Philosophy, Language and Literature Studies, Communication studies
- Page Range:225-248
- No. of Pages:24
- Keywords:socialist realism; discourse criticism; rhetoric; communication
- Summary/Abstract:The purpose of my paper, signaled in the title, is a description of the phenomenon of deixis in the perspective of critical discourse analysis, in particular: a) the function it serves in the socrealistic propaganda transmission; b) its text-creating role respect to ideological, rhetorical (totalitarian) actio and presenting its role for the normative rules of presentation, which are imputed in it or imposed by it. In other words, deixis should be understood broadly, not only as a kind of transitive morphological units of expression (Lyons), but as a kind of “skeleton” of Stalinist / socrealistic semiosis. Deixis is a kind of rhetorical grip, its specificity includes the performative act of founding, among others, structure of the discursive “We” (pluralis sovieticae, collective, communist community), which allows the application of socialist habitus in the anthropological sphere, using variously targeted forms of the message (whereas deontic modality, accompanying it, and position of discursive Agens, or administratory rules of communication at that homophonic system are hidden). I base my rhetorical analysis on various texts of Stalin era, texts that form a hierarchical system of cross-dependence (allegations like: Stalin-Bie¬rut- “committed journalism”), leading from ideological arche-text in which invariants are formulated, through the form of translation of that set ideologems of a political and axiological nature to the aesthetic code, to further mimetic reproduction of that message in subsequent texts.
- Price: 4.50 €
Semiotyka miasta wielokulturowego w ujęciu geograficznym
Semiotyka miasta wielokulturowego w ujęciu geograficznym
(Semiotics of multicultural urban space: geographical approach)
- Author(s):Armina Kapusta
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Semiotics / Semiology
- Page Range:249-267
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:semiotics of multicultural urban space; Subotica; semiotics vs urban geography
- Summary/Abstract:This article addresses the issue of geographical and semiotic analysis of urban space. A review of the literature on the topic of semiotic approach to the city allowed to indicate the theoretical perspectives and barriers of such studies. A research method was developed by the author of the article, in order to allow decoding meanings in a multicultural city. It was then verified on the example of Subotica and allowed to evaluate the conditions, advantages and limitations of conducting this type of research.
- Price: 4.50 €
Umberto Eco, fragmenty dyskursu semiotycznego
Umberto Eco, fragmenty dyskursu semiotycznego
(Umberto Eco, fragments of a semiotic discourse)
- Author(s):Paolo Fabbri
- Contributor(s):Artur Gałkowski (Translator), Katarzyna Kowalik (Translator)
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:269-275
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Umberto Eco; Pape Satàn Aleppe; essays; Liquid Modernity
- Summary/Abstract:The essay presents a Paolo Fabbri’s review of the book with the latest Umberto Eco’s Bustinas, Pape Satàn Aleppe. Cronache di una società liquida (Milano: La Nave di Teseo, 2016).
- Price: 4.50 €