(P)oszukiwanie tożsamości: cztery studia o angielskim Oświeceniu
Identity Search: Four Essays on the English Enlightenment
Author(s): Paweł T. Dobrowolski
Contributor(s): Marek Gawron (Editor)
Subject(s): History, Social Sciences, Gender Studies, Cultural history, Sociology, Modern Age, Family and social welfare, Sociology of Culture, Sociology of the arts, business, education, 18th Century, Social Norms / Social Control
Published by: Collegium Civitas
Keywords: England; 18th century; Enlightenment;cultural identity;
Summary/Abstract: The book consists of introduction and four chapters, each being an independent albeit interconnected study related to the issues of emerging English/British modern identity. Conclusion and full bibliography follow. The common motives of each study revolve around the practices of constructing modern cultural and social identity, by means of affirmation or impersonation. The first three chapters deal with the shifting British cultural patterns – the meaning of masquerades and gender-related issues - often viewed against contemporary Europen context. In the last essay, which is embedded in current historiography on penal deportation the statistically presented data and conclusions belong also to the domain of economic history.The choice of literature is comprehensive. The rich and perceptive choice of illustrations, which visualise the text allow the reader to imagine many of the dramatis personae.
Series: Studia i Analizy Historyczne Collegium Civitas
- E-ISBN-13: 978-83-61067-03-0
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-61067-62-7
- Page Count: 306
- Publication Year: 2016
- Language: Polish
- Table of Content
- Introduction
- eBook-PDF