Proza polska XX wieku. Przeglądy i interpretacje. T. 3: Centrum i pogranicza literatury
Polish Prose of the 20th Century. Reviews and interpretations. Vol. 3: Center and borders of literature
Contributor(s): Elżbieta Dutka (Editor), Grażyna Maroszczuk (Editor)
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature, Polish Literature, Theory of Literature
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Keywords: Polish prose of the 20th century; centre; borderlines; canon; Grabowski; Konwicki; Tulli; Wańkowicz; Brzozowski; Toeplitz-Mrozowska; Kowalska; Wuttke; Kofta; Uniłowski; Wojaczek; Białoszewski; Huelle; Szewc; Malinowski; Hartwig; Darowski
Series: Studia literackie
- E-ISBN-13: 978-83-8012-060-0
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-226-2263-6
- Page Count: 366
- Publication Year: 2014
- Language: Polish
W piekle heteroseksualizmu. O męskiej przyjaźni w powieści Zbigniewa Grabowskiego "Ciszy lasu i twojej ciszy"
W piekle heteroseksualizmu. O męskiej przyjaźni w powieści Zbigniewa Grabowskiego "Ciszy lasu i twojej ciszy"
(In the hell of heterosexualism. On a male friendship in a novel by Zbigniew Grabowski "Ciszy lasu i twojej ciszy")
- Author(s):Tomasz Kaliściak
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Gender Studies, Studies of Literature, Polish Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:17-35
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:Zbigniew Grabowski; male friendship; amosexuality; homo-social desire; homoeroticism
- Summary/Abstract:The article deals with the problem of a male friendship which in a debut novel by Zbigniew Grabowski "Ciszy lasu i twojej ciszy" (1931) was presented under the label of the love of souls deprived of a bodily element. Love between the novel characters the author analyses in a perspective of “amosexuality” (J. Kristeva) has a homo-social nature and is deprived of a bodily aspect, is perceived by both friends as more valuable than love to women and, paradoxically, homosexuality. Male friendship, understood in such a way, illustrates contradictions deriving from the crisis of a definition of homo and heterosexuality that appeared at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries as a result of the emergence of a discourse on sexuality.
- Price: 4.50 €
"Czytadło" Tadeusza Konwickiego – interpretacja po latach
"Czytadło" Tadeusza Konwickiego – interpretacja po latach
("Czytadło" by Tadeusz Konwicki – an interpretation after years)
- Author(s):Anna Szóstak
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature, Polish Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:37-54
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:Tadeusz Konwicki; "Czytadło" ("Pulp"); breakthrough; myth; symbolic space-time
- Summary/Abstract:The article is an attempt to reconsider and reread the novel by Tadeusz Konwicki from today’s point of view and by means of research tools that has not been applied so far to this type of text. A confrontation of its character with a changed reality of the surrounding world becomes an occasion to reflect on coming to terms with tradition and ideas as well as myths of the Romantic provenience or, in a word, the whole symbolic heritage of the past while for the writer himself, also with existing hierarchies and literary conventions. In such a perspective the novel by Konwicki turns out to be an addition and supplement of "Mała apokalipsa" whereas its convention an ironic and prophetic harbinger of a direction the Polish literature goes in totally different conditions and circumstances than before.
- Price: 4.50 €
Jedwabna czerwień. Kolor i materiał w powieści "W czerwieni" Magdaleny Tulli
Jedwabna czerwień. Kolor i materiał w powieści "W czerwieni" Magdaleny Tulli
(Silky red. The colour and material in "W czerwieni", a novel by Magdalena Tulli)
- Author(s):Kamila Dzika-Jurek
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature, Polish Literature, History of the Holocaust, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:55-75
- No. of Pages:21
- Keywords:Magdalena Tulli; "W Czerwieni" ("In Red"); Holocaust; fabric; colour
- Summary/Abstract:The article presents an attempt to reinterpret "W czerwieni", a novel by Magdalena Tulli in the context of an autobiographic work of the writer, namely "Włoskie szpilki". Such an intertext allows for reading the novel in question as a record of The Holocaust experiences. The majority of researchers have qualified Tulli’s prose as the so called post‑modernist literature about nothing while incomprehensive motives in novels written by a Warsaw writer have been defined as “a writing extravagance”. The author of the very text, on the contrary, makes a belief about “the readability” of this prose a general hypothesis whereas on the example of "W czerwieni" shows referential possibilities of Tulli’s works. Discussing the motives pointing to the meaning of what is material in the world presented in the novel (porcelain, silk), as well as interpreting the meaning of the colours in the work, the author of the article concludes that the structure of the world presented, full of traces, frays and corpse is the way of expressing the Extermination.
- Price: 4.50 €
Reporter żywiołów. O (prawie) całej twórczości Melchiora Wańkowicza
Reporter żywiołów. O (prawie) całej twórczości Melchiora Wańkowicza
(A reporter of elements. On (almost) all works by Melchior Wańkowicz)
- Author(s):Beata Nowacka
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature, Polish Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:77-96
- No. of Pages:20
- Keywords:Melchior Wańkowicz; theory of elements; reportage; familiogical issues
- Summary/Abstract:The article is an attempt to deal with heritage by Melchior Wańkowicz, virtually absent in philological works. The author describes a multi-dimensional output written by a father of the Polish reportage by means of the theory of four elements: the earth, water, fire and air. Using the very perspective allows for exposing important features of such writing (not being the subject to monographic perspectives, an abrupt changeability and richness of materials) as well as a wild personality of the same writer. A theoretical basis for the research samples proposed constitutes the literature of the subject connected with the fundamental elements and a theory of elements by Gaston Bachelard.
- Price: 4.50 €
Poza centrum, ale w środku. O książkowym debiucie Zbigniewa Brzozowskiego
Poza centrum, ale w środku. O książkowym debiucie Zbigniewa Brzozowskiego
(Outside the centre, but in the middle. On a book debut by Zbigniew Brzozowski)
- Author(s):Anna Gomóła
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature, Polish Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:97-112
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:Zbigniew Brzozowski; "W miasteczku, które jak ogród Andersena…" ("A Town Like Andersen’s Garden…"); the middle; centre
- Summary/Abstract:The article was devoted to the book "W miasteczku, które jak ogród Andersena…", by Zbigniew Brzozowski published in 1975 that is a collection of short stories joined by the person of a narrator and characters, as well as time and place of action. The author pays special attention to the way of creating the space of a small town mentioned in the title which, being outside the centre, is at the same time the centre-heart of a separate world.
- Price: 4.50 €
Kobiecy dyskurs podróżniczy na przykładzie "Mojej wyprawy na Pamiry w roku 1929" Jadwigi Toeplitz-Mrozowskiej
Kobiecy dyskurs podróżniczy na przykładzie "Mojej wyprawy na Pamiry w roku 1929" Jadwigi Toeplitz-Mrozowskiej
(A female travel discourse on the example of "Moja wyprawa na Pamiry w roku 1929" by Jadwiga Toeplitz-Mrozowska)
- Author(s):Agata Zawiszewska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Gender Studies, Human Geography, Studies of Literature, Polish Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:115-138
- No. of Pages:24
- Keywords:postcolonialism; feminism; tourism; the Soviet Union; Jadwiga Toeplitz-Mrozowska
- Summary/Abstract:The article proposes a critical reading of the report from a journey to Russia by Jadwiga Toeplitz-Mrozowska "La Prima spedizione italiana attraverso i Pamiri 1929" (Società Georgafica Italiana: Roma 1930). The tools used to the analysis and interpretation of the text come from the instruments of gender and postcolonial studies. By means of them, the entanglement of the emancipation discourse into a patriarchal colonial discourse was presented, reflected in three areas of narration: the status of an emancipated European woman as an imperialist, a picture of a “Russian woman” as a “loner”, identification of the criteria of emancipation with the West-European civilization mission in the USSR.
- Price: 4.50 €
Papierowy romans. O "Pestce" Anki Kowalskiej
Papierowy romans. O "Pestce" Anki Kowalskiej
(A paper love affair. On "Pestka" by Anka Kowalska)
- Author(s):Ewa Bartos
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature, Polish Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:139-158
- No. of Pages:20
- Keywords:Anka Kowalska; "Pestka" ("Pip"); romance; seduction
- Summary/Abstract:Jean Baudrillard wrote about seduction as the category being able to reflect reality, namely “to seduce a sign” by means of a constant juggling with its meaning. Georges Bataille, on the other hand, claims that it is transgression that underpins marriage. The author of the article is interested in the way the writers “juggles with the category of a family and relationship”. By means of what means do they seduce a reader and project his/her attitude towards particular novel characters? She is also interested in an anthropological picture of interpersonal relations, especially the problem of transgression. The research material constituted "Pestka" by Anka Kowalska, a love affair that has been equally popular among readers since 1964. The researcher is also interested in both the novel reception and the way the characters entangled in particular interpersonal relations are created, the relations that skillfully portrayed by Kowalska are able to “adore” a reader and redefine his/her views many times.
- Price: 4.50 €
Lekcje inności i konfiskowanie pamięci. O powieści Britty Wuttke "Homunculus z tryptyku"
Lekcje inności i konfiskowanie pamięci. O powieści Britty Wuttke "Homunculus z tryptyku"
(Lessons of otherness and confiscating memory on "Homunculus z tryptyku" a novel by Britta Wutke)
- Author(s):Tatiana Czerska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature, Polish Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:159-175
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:novel; autobiographism; postcolonialism; frontier/borderlands; the Polish – the German
- Summary/Abstract:The subject of the article is "Homunculus z tryptyku", a Polish-German novel written by Britta Wuttke. The author of the novel deals with the issues connected with identity, biculturalism, bilingualism and Polish-German relations after the World War II on the borderline. The article presents a critical-literary reception of the work, and its functioning in the literary circle. An anti-German discourse, inscribed into a propaganda discourse of the Polish People’s Republic, forgotten in the 1990s, where the literature made a revision of the picture of Polish-German relations, is read today in the perspective of postcolonial studies as a novel about shame, family traumas and Polish People’s Republic from the perspective of a woman, German and doctor.
- Price: 4.50 €
Podwórkowa powieść polityczna – "Wióry" Krystyny Kofty
Podwórkowa powieść polityczna – "Wióry" Krystyny Kofty
(A backyard political novel – "Wióry" by Krystyna Kofta)
- Author(s):Arleta Galant
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Politics, Language and Literature Studies, Gender Studies, Studies of Literature, Polish Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:177-198
- No. of Pages:22
- Keywords:women’s writing; political novel; space; ideology; private/public
- Summary/Abstract:The author of the article discusses "Wióry", a novel by Krystyna Kofta, published in 1980. The most important interpretation motives concerning the work written by a Polish female writer are connected with the issues related to a political narration and ideology of the space that is organized by the worlds of child and adult characters. A backyard in Poznań – the place of action – was perceived here as a specific (both a private and public) conventional sphere being a reflection of complicated social relations of the Stalin era.
- Price: 4.50 €
Topografia wstrętu. O "Wspólnym pokoju" Zbigniewa Uniłowskiego
Topografia wstrętu. O "Wspólnym pokoju" Zbigniewa Uniłowskiego
(A topography of disgust. On "Wspólny pokój" by Zbigniew Uniłowski)
- Author(s):Joanna Kisiel
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature, Polish Literature, Health and medicine and law, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:201-232
- No. of Pages:32
- Keywords:Zbigniew Uniłowski; abhorrence; death; tuberculosis; misogyny
- Summary/Abstract:The article is devoted to the analysis of the novel by Zbigniew Uniłowski, from the perspective of the category of disgust, not used in the interpretations of "Wspólny pokój" so far. A typical construction of the space in the novel, tightening from the maze of the city to a mortal bed of the main character, outlines a map of disgust. “A shared room” presented in the title, constitutes here a special place, a polygon of “unwanted closeness” (Menninghaus), expansion of a trivially exposed corporality, blurring the borders of intimacy, and degradation of community bonds. A progressive illness Lucjan Salis suffered from, resulting in the shrinking of his world, begins a real eruption of disgust, a key life experience of a young tubercular, accompanying his reflections on his own fate coming to an end. Thus, disgust is an intensively experienced life disposition of a character, the sources of which underlie traumatic experiences of a childhood, dooming him to a struggle between “a call and rejection” (Kristeva) and desire and aversion. They will strongly influence his attitude to women, marked by a misogynic “state of a tormenting tension” (Gilmore), behind which a strong ambivalent relation with a mother is hidden. Disgust seems as an intensive reaction of the subject in defense of his own independence in a novel.
- Price: 4.50 €
"Sanatorium" Rafała Wojaczka. Próba lektury po czterdziestu latach
"Sanatorium" Rafała Wojaczka. Próba lektury po czterdziestu latach
("Sanatorium" by Rafał Wojaczek. An attempt to read it after forty years)
- Author(s):Magdalena Boczkowska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature, Polish Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:233-247
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:suicide; subject; split; identity; lifewriting
- Summary/Abstract:The article is devoted to "Sanatorium" by Rafał Wojaczek or a prose book of a poet, published for the first time as a whole (although with a removed motto) in 2010. The author, analyzing such, phenomena as (among others): the problem of suicide and split personality, an identity split of the main character, loss of subjectivity that are very typical of the poets defined traditionally as “damned”, shows above all a difficult reception of this prose. Hence, "Sanatorium" can be read today in different ways but it should be underlined that it is first of all a novel about fear, illness, stagnation and battle fought with the world and him/herself.
- Price: 4.50 €
„Pół-cmentarna tabliczka”. Wokół "Zawału" Mirona Białoszewskiego
„Pół-cmentarna tabliczka”. Wokół "Zawału" Mirona Białoszewskiego
(“A half-cemetary plate”. On "Zawał" by Miron Białoszewski)
- Author(s):Monika Ładoń
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature, Polish Literature, Health and medicine and law, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:249-264
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:Miron Białoszewski; infarction; disease; autobiography
- Summary/Abstract:The text concerns one of the basic motives in works by Miron Białoszewski, the motive of illness. The author makes "Zawał" and fragments of journal notes where this cartographic dysfunction found itself in the centre of considerations. An autobiographic nature of Białoszewski’s works allows for interpreting texts, but, at the same time, noticing an important life experience of the author of "Tajny dziennik" in them. The subject of interest here is strategies allowing for familiarizing the process of getting ill and being in a hospital depriving of intimacy. The most important include a unique penetration and meticulousness of the description of a new experience, theatralization of events and a hospital writing as the activity most personal and most private.
- Price: 4.50 €
Pogranicza twórczości? O "Innych historiach" Pawła Huellego
Pogranicza twórczości? O "Innych historiach" Pawła Huellego
(The borderlines of writing? On "Inne historie" by Paweł Huelle)
- Author(s):Aleksandra Zug
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature, Polish Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:267-278
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Paweł Huelle; "Inne Historie" ("Other Stories"); little homelands; self-reference
- Summary/Abstract:The author presents a collection of drafts "Inne historie" by Paweł Huelle as a kind of a “personal author’s map”: a collection of places and surnames that are important for this writer for various reasons. Although the main point in the esseist search of the author of "Memesis" is Gdańsk, the issues he deals with frequently go beyond strictly a motive of a “little homeland” (among others an Irish motive). Besides, stories collected in "Inne historie" allow for discovering the secrets of Huelle’s writing workshop (autothematism). A mosaic nature of drafts situates "Inne historie" on the borderline of writing of the author of "Weiser Dawidek", but also allows for showing broader contexts in order to read the most important works of the author.
- Price: 4.50 €
"Bez tytułu i daty". O „szkicowniku myśli” Piotra Szewca
"Bez tytułu i daty". O „szkicowniku myśli” Piotra Szewca
("Bez tytułu i daty". On a “sketchbook of thoughts” by Piotr Szewc)
- Author(s):Grażyna Maroszczuk
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature, Polish Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:279-292
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:Piotr Szewc; privacy; sketchbook; paratext; experience of the past
- Summary/Abstract:The subject of the article is notes by Piotr Szewc entitled "Bez tytułu i daty", published in “Kwartalnik Artystyczny” in the column of varia entitled "Z powodu i bez powodu". The sketchbook privacy is marked by writer’s mental state, the sense of an obvious bond with the events of a special personal meaning, discretely including notes into the area of emotion reactions. The author , being aware of the gaps of a memoirist form makes an attempt to order himself and drafts thoughts in his non-fulfillment, as well as fills in intuitions of the events reconstructed after years that are intensively close to him. A reflection on the past, that, according to the author is worth remembering, because otherwise, it would get lost without taking care of a tiny detail memory sticks to. Notes by Piotr Szewc point to a thematic dominance of the last achievements of the author of "Zagłada". The novel works are avoided here in favour of poetic and para-textual searches.
- Price: 4.50 €
„Istotne rozmowy”: Elsie Rosaline Masson i Bronisław Malinowski
„Istotne rozmowy”: Elsie Rosaline Masson i Bronisław Malinowski
(“Essential talks”: Elsie Rosaline Masson and Bronisław Malinowski)
- Author(s):Małgorzata Rygielska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature, Polish Literature, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:293-310
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:Bronisław Malinowski; Elsie Rosaline Masson; epistolography; field studies;cultural anthropology;
- Summary/Abstract:The article concerns correspondence between Bronisław Malinowski and his first wife, Elsie Rosaline Masson. The letters that initially the acquaintances, later on the engaged and finally spouses wrote to each other for many years, constitute exciting reading for both anthropologists and literary experts. Basing on them, one can make an attempt to not only reconstruct a development of the relationship between two people emotionally and intellectually close to each other, but also find out a lot on the functioning of the environment of ethnologists (especially the English ones) at that time. A separate issue can be short reports and self-reflections by Malinowski concerning the field studies he conducted. A “literary nature” of these letters is as important as their referential layer. Published recently in Polish will certainly become an inspiring material for further research, not necessarily in the “centre” of a contemporary humanistic reflection.
- Price: 4.50 €
Doświadczenie i „przygoda życia” w książce "Gérard de Nerval" Julii Hartwig
Doświadczenie i „przygoda życia” w książce "Gérard de Nerval" Julii Hartwig
(Experience and “a life adventure” in "Gérard de Nerval" by Julia Hartwig)
- Author(s):Elżbieta Dutka
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature, Polish Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:311-332
- No. of Pages:22
- Keywords:Julia Hartwig; Gérard de Nerval; (auto)biography; the reading experience
- Summary/Abstract:The article presents an interpretation of the book entitled "Gérard de Nerval". The author, paying attention to this slightly forgotten book, remaining in the background of other works by Julia Hartwig, notices there not only a book on the French poet, but also a record of experiencing a book and text that can also be read in the autobiographic context.
- Price: 4.50 €
Zmaganie z „syndromem wygnania”. O "Unsere" Jana Darowskiego
Zmaganie z „syndromem wygnania”. O "Unsere" Jana Darowskiego
(Dealing with “a syndrome of exile”. On "Unsere" by Jan Darowski)
- Author(s):Agnieszka Nęcka
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):History, Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature, Polish Literature, WW II and following years (1940 - 1949), Migration Studies, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:333-345
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:contemporary Polish prose; immigration; autobiography; World War II;history;
- Summary/Abstract:The article reminds us of Jan Darowski, a writer almost unknown in Poland until recently. The author pays special attention to his autobiographic novel entitled "Unsere", that was published as late as in 2012 and constitutes a unique record of an experience of a war man who grew up in Silesia on the Polish-German borderline, was conscripted to Wehrmacht during war, and, subsequently, escaped to the ally army in order to fight with Germans. Writings having an auto-therapeutic overtone allowed him to search himself and his place in the world. A battle with the “syndrome of exile” was connected with the need to give evidence on the past and people who created it. The past, influencing the present made “I” from the past overlap with “I” from the present. As a result, the character from "Unsere" is a hostage of his own memories. Searching himself is also the need to be a part of the group. Thanks to it, what is personal and individual permeated and supplemented what is collective. What is deposited remained in a privatememory was connected with what was located in the culture, giving fundaments of his own identity.
- Price: 4.50 €