Vjetrenjasta klepsidra. Autobiografske zabilješke 1924-1942
Hourglass. Autobiographical Notes 1924-1942
Author(s): Branko Polić
Subject(s): Literary Texts, Fiction
Published by: Durieux
Summary/Abstract: Branko Polić was born on April 24, 1924 in Zagreb. As a Jew, he was forced to spend about ten months of childhood and early youth on various coastal resorts. In 1945, he successfully mastered the classical grammar school and then studied at Sorbonne where he gained a French-language fellowship diploma. Upon returning, in 1948, he continued his studies in English and graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb, "in a record time", in 1950. He was soon admitted to the Radio Radio of Zagreb and thanks to musical affinities became a critic in the music program, then the editor of the music-speaking editorial (1956-1964). After the establishment of the Third Program, he became editor and commentator until his retirement (1985), and thereafter a regular associate. <br> Branko Polić met and talked with over five hundred reproductive artists, and collected fascinating documentary and music material on many of the travels he took as a music editor. While several thousand of his shows have "gone into ether," dozens of articles, discussions, presentations, essays, criticisms and translations have been scattered across domestic and foreign journals, newspapers, lexicons and collections.
- Print-ISBN-10: 953-188-194-4
- Page Count: 509
- Publication Year: 2004
- Language: Croatian
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