Rusija i Zapadni Balkan
Russia and the Western Balkans
Author(s): Dušan Reljić
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Civil Society, Governance, Public Administration, International relations/trade, Security and defense, EU-Approach / EU-Accession / EU-Development, Peace and Conflict Studies
Published by: ISAC - Centar za međunarodne i bezbednosne poslove
Keywords: European Union; Western Balkans; security; Commissioner for Enlargement; EU enlargement strategy
Summary/Abstract: The European Union undertook to act as a "driving force" during the transformation conflicts in the Western Balkans with the aim of ensuring peace and security in Europe. Prospects for membership in the Union, which have been provided to the states of this region, work according to in the words of Commissioner for Enlargement Olli Rhen, as a "compass that helps countries in the region to orient themselves and stay on the peaceful path towards reforms". In the EU enlargement strategy, it is stated that preventing conflicts and strengthening stability and security, belong to the strategic interests of the European Union. It serves those interests, as one of the most effective foreign policy instruments of the Union, and its policy expansion. When the entire region is integrated into the EU, among the countries of that part of the continent a lasting and stable peace will be established. At least that is the widespread hope within Western Balkans and beyond.
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-86-86383-10-5
- Page Count: 41
- Publication Year: 2009
- Language: Serbian
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