Küreselleşen Dünyada Kadın V: Sağlıktan Sanata, Ekonomiden Siyasete
Women in A Global World V: From Health to Art, Economy to Politics
Contributor(s): Zeynep Banu Dalaman (Editor)
Subject(s): Gender Studies, Civil Law, Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Political Sciences, Governance, Sociology, Recent History (1900 till today), Social differentiation, Health and medicine and law, Family and social welfare, Demography and human biology, WW II and following years (1940 - 1949), Sociology of Politics, Socio-Economic Research
Published by: Transnational Press London
Keywords: Conference Series; Gender; gender inequality; kadin; Kadının Yoksullaşması; Modern Kadın Meddah; Turkey; Türkiye’de Kadın İstihdamı; violence against women; women and economy; women and health; women and literature; women and politics;
Summary/Abstract: Women in a Global World V: From Health to Art, Economy to Politics offers an in-depth exploration of women’s roles, challenges, and achievements across diverse domains in today’s interconnected world. Edited by Zeynep Banu Dalaman, this volume gathers insights from leading scholars and researchers, dissecting the multifaceted issues impacting women globally and regionally.Organized into six sections, the book begins with the harsh realities of gender inequality, violence, and the institutional support available to women, including discussions on the effects of gender apartheid and misogyny. Moving to the realm of artistic and literary expression, it highlights female resilience and creativity, showcasing iconic figures like Grace Nichols and Paula Scher, and examining the evolution of women’s roles from traditional forms to modern representation.The third section delves into the unique vulnerabilities women face during disasters, including invisible labor and health challenges, while the fourth addresses the economic empowerment of women through employment initiatives, the hurdles of workplace inequality, and strategies for economic resilience. Health-focused topics in the fifth section bring attention to reproductive health, midwifery, and evidence-based practices that impact women’s well-being across life stages.Finally, the book examines women’s political and media representation, from the historical legacy of female leaders to contemporary issues such as gender quotas and gendered disinformation. By interweaving these perspectives, Women in a Global World V provides a profound understanding of women’s ongoing struggle for equality, creativity, and empowerment within a rapidly changing global landscape.Ideal for scholars, policymakers, activists, and anyone interested in the intersections of gender, society, and global dynamics, this volume is a vital resource for understanding and supporting women’s roles in shaping the future.
- E-ISBN-13: 978-1-80135-318-2
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-1-80135-317-5
- Page Count: 679
- Publication Year: 2024
- Language: Turkish, English
Toplumsal Cinsiyet Eşitşizlik Mağduru Kadınların Şiddet ve Diğer Sorunlarda Yardım Alabileceği Kurumlar
Toplumsal Cinsiyet Eşitşizlik Mağduru Kadınların Şiddet ve Diğer Sorunlarda Yardım Alabileceği Kurumlar
(Institutions Where Women Victims of Gender Inequality Can Seek Help on Cases of Violence and Other Problems)
- Author(s):İclal Çağlar, Ayşegül Dönmez
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Gender Studies, Civil Society, Studies in violence and power, Victimology
- Page Range:13-29
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:Violence against women; women’s organization; women’s NGO; social assistance; midwifery;
- Summary/Abstract:Women who are victimized as a result of all kinds of violence against women, women’s disempowerment, gender inequality, social impositions and expectations, continue to be victimized in our country as in many parts of the world from past to present. Women face gender inequality even before they are born. In reproductive age, they are blamed for the sex of their babies, their right to education is denied, they are subjected to mobbing in working life, and their social roles and responsibilities continue at home. In order to prevent gender-based violence, empower women and improve their health, support systems need to be established, preventive services need to be planned and accessible. Midwives should evaluate every woman and girl they encounter in terms of violence. Health managers should develop health service policies that integrate preventive and protective services with psychosocial support services and ensure that they are easily accessible when needed. This review, which is based on the literature, aims to share information about the institutions where women who are victims of gender inequality can receive help in cases of violence and other problems.
- Price: 4.60 €
Madde Bağimliliği ve Siddet Döngüsü: Madde Bağimlisi Kadinlarda Siddet Deneyiminin Incelenmesi
Madde Bağimliliği ve Siddet Döngüsü: Madde Bağimlisi Kadinlarda Siddet Deneyiminin Incelenmesi
(Substance Addiction and the Cycle of Violence: Investigation of the Experience of Violence in Addicted Women)
- Author(s):Aslıhan Ardıç Çobaner, Günseli Doğan Binol
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Gender Studies, Studies in violence and power, Substance abuse and addiction
- Page Range:30-53
- No. of Pages:24
- Keywords:Substance abuse; drugs; woman; experience of violence; cycle of violence;
- Summary/Abstract:Violence emerges as an important risk factor in the process of women starting to use substances and substance addiction. So much so that, while violence increases the risk of starting substance use as a cycle, it continues in the addiction process, taking different forms, and sometimes turns women into perpetrators of violence. The purpose of this study is to examine the types of violence that women who use substances encounter during the process of starting substance use and addiction, and the impact of this violence on the substance addiction process (starting substance use and treatment). Additionally, this study examines the obstacles women face in the process of substance use and substance addiction, in starting and continuing treatment; it aims to understand whether the violence factor continues in this process and the relationship between these obstacles and gender. The study was planned according to the phenomenological (interpretive) approach, one of the qualitative research methods, and the data was collected through in-depth interviews. Interviews were conducted face-to-face and online with women over the age of 18 with a history of substance addiction residing in Ankara and Mersin, at alcohol and substance addiction treatment centers (AMATEM) and Green Crescent Counseling Centers (YEDAM) in these provinces. The study aims to contribute to the studies that appear to be insufficient in the Turkish literature in the field of women and substance addiction, to protect women from substance addiction, to identify the barriers in treatment processes, and to increase their participation in these processes.
- Price: 4.60 €
Gender Apartheid Impact in Afghanistan and the Possibility to Become an International Crime
Gender Apartheid Impact in Afghanistan and the Possibility to Become an International Crime
(Gender Apartheid Impact in Afghanistan and the Possibility to Become an International Crime)
- Author(s):Marla Karelly Alencar
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Gender Studies, Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Criminology, Studies in violence and power
- Page Range:54-73
- No. of Pages:20
- Keywords:Gender apartheid; taliban; human rights; women rights;
- Summary/Abstract:This article analyses the situation of women in Afghanistan through a review of academic literature, legal documents, and reports from international organizations, examining the gender apartheid system in the country. The study aims to provide a comprehensive context for understanding the condition of Afghan women, emphasizing specific manifestations, underlying concepts, and impacts on their lives. The primary objective is to investigate the condition of women in Afghanistan, with a particular focus on the gender apartheid system, and to analyse its significance as an international crime. By doing so, the study seeks to contribute to the advancement of the rights of Afghan women and girls. Gender apartheid is a serious violation of human rights, and its characterization as an international crime can lead to the implementation of effective measures, protection of women, and accountability of perpetrators.
- Price: 4.60 €
Kadin Düşmanliği ve Yansidiği Alanlar
Kadin Düşmanliği ve Yansidiği Alanlar
(Misogyny and Its Reflections)
- Author(s):Gülşen Vural, Tuğçe Akgül
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Gender Studies, Studies in violence and power, Social Norms / Social Control
- Page Range:75-88
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:Misogyny; discrimination; violence; attitude;
- Summary/Abstract:Today, discussions about women are shaped by gender norms, forced marriages, gender inequality, girls’ education and the victimization of women in society. Studies conducted throughout history show that women’s daily place in society, their rights and the roles attributed to them have been subject to criticism in the past. Traditional norms, under male rules, have encouraged degrading, exclusionary and hateful behavior towards women. Over the years, “sexism” methods have been used to spread the degrading and humiliating situation of the female gender. However, today it seems that a more complex definition is needed. Although sexism is compatible with sexism based on gender, it describes a more comprehensive and severe situation. Today, misogyny is the reason for women’s economic, political and social exclusion and restriction in terms of identity and personality. It is thought that this study will contribute to defining misogyny in daily life and raising awareness.
- Price: 4.60 €
İkinci Dünya Savaşi’nda Kadinlar: Yeniden Üretim ve Toplumsal Riza Bağlaminda Kadinlara Yönelik Söylem ve Politikalar
İkinci Dünya Savaşi’nda Kadinlar: Yeniden Üretim ve Toplumsal Riza Bağlaminda Kadinlara Yönelik Söylem ve Politikalar
(Women in the Second World War: Discourses and Policies Towards Women in the Context of Reproduction and Social Consent)
- Author(s):Ayla Ezgi Akyol Giagtzoglou
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Gender Studies, Military history, Gender history, WW II and following years (1940 - 1949)
- Page Range:89-112
- No. of Pages:24
- Keywords:Second World War; women; war economy; reproduction; social consent;
- Summary/Abstract:Wars were periods when, the state’s concern for legitimacy, its need for the social consent relatively increased. In such a conjuncture, women as a social subject find more space on the agenda of political elites. One of the main reasons for this is that the political support of the male population at the front for the mobilization policy is closely tied to ensuring the livelihood of their families and guaranteeing the role of their wives in the household. Another reason is that women at the home front become more dependent on wages, they are also more affected by the economic consequences of the war such as the black market, inflation, price speculation and lack of access to necessities; this creates a social contradiction that needs to be resolved by political elites. A third reason is that the control and discipline of female fertility has become one of the main issues of politics due to the social role of women in the reproduction of “human resources”. Thus, from the reproduction of social consent during wartime to the management of poverty, from the legitimization of war to the continuity of production and social reproduction, women become one of the main agendas of political elites.During the Second World War, although the Republic of Turkey did not officially participate in the war, a policy of mobilization was adopted, a statist war economy based on excessive taxation was pursued and access to necessities became difficult due to the high rate of inflation, price speculation and black market. This article scrutinizes the involvement of women in the political agenda during the Second World War. Drawing upon the reports of the Parliament and state archives and newspapers and magazines of the era, it investigates the discourse crafted by political actors to reinforce the war’s legitimacy vis-à-vis women. It also examines the policies pursued by political elites to address the increasing poverty among women during the war, along with the contradictions experienced by women in production and reproduction processes. Furthermore, the article addresses the formulation of social policies concerning reproduction of women’s domestic societal roles, family and birth control.
- Price: 4.60 €
Grace Nichols’in Şişman Siyah Kadin Şiirlerinde Direniş ve Yetkin Siyah Kadin Bedeni
Grace Nichols’in Şişman Siyah Kadin Şiirlerinde Direniş ve Yetkin Siyah Kadin Bedeni
(Resistance and Empowered Black Female Body in Grace Nichols’ The Fat Black Woman’s Poems)
- Author(s):Atakan Salcan
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Gender Studies, Social differentiation, Social Norms / Social Control
- Page Range:114-129
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:Intersectionality; race; gender; beauty standards; marginalization;
- Summary/Abstract:The literature from regions like the Caribbean, heavily colonised by Europe, inevitably reflects the colonial experiences endured. Living under such pressure shapes the literature of the region. Today, even subtle details bear the imprint of colonial oppressions, particularly in how Europe marginalises ‘White’ content. The standout poem addresses body image and self-acceptance, showcasing Nichols’s vibrant language and Caribbean roots. Postcolonial individuals face triple marginalisation due to intersectional oppression. Some strive to resist these pressures by illustrating examples of resistance in their works. The Fat Black Woman’s Poems stands as a significant work addressing themes of race, feminism, and cultural identity. Grace Nichols’ distinct voice and thematic depth make it a notable contribution to poetry. Through her poems, Nichols confronts othering and marginalisation based on gender, race, and body, and resists them. She connects past and future in “The Fat Black Woman Remembers,” explores the relationship between fashion and identity in “The Fat Black Woman Goes Shopping,” and critiques Eurocentric beauty standards in “Looking at Miss World.” In this direction, this paper aims to explore how the lyrical I in three poems from The Fat Black Woman’s Poems experiences marginalisation based on race, gender, and beauty standards in the black female body framework, employing an intersectional lens. The main argument is to illustrate how Grace Nichols portrays the othering and marginalisation of the fat black female in her poems, while also demonstrating the poet’s efforts to resist them and to reveal its difference from the other Caribbean poems that deal with these subjects. Öz Avrupa tarafından yoğun bir şekilde sömürgeleştirilmiş Karayip Adaları edebiyatı, kaçınılmaz olarak sömürge deneyimlerini yansıtır. Sömürge baskısı altında yaşamak, bölgenin edebiyatını şekillendirir. Bugün, özellikle Avrupa’nın ‘Beyaz’ içeriği nasıl marjinalleştirdiği konusunda, en ince ayrıntılar bile sömürgeci baskıların izlerini taşır. Öne çıkan şiir, beden imajını ve kendini kabul etmeyi ele alarak Nichols’un canlı dilini ve Karayip kökenlerini sergiler. Sömürge sonrası bireyler, kesişimsel baskı nedeniyle üçlü marjinalleşmeyle karşı karşıyadır. Bazıları eserlerinde direniş örnekleri göstererek bu baskılara direnmeye çalışır. The Fat Black Woman’s Poems, ırk, feminizm ve kültürel kimlik temalarını ele alan önemli bir eser olarak öne çıkar. Grace Nichols’un belirgin sesi ve tematik derinliği onu şiire önemli bir katkı yapar. Nichols şiirleri aracılığıyla cinsiyet, ırk ve bedene dayalı marjinalleşmelerle yüzleşir ve onlara direnmeye çalışır. “The Fat Black Woman Remembers”da geçmişi ve geleceği birbirine bağlar, “The Fat Black Woman Goes Shopping”de moda ve kimlik arasındaki ilişkiyi inceler ve “Looking at Miss World”de Avrupamerkezci güzellik standartlarını eleştirir. Bu doğrultuda, bu makale The Fat Black Woman’s Poems’daki üç şiirdeki lirik “I”in siyah kadın bedeni çerçevesinde ırk, cinsiyet ve güzellik standartlarına dayalı marjinalleşmeyi nasıl deneyimlediğini kesişimsel bir mercek kullanarak incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Yazının ana argümanı, Grace Nichols’un bu şiirlerde siyah şişman kadınların ötekileştirilmesini nasıl tasvir ettiğini göstermek, aynı zamanda şairin bunlara direnme çabalarını ortaya koymak ve bu konuları işleyen diğer Karayip şiirlerinden farkını ortaya koymaktır.
- Price: 4.60 €
Vasif Öngören’in Tiyatrodan Sinemaya Uyarlanmiş Olan ‘Asiye Nasil Kurtulur?’ Oyun Metninin Genel İçerik Analizi
Vasif Öngören’in Tiyatrodan Sinemaya Uyarlanmiş Olan ‘Asiye Nasil Kurtulur?’ Oyun Metninin Genel İçerik Analizi
(Vasif Öngören’s ‘Asiye Nasil Kurtulur?’, Adapted from Theater to Cinema General Content Analysis of the Play Text)
- Author(s):Burak Akyüz
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Theatre, Dance, Performing Arts, Film / Cinema / Cinematography, Sociology of Art
- Page Range:131-150
- No. of Pages:20
- Keywords:adaptation from theater to cinema;
- Summary/Abstract:How to Asiye Nasıl Kurtulur?, written by Vasıf Öngören, the work tells about the social corruption and collapse of economic life through a woman. The work, which was adapted into a movie by Atıf Yılmaz in 1986, is considered a rich work because it can turn into another art form in this sense. The character of Asiye was dragged into a life other than what she wanted and could not establish herself as a woman. In this work, society’s wrong perspective towards women is also questioned. A general content analysis of the play, which is centered on the women’s issue, was made. It was produced from my doctoral thesis titled ‘Adaptations from Theater to Cinema and a Model Writer: Vasıf Öngören’. When evaluated under the title of Women and Art, women’s problems have been expressed in world theater texts for centuries. In this subject, which is handled in a completely objective manner by a male writer, not only a woman’s inability to realize herself, but also the criticism that she has no choice in the face of life is made. In the general plot of the play, Asiye resisted not to become a prostitute like her mother, but she failed. Her right to education was also taken away. With the deprivation of a woman’s right to education, her difficulties in working life in social life are described. The issues such as harassment and discrimination that she was unfairly exposed to in the jobs she worked before becoming a prostitute are conveyed to the reader in a clear language. In the play, which has a critical attitude on the axis of exploitation and marketing of the female body, the cruelty of the industrial and capitalist world is expressed. This play supported this critical attitude with songs.
- Price: 4.60 €
Bir Öznellik Arayişi: İki Yokluk Arasinda Bir Varoluş Hikâyesi
Bir Öznellik Arayişi: İki Yokluk Arasinda Bir Varoluş Hikâyesi
(A Search for Subjectivity: A Story of Existence Between two Absences)
- Author(s):Derya Güllük
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Gender Studies, Sociology, Identity of Collectives
- Page Range:151-168
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:Femininity; patriarchy; identity; province;
- Summary/Abstract:Constructed on a political, social and cultural ground, women’s identity has been addressed in a wide spectrum in the world of literature. With the 21st century, women’s identity, which has been discussed on an increasingly “politicized” ground, has come to the forefront with feminist theory and postmodern approaches. It is observed that women are questioned about their bodies, sexuality, motherhood roles, marriages and their visibility in domestic and public life, while the distance between the image of womanhood woven within the framework of cultural codes and the women who try to overcome them and want to establish a consciousness of “self” is also emphasized. At this point, Seray Şahiner, who started writing in the 2000s and who deals with the positioning of women in social life and the status of womanhood in her narratives, chose her protagonist from a slum neighborhood in her novel Kul (2007), for which she won the 2018 Orhan Kemal Novel Award, and in her novel Kul (2007), she dealt with the evolution of a woman who makes a living by cleaning stairs into an “invisible” woman by no longer being able to construct her own self when she cannot meet the roles of “mother” and “wife” marked by social norms. Womanhood is again constructed within the framework of the norms prescribed by society, and the woman who fails to meet these norms is unable to construct her own self and becomes objectified under the gaze of society. In Kul, we do not see Mercan in active resistance and she is almost purged from the center of her own life. Due to Mercan’s inability to establish a family, her house could not turn into a home, and the material destruction of the house in coordination with the urban transformation, which is particularly visible in the novel, brought along its spiritual collapse. Şahiner constructs the present of a woman whose past, childhood, longings and dreams we do not know through two absences. There are two important absences in Mercan’s life, two great emptinesses that hurt her deeply; the absence of her husband, whom we do not know why he left her, and the absence of a son who does not exist but whose existence she imagines. While these two absences occupy Mercan’s mind, we also read the wounding effect of not being able to be a wife and mother on her self and her questioning her femininity. In this questioning, he will always look for shortcomings in himself, list reasons and blur reality. Unable to get out of the patriarchal system of thought, unable to transcend the boundaries when she could have been a perpetrator, Mercan is tossed about in the chaos of the city. Constructed through the roles of wife and motherhood, womanhood seems to bury the woman’s self and identity under a pile of rubble when these two foundations on which it was built collapse. Ultimately, in this study, we aim to read the extent to which women’s existence has been blurred within the patriarchal system through the possibilities of feminist criticism.
- Price: 4.60 €
Grafik Tasarimda Tipografiye Yansiyan Kadinsal Bir Bakiş Açisi: Paula Scher
Grafik Tasarimda Tipografiye Yansiyan Kadinsal Bir Bakiş Açisi: Paula Scher
(A Femine Perspective in Graphic Design Reflected in Typography: Paula Scher)
- Author(s):Rumeysa Zeynep Araçlı Dursun, Ugur Bakan
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Gender Studies, Visual Arts, Sociology of Art
- Page Range:169-200
- No. of Pages:32
- Keywords:Paula Scher; typography; graphic design; woman; female graphic designer; modern graphic design;
- Summary/Abstract:Typography, the backbone of graphic design and founded by Gutenberg, gained a different perspective from the modernist trends in the 20th century. As a result of the effects of the Industrial Revolution that took place in the 19th century, artists who approached art and design with a questioning attitude began to seek more aesthetic, experimental, and innovative designs—this period also brought about very important developments in terms of graphic design. It distanced the design aspect from traditionalism. It changed the course of the development process in graphic design and caused it to experience changes in terms of form and content. Artists also created their works by acting with a more aesthetic way of thinking. Paula Scher, one of these artists who showed herself in the 90s, is referred to as “the most influential female graphic designer on the planet” by Ellen Lupton. Paula Scher created a new design perception thanks to the impressive typographic uses in her designs. Scher stands out with her colorful, limitless, and architectural works. Scher attracted attention by creating a revolutionary design perception by combining architecture and graphic design. This unique perspective of Paula Scher evaluates the perception of design by reconsidering it innovatively.This research aims to examine the change in typography design, which has become a part of graphic design, in the modern period. Typography has been evaluated experimentally and innovatively in terms of aesthetics. It will conduct a detailed examination by focusing on the innovative approaches of Paula Scher, who has become one of the pioneers of this field, to typography design and examine her contributions to the field.
- Price: 4.60 €
20. Yüzyila Damgasini Vuran Bauhaus’un Öncü Kadin Grafik Tasarimcisi Söre Popitz
20. Yüzyila Damgasini Vuran Bauhaus’un Öncü Kadin Grafik Tasarimcisi Söre Popitz
(Bauhaus That Left Its Mark on the 20th Century Pioneering Female Graphic Designer Söre Popitz)
- Author(s):Zehra Atabey, Ufuk Bakan
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Gender Studies, Visual Arts, Recent History (1900 till today)
- Page Range:201-220
- No. of Pages:20
- Keywords:Bauhaus; graphic design; advertising; typography; constructivism;
- Summary/Abstract:Bauhaus Art and Design School, which brings together many important designers and artists in many fields such as architecture, industrial design, graphic design, furniture design, and urban planning, aims to develop an interdisciplinary approach by bringing together the concept of art and craft. The basis of the education and training system of this school, where many disciplines come together, is based on the workshop system, which is the cells of the industry, bringing together theoretical knowledge and application methods. The Bauhaus School of Art and Design aims to develop designs based on functionality, innovation, simplicity, and geometric balance. Distinguished names such as Johannes Itten, Josef Albers, Wassily Kandinsky, and László Moholy-Nagy also attended this school. Söre Popitz is the only known and pioneering female name in graphic design at the Bauhaus Art and Design School, which includes people from different fields. Söre Popitz, a student of Josef Albers, Wassily Kandinsky, and László Moholy-Nagy, worked in graphic design, such as typography, advertising, and book designs. Popitz, who studied graphic design, drawing, and advertising at an art school in Germany, received training from important names of the period and had the opportunity to improve himself in his field. The designer, who died in 1993 at 97, mostly adopted a constructivist approach, focused on geometry, and used bright and pigmented colors in his works. However, in their designs, Figurative, typographic, and abstract effects stand out.This study aims to examine the works of Söre Popitz, the pioneer female graphic designer of the Bauhaus, in the field of art and design. Within the scope of the study, Popitz’s biography and style in the design field are discussed, and Popitz’s graphic design works are examined within the framework of visual design elements and the constructivism movement. The study evaluates Popitz’s work and working principles in graphic design as a female designer. In the study’s conclusion, it is envisaged to obtain detailed information about Söre Popitz’s works.
- Price: 4.60 €
6 Şubat Kahramanmaraş Depremi Sonrasında Popüler Olan Koruyucu Ailelikte Kadının Görünmeyen Emeği
6 Şubat Kahramanmaraş Depremi Sonrasında Popüler Olan Koruyucu Ailelikte Kadının Görünmeyen Emeği
(The Invisible Labour of Women in Foster Care Which Became Popular After the February 6 Kahramanmaraş Earthquake)
- Author(s):Ayşe Betül Tanrıverdi
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Gender Studies, Media studies, Labor relations
- Page Range:223-235
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Foster care; children; women’s labour; media;
- Summary/Abstract:After the 6 February Kahramanmaraş earthquake, interest and applications for foster care increased. With this increase in interest, the public acted emotionally and the compassion vein came to the fore. After the earthquake, foster family was misunderstood by the public and therefore there was a great increase in applications. It remains a mystery as to why many people who applied to become foster parents for earthquake victims applied and to what extent they have knowledge about the nature of foster care. In foster care, the woman becomes the object who takes care of the child. The child is commodified by the media and after all the processes are completed, the child is mostly taken care of by the woman and the responsibility is assumed by the woman. The woman takes care of the physical and emotional care of the child; she also makes the child the centre of her life with the anxiety caused by the control mechanism. Such a responsibility negatively affects the woman’s private life; her career plan is only the future of the child. Although raising children is a sacred endeavour, the fact that it is socially seen as a woman’s duty brings along a number of problems. In foster care, women come to the forefront; this situation brings emotional labour exploitation for women. In this study, it is tried to understand why many families who want to become a foster family for earthquake victims after the earthquake on 6 February applied, what they aim for, and the invisible labour of women in foster care are tried to be understood from internet newspaper news and comments made on social media accounts. The sample of the research is the news with the keyword “foster family” published in online newspapers between February-December 2023 and the posts on the official page of the Ministry of Family and Social Services. The sample of the study is limited to the year 2023 because the subject of the study is to investigate the increasing popularity after the 6 February Kahramanmaraş earthquake. In the study, content analysis technique is used by using qualitative research method. In content analysis through coding, important parts are described and interpreted.
- Price: 4.60 €
Afetlerde Kadinlarin Kirilganliklarinin Güçlendirilmesi Stratejileri
Afetlerde Kadinlarin Kirilganliklarinin Güçlendirilmesi Stratejileri
(Strategies to Strengthen Women’s Vulnerability During Disaster)
- Author(s):Ayşe Handan Dökmeci
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Gender Studies, Sociology, Management and complex organizations
- Page Range:236-266
- No. of Pages:31
- Keywords:Women; disaster; vulnerability; resilience; disaster management;
- Summary/Abstract:Natural or man-made disasters can affect all segments of societies, but these effects differ among individuals. It is known that individuals characterized as vulnerable and fragile in the society, especially women, children, elderly and disabled people, are affected by disasters at higher rates. The vulnerability of these individuals to disasters leads to their low capacity to adapt to the environment and survive after the disaster. Their capacity to protect themselves before, during or after disasters is more limited and they are at greater risk for poor physical and psychological health outcomes after disasters. Considering the gender factor, it has been observed that women are more affected by disasters than men. Women’s physical, mental and social vulnerability makes them more vulnerable in disasters. In disaster risk reduction studies, it has long been recognized that gender inequality is a systemic part of risk. While some steps have been taken to increase resilience and strengthen women’s leadership in local governments, much more work remains to be done. Considering climate change, the COVID-19 pandemic, and global crises, it is important to remember that gender inequality has always hindered global progress and could pose a greater threat if not addressed. In conclusion, it is important that no individual is left behind in combating natural disasters and ensuring sustainable development. Empowerment of women who are in vulnerable and fragile groups and who are exposed to gender discrimination is very important in terms of disaster management.
- Price: 4.60 €
Çatişma ve Afetlerden Bariş İnşasina Giden Yolda Toplumsal Cinsiyetin Zümrüdüanka Kuşlari
Çatişma ve Afetlerden Bariş İnşasina Giden Yolda Toplumsal Cinsiyetin Zümrüdüanka Kuşlari
(The Phoenix of Gender on the Road From Conflict and Disaster to Peacebuilding)
- Author(s):Füsun Özerdem
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Gender Studies, Sociology, Peace and Conflict Studies
- Page Range:267-289
- No. of Pages:23
- Keywords:Women in conflicts; women’s role in peacebuilding; international humanitarian law;
- Summary/Abstract:Discriminatory gender norms and social structures are the basis of gender inequality and explain why women are made more vulnerable than men in many areas of life. In times of crisis, when family and social structures and institutions are disrupted or destroyed, gender norms may be affected and gender inequality increases. The struggle for gender equality is more prevalent in both developed and developing countries, but reports published by various institutions indicate that women and girls are affected worse than men when countries struggle with crises. Climate change and the socioeconomic effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, added to the effects of conflicts and natural disasters, further deepen gender inequalities, especially against women and girls. Sexual violence is another disturbing trend noted in United Nations (UN) reports. The UN Conflict-Related Sexual Violence 2023 Report notes that sexual violence continues to lead to both internal and cross-border displacement, with displaced and refugee women and girls facing higher risks. At least one in five female refugees has experienced sexual violence and its effects, including trauma, stigma, poverty, poor health and unwanted pregnancy. Although it is stated that the actual figures are “probably much higher” due to the difficulty of monitoring data and under-reporting of incidents, the report also highlights that “sexual violence is used as a war tactic.”There are many predictions that ensuring greater gender equality and including more women in leadership positions will reduce the likelihood of violent conflicts and will also greatly increase the possibility of peaceful resolution of existing conflicts. Research shows that countries with greater gender equality are more likely to resolve conflicts without violence and less likely to use military force to resolve international disputes. Concerted efforts to increase the number of women in conflict prevention, mediation and resolution efforts include UN Security Council Resolution 1325, adopted in October 2000, ensuring that women can improve outcomes in conflict prevention and peacebuilding.While this study reveals the situation of women affected by conflicts and disasters based on internationally accepted reports despite data limitations, it will also try to explain the effectiveness of women and girls rising from the ashes to prevent or stop conflict and subsequently build long-lasting peace, despite all difficulties.
- Price: 4.60 €
Afetlerin Kadın Sağlığına Etkisi ve Hemşirelik Yaklaşımı
Afetlerin Kadın Sağlığına Etkisi ve Hemşirelik Yaklaşımı
(The Effect of Disasters on Women’s Health and Nursing Approach)
- Author(s):Esra Gökdağ Balcı, Melike Dişsiz
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Gender Studies, Health and medicine and law
- Page Range:290-311
- No. of Pages:22
- Keywords:Disaster; nurse; women’s health;
- Summary/Abstract:Disasters are defined as earthquakes, floods, storms, and biological and chemical accidents that cause loss of life and property for people, adversely affect society in physical, psychological, and economic aspects, can be of human and technological origin and are generally unpredictable. The International Disasters and Emergencies Database (EM-DAT) states that more than 26,000 disasters have occurred in the world since 1900.Although the effects caused by disasters negatively affect all individuals, gender-based inequalities affect women and children more, depending on social expectations, places of social status, and biological characteristics. In disaster management, nurses have important roles and responsibilities in maintaining and protecting women’s health under all conditions. These are; pre-disaster risk assessment, post-disaster situation assessment, emergency interventions at the time of disaster, manager, researcher, educator, and caregiver roles in the fields of implementation of infection control mechanisms. The purpose of this review; To examine the impact of disasters on women’s health and to raise the awareness of health professionals on the subject. In line with the studies conducted, it has been determined that women are exposed to unwanted or unplanned pregnancies and reproductive and sexually transmitted diseases due to sexual violence and poverty. After the disaster, serious increases were found in lower genital tract infections, pelvic inflammatory disease, and menstrual disorders. In this process, it has been reported that the use of modern birth control methods has decreased and that unaffordable family planning services have increased. It has been determined that women face various health and breastfeeding problems during pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum periods due to inadequate access to reproductive health services and materials. It has been found that pregnancy complications such as premature birth, hypertension, mental problems, and respiratory diseases are more common in pregnant women. It has been reported that the mortality rates of women are higher than men during disasters in developing and undeveloped countries. It has been determined that this rate difference is due to the problems experienced during pregnancy and breastfeeding periods. In the World Disasters Report, it was reported that women were forced to have sexual intercourse to meet their needs in disaster situations. It has been determined that women are at greater risk of sexual and reproductive health problems during disaster periods due to situations such as forced marriage, sexual violence, domestic violence, sexual abuse, and psychosocial problems at an early age. Since women have more risk in disaster periods, it is important to integrate the roles and responsibilities of women’s health nurses specific to the field within the scope of disaster management steps.
- Price: 4.60 €
Halk Eğitim Merkezinin Kadın İstihdamına Katkısı: Mardin Halk Eğitim Merkezi Örneği
Halk Eğitim Merkezinin Kadın İstihdamına Katkısı: Mardin Halk Eğitim Merkezi Örneği
(Contribution of Public Education Centre to Women’s Employment: The Case of Mardin Public Education Centre)
- Author(s):Havva Yağcı, Esra Özbay
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Gender Studies, Education, Labor relations
- Page Range:315-334
- No. of Pages:20
- Keywords:Course; trainee; public education; employment; vocational training;
- Summary/Abstract:The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of public education centers on women’s employment. The trainings provided in public education centers, especially employment-oriented programs, are expected to provide women with sufficient skills and abilities to encourage them to participate in business life. However, it is seen that very few of the trainings provided in these centers are aimed at meeting the needs of the market. There are various studies in the literature on the effects of Public Education Centers on women’s employment. However, there is no research on the contribution of Public Education Centers in Mardin province to women’s employment. The study group of this research consists of 16 female trainees selected by simple random method from among 60 trainees in Artuklu Public Education Center in Mardin province center in 2023-2024 through 6 different courses (cookery, hairdressing, handicrafts, clothing, child development, furnishing). Interview technique, one of the qualitative research methods, was used in the study. Open-ended questions were used in the interviews. The data obtained were analyzed by descriptive analysis method. As a result of the research, the trainees stated that the trainers at Mardin Artuklu HEM have sufficient knowledge and equipment. It is noteworthy that a significant portion of the trainees came to these courses for socializing rather than acquiring a profession. They think that the skills they acquired in the courses are mostly intended to meet the needs of the household. Very few of the trainees think of selling the products they produce with the skills they have acquired in these courses to their spouses, friends and neighbors. It is noteworthy that the trainees who think of working in a job after the course are mostly trained in cookery. It has been determined that the trainings given in public education centers should be organized according to market needs.
- Price: 4.60 €
Tarım Sektöründe Günübirlik Çalıan Kadınlar Sorunu: Kahramanmaraş Örneği
Tarım Sektöründe Günübirlik Çalıan Kadınlar Sorunu: Kahramanmaraş Örneği
(The Issue of the Daily Working Woman in the Agricultural Sector: A Case Study of Kahramanmaraş)
- Author(s):Havva Yağcı, Vildan Kekil
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Gender Studies, Agriculture, Labor relations
- Page Range:335-357
- No. of Pages:23
- Keywords:Seasonal Female Agricultural Worker; Unpaid Wage; Unregistered Employment; Job Security; Poverty;
- Summary/Abstract:Women working in the agricultural sector have various problems. Most of these women work in their own jobs as unpaid family workers. In rural women, the risk of poverty is greater. Women who do not have a family’s land go to daily work in fields and gardens to contribute to the family budget. Women who are temporarily indifferent and work without any social security in these jobs are exposed to various dangers. In this study; The working conditions and living conditions of women agricultural workers who went to daily work in Çağlayancerit district of Kahramanmaraş province were examined. Within the scope of the research, face-to-face interviews were conducted with 20 women working in fields and gardens and the data were reached. The number of surveys was planned for 100 people, but data were obtained by applying a survey to 80 women. According to the data obtained in the research, it is seen that temporary agricultural worker women work in unregistered, socially unsecured jobs. It has been determined that these women, seasonal agricultural workers, gwho are daily, went to work in surrounding provinces and districts such as Malatya, Adıyaman, Gaziantep and Kahramanmaraş. Although most of the women working in daily jobs have a low level of education, a little high school graduates and university graduate women were also found. The work of women with high school and university education in these jobs prevents girls from being sent to school in families. Agricultural worker women go on the road at midnight to go to jobs nearby provinces and travel with inappropriate service vehicles. They work long hours in insufficient conditions in terms of hygiene and occupational safety in fields and gardens. Within the scope of the research, it was determined that women working in daily agricultural work dealt with intermediaries instead of employers. These people, who are instrumental for women to find a job, receive a significant part of the wages as a share. Women are at risk of occupational accidents. It has been determined that there are no necessary inspections and regulations regarding people working in the daily agricultural sector. It has been determined that a very large part of the women who go to Daily work are far from meeting their basic needs. It is also seen that these women working in fields and gardens are ignorant of insurance and other issues, especialy in occupational safety. Face with deep poverty, it is necessary to take steps to improve and record the working conditions of these women.
- Price: 4.60 €
Kadına Yönelik Şiddeti Anlamak: Olası Ekonomik Nedenler
Kadına Yönelik Şiddeti Anlamak: Olası Ekonomik Nedenler
(Understanding Violence Against Women: Possible Economic Causes)
- Author(s):İsmail Hakkı İşcan
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Gender Studies, Studies in violence and power, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:359-380
- No. of Pages:22
- Keywords:Economy; Women; Violence;
- Summary/Abstract:Violence against women is the most widespread human rights violation that occurs all over the world, regardless of educational, cultural and economic development levels. Statistics show that violence has a significant proportion even in countries with developed economies and that it cannot be prevented and continues to increase. Prevention is very important for the health and future of individuals, families and communities. Violence against women can be caused by a variety of factors involving many different disciplines. Violence should be examined in a wide range of contexts, from economic inequalities to extreme human, environmental and health crises such as climate change. This study attempts to understand violence against women by identifying its possible economic causes and to provide guidance to policy makers on prevention. Economic causes of violence against women are related to economic dependency and lack of employment opportunities. Investing in women’s education, increasing employment opportunities and creating protective mechanisms against economic violence are important steps in preventing violence against women. Policy interventions should focus on ensuring women’s economic empowerment and reducing inequalities. At the same time, these interventions and policies should not ignore and even facilitate social absorption.
- Price: 4.60 €
Kadınların Güçlen(diril)mesinde Yeni Yaklaşım: Mor Yerleşkeler
Kadınların Güçlen(diril)mesinde Yeni Yaklaşım: Mor Yerleşkeler
(New Approach to Women’s Employment: Purple Settlements)
- Author(s):Nuran H. Belet
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Gender Studies, Sociology, Labor relations
- Page Range:381-408
- No. of Pages:28
- Keywords:Disaster; gender inequality; women empowerment; purple settlements;
- Summary/Abstract:The earthquake that occurred on 6 February 2023 in 11 provinces of Turkey resulted in a significant loss of life and property, thereby once again emphasizing the issue of societal vulnerabilities in the aftermath of natural disasters. A series of needs assessments conducted by the United Nations, in conjunction with observations from women’s civil society organizations operating in the affected regions, have revealed that women and girls are confronted with significant obstacles in accessing essential services. Those who were pregnant or nursing, single, elderly or disabled encountered particular difficulties in obtaining the assistance and services they required with urgency. These challenges were particularly evident in rural and remote areas. In the aftermath of the earthquake, the Ministry of Family and Social Services provided invaluable assistance, but it was not the only organization to offer support. Women’s civil society organizations also played a significant role in providing aid to the affected regions.This study examines the “Purple Settlements” initiative, a support mechanism implemented by the Federation of Women’s Associations of Turkey (TKDF) following the 6 February earthquakes, both in the affected areas and in cities receiving displaced populations. This study will examine the founding objectives of the Purple Settlements initiative, the services it provides to empower women, and the mechanisms through which these services are made sustainable. Finally, it will evaluate the potential for the Purple Settlements to be adopted as a scalable model from various perspectives.
- Price: 4.60 €
Mesleki Tükenmişlik; Kadın Akademisyenler Üzerine Nitel Bir Araştırma
Mesleki Tükenmişlik; Kadın Akademisyenler Üzerine Nitel Bir Araştırma
(Occupational Burnout; A Qualitative Research on Women Academics)
- Author(s):Mehmet Dinç, Elmas Gezer, Sibel Nalbant
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Gender Studies, Psychology, Health and medicine and law
- Page Range:409-428
- No. of Pages:20
- Keywords:Woman; academician; occupational burnout;
- Summary/Abstract:This study aimed to examine the experiences of female academics regarding how the problems/challenges they experience in their working lives affect their occupational burnout. In the study, a qualitative research was conducted using the phenomenological pattern method. The sample of the research consists of 6 female academics working at a state university in Turkey. Semi-structured individual interview method was used and 13 open-ended questions were asked to the participants, created by three academics who are experts in the field. The data obtained from the interviews were analyzed using the thematic analysis method. In the research, five main themes were obtained to explain the occupational burnout of female academics. Among these themes, the theme is “difficulties experienced”; It points out that female academics face prejudices and access problems. In the second theme, “factors that cause burnout”; It has been revealed that there are problems regarding gender roles, workload, being ignored, and the cost of living. In the third theme, “factors that facilitate being positive and happy”; Opinions were obtained regarding improving the working environments of female academics, economic improvements, alleviating the workload, and positive attitudes of administrators/managers. In the fourth theme, “being a working woman”, opinions were obtained about the advantages and disadvantages of being a working woman. In the fifth theme called “Recommendations”; Opinions were reached on keeping home and work separate and keeping motivation high. It is seen that occupational burnout is higher in environments where the number of academics is low, the number of female and male academics is not equal and working conditions are not good. In addition, the social role of women, economic reasons and workload related to the title also cause occupational burnout. Making the working environment suitable, lightening the workload, creating fair working conditions with an egalitarian approach in the workplace and equalizing the number of women and men in the working environment can be recommended as effective solutions against occupational burnout.
- Price: 4.60 €
İnşaat Sektöründe Cinsiyet Eşitsizliği; Kadın Mimarlar
İnşaat Sektöründe Cinsiyet Eşitsizliği; Kadın Mimarlar
(Gender Inequality in The Construction Industry; Women Architects)
- Author(s):Merve Tutkun, Murat Tutkun
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Gender Studies, Architecture, Labor relations, Sociology of Art
- Page Range:429-447
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:Architecture; Women; Gender Inequality;
- Summary/Abstract:Women have undertaken various roles and responsibilities in society from past to present. While these roles, which change and diversify under the influence of traditions, cultural norms, economic structure and social environment, sometimes bring to the fore areas of action where women are more active, they sometimes bring about discrimination and inequality of opportunities against women, and therefore their separation from action areas. This understanding, in which men and women are evaluated separately, has brought about a significant separation, especially in professional acquisition and business life, and certain sectors have been socially accepted as areas where women cannot take on a role. In this context, the construction sector, which is generally accepted as a business line in which men predominantly work, was evaluated within the scope of the study.Engineering and architectural services, which stand out as professions that require qualified education within the construction sector, were examined within the scope of the study in the context of women’s duties as a business line, their opportunities to use their potential and the difficulties they experience in the sector. In this context, the difficulties experienced by women who work within the architectural professional organization in office work and also in construction site / field work, both during their education periods and in business life, have been analyzed analytically within the scope of statistical data based on survey studies, as well as theoretical and conceptual evaluations in the context of gender equality / inequality.
- Price: 4.60 €
Acil Obstetrik Kliniğe Başvuran Gebelerde Distres Düzeylerin Belirlenmesi: Şirnak Örneği
Acil Obstetrik Kliniğe Başvuran Gebelerde Distres Düzeylerin Belirlenmesi: Şirnak Örneği
(Determination of Distress Levels in Pregnant People Who Apply to the Emergency Obstetric Clinic: Sirnak Sample)
- Author(s):İbrahim Uzan, Sevda Kaarakaş
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Gender Studies, Health and medicine and law, Family and social welfare
- Page Range:451-460
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Acil obstetrik; gebe; distres; Pregnant; emergency obstetric; distress;
- Summary/Abstract:This study was conducted to determine the distress levels of pregnant women who applied to the emergency obstetrics clinic. The research population was created by pregnant women who came to the pregnant emergency department of a public hospital in the Southeastern Anatolia region between May-2023 and July-2023. In calculating the sample size of the study with a known sample size, the number of samples was calculated as prevalence with a 5% error level and a 95% confidence interval, and 300 pregnant women were included in the sample. Introductory Information Form and Tilburg Pregnancy Distress Scale (TGDS) were used in pregnant women. In our study, it was found that the difference between educational status and TGDS total and negative affect subscale score averages was statistically significant. It was determined that the average TGDS score of women who had problems in their previous pregnancies was higher than those who did not. As a result, the study found that pregnancy, emergency obstetrics and distress were highly associated. It was determined that as pregnant women’s spousal support increased, their feelings of anxiety and anxiety during pregnancy decreased. It was determined that pregnant women with high income levels had low distress scores. Evaluating women not only physiologically but also psychologically during pregnancy has an important place in protecting the health of both the mother and the fetus/baby.
- Price: 4.60 €
Kadin Sağliğini Etkileyen Faktörler ve Ebelerin Rolü
Kadin Sağliğini Etkileyen Faktörler ve Ebelerin Rolü
(Factors Affecting Women’s Health and the Role of Midwives)
- Author(s):Maryam Azarnia, Ayşegül Dönmez
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Gender Studies, Sociology, Health and medicine and law, Family and social welfare
- Page Range:461-479
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:Woman health; health factors; social factors; reproductive health; midwife;
- Summary/Abstract:Women’s health is an important field shaped by the complex interaction of biological, social, and environmental factors. Understanding these factors determines women’s lifelong well-being and directly influences societal welfare. Women’s health is a multifaceted process that encompasses various stages of life and holds a prioritized position in healthcare compared to other segments of society. Determinants of women’s health, as described in the literature, include various factors shaping women’s well-being on a global scale, such as sexual and reproductive health, gender equality, and the importance of healthcare delivery. Additionally, the significance of social factors like education, migration, employment, and violence in influencing women’s health is emphasized. This becomes even more crucial in developing countries like Turkey, where women constitute half of the total population. Women’s health spans various stages of life and is a priority issue in healthcare compared to other segments of society. Among the factors influencing women’s health, there is a complex relationship between biological determinants, socio-economic status, culture, and access to healthcare delivery. Even though pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum processes can pose health risks despite being healthy, priority should be given to women’s health. Access to family planning and contraception methods are important initiatives in preventing fertility-related issues in women’s health. Physical and mental health during adulthood are crucial for the healthy progression of children’s growth and development and concern not only women’s health but also the well-being of mothers, children, and society as a whole. This review, based on literature, aims to share information regarding the role of midwives in women’s health by emphasizing the health and social dimensions of factors affecting women’s health. Examining the various dimensions of factors influencing women’s health can contribute to evidence-based interventions and policies that affect public health and empower women for healthier, higher-quality lives.
- Price: 4.60 €
Prenatal Testlerde Kanita Dayali Uygulamalar
Prenatal Testlerde Kanita Dayali Uygulamalar
(Evidence-Based Practices in Prenatal Testing)
- Author(s):Maryam Azarnia, Çiler Yeyğel
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Health and medicine and law, Family and social welfare
- Page Range:481-493
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Prenatal test; safe pregnancy; pregnancy follow-ups; evidence-based midwifery care;
- Summary/Abstract:The use of evidence-based practices in prenatal testing encompasses evidence-based approaches in routine pregnancy monitoring and fetal assessment, providing comprehensive evaluation throughout pregnancy. Therefore, the utilization of evidence-based practices in prenatal testing is crucial for achieving optimal maternal and fetal outcomes. This study aims to highlight the significant contributions of evidence-based developments in prenatal testing. Additionally, it seeks to provide a comprehensive overview of evidence-based practices in prenatal testing and emphasize their critical role in ensuring optimal maternal and fetal outcomes. Integration of evidence-based interventions such as ultrasound examinations, amniocentesis, and chorionic villus sampling should be analyzed to enhance the quality and effectiveness of antenatal care. Evaluation methods for fetal assessment, including techniques such as ultrasound, should be considered to contribute to the early detection of potential issues during the prenatal period based on accurate and scientifically grounded information about fetal development. Utilizing evidence-based practices for comprehensive maternal assessment and monitoring maternal health will support pregnancy well-being. Challenges and barriers to the use of evidence-based practices in prenatal testing are evident. This study underscores the critical role of evidence-based developments in prenatal testing for achieving optimal maternal and fetal outcomes and advocates for their adoption in routine care. Among the notable findings of prenatal testing, high-quality evidence supports second-trimester amniocentesis as the preferred procedure for testing from the 15th week of pregnancy onwards. When a test is necessary before the 15th week of pregnancy, low to moderate quality evidence suggests that depending on the outcome of interest, transabdominal chorionic villus sampling could be considered as the preferred procedure. Therefore, further research is essential to address the challenges and barriers to the implementation of evidence-based interventions in prenatal testing.
- Price: 4.60 €
Aile Planlamasi Uygulamasinda Kanita Dayali Uygulamalar
Aile Planlamasi Uygulamasinda Kanita Dayali Uygulamalar
(Evidence-Based Practices in Family Planning)
- Author(s):Selin Koç, Çiler Yeyğel
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Sociology, Health and medicine and law, Family and social welfare, Policy, planning, forecast and speculation
- Page Range:495-509
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:Family planning; evidence; contraceptive methods;
- Summary/Abstract:Family Planning is a strategy to help individuals manage the process of starting their own families and having children. The aim of family planning is to recognize the freedom of individuals to choose the time, number and spacing of their childbearing and to create a healthy society. Evidence-based practices in family planning methods provide a comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness, reliability and safety of family planning methods. Controlled clinical trials and meta-analyses of family planning practices provide evidence-based information on the effectiveness of these methods. Furthermore, the use of evidence-based approaches in family planning practices will ensure equality of access to health services in the community. In this context, this review was created by examining clinical guidelines, standards of care and evidence-based approaches to increase the effectiveness of family planning practices. This study aims to highlight the important contributions of evidence-based developments in family planning practices for health professionals, policy makers and the general public.
- Price: 4.60 €
Kadın Yoksulluğu ve Gebeliğe Etkileri
Kadın Yoksulluğu ve Gebeliğe Etkileri
(Female Poverty and its Effects on Pregnancy)
- Author(s):Sevilay Aydın, Melike Dişsiz, Dilek Bingöl
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Gender Studies, Social differentiation, Health and medicine and law, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:511-529
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:Poverty; health; pregnancy; nursing;
- Summary/Abstract:Poverty refers to a situation that includes not only lack of income and physical resources, but also social exclusion, unjust distribution of available resources, and powerlessness. The fact that women are more affected by poverty than men has led to the emergence of the concept of “female poverty.” Women struggling with poverty experience health problems due to adverse conditions such as difficulties in accessing health services, nutritional deficiencies, and low levels of education. This study reviews studies examining the effects of poverty on pregnancy. Poverty leads to problems such as inadequate nutrition before and during pregnancy, anemia, premature birth, and preeclampsia in the mother, and intrauterine growth retardation and low birth weight in the baby. In addition, factors such as lack of access to health services, inadequate immunization, unhealthy birth conditions, and high levels of smoking and alcohol use negatively affect both maternal and fetal health. Factors such as stress, low levels of education, unemployment, lack of social support, and domestic violence increase the risk of perinatal depression in poor women. Early diagnosis of pregnancy, determination of risks, provision of adequate nutrition, completion of immunization, prevention of anemia with folic acid and iron supplements, protection and maintenance of mental health are critical to reduce maternal and infant mortality.
- Price: 4.60 €
Genital Yol Enfeksiyonlarin Kadin Sağliğinda Önemi ve Ebelerin Rolü
Genital Yol Enfeksiyonlarin Kadin Sağliğinda Önemi ve Ebelerin Rolü
(The Importance of Genital Tract Infections in Women’s Health and the Role of Midwives)
- Author(s):Selin Koç, Ayşegül Dönmez
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Gender Studies, Health and medicine and law
- Page Range:531-549
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:Genital tract infections; sexually transmitted infections; midwifery;
- Summary/Abstract:Genital tract infections are spreading worldwide and pose significant health risks, particularly in low- and middle-income countries. These infections affect the health of women and babies during pregnancy and can lead to adverse outcomes. Early detection and treatment through community-based screening tests is vital, but many women do not have access to these services or have limited access, and in low-resource settings, weak health systems and limited transportation contribute to increased prevalence and severity of genital infections. Ease of access to health services, promoting education and raising awareness are crucial to preventing these increases. In recent years, the availability of high quality diagnostic tests and recent advances in self-collected vaginal specimens offer promising solutions. The shift from syndromic approaches to more specific and effective diagnostic methods is contributing significantly to the well-being of individuals. Preventing mother-to-child transmission of infections is important for maternal and child health, and adoption of these advances in national and international guidelines and clinical practice can contribute to the overall improvement of women’s reproductive health. It therefore requires collaboration between the global health community, governments and non-governmental organizations to ensure effective resource allocation and implementation.
- Price: 4.60 €
Göç ve Kadin Üreme Sağliğina Etkileri
Göç ve Kadin Üreme Sağliğina Etkileri
(Migration and Its Effects on Women’s Reproductive Health)
- Author(s):Dilek Bingöl, Melike Dişsiz, Sevilay Aydın
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Gender Studies, Health and medicine and law, Migration Studies
- Page Range:551-569
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:Migration; women; nurse;
- Summary/Abstract:Introduction: Migration is an international problem that affects individuals and society socially, culturally and psychologically. Although migration is traumatic for all individuals, women, who are among the most affected risk groups by this process, are also affected more due to gender inequality. Migration has many negative effects on women’s reproductive health. This study was prepared to explain the effects of migration on women’s reproductive health.Method: Women who migrate due to wars, disasters and other reasons experience problems in terms of adapting to the new living space, changes in the cultural environment and lack of social support, which is one of the biggest negative effects of migration, in terms of benefiting from health services. In this study, studies examining the effects of migration on women’s reproductive health were evaluated.Findings: It is a known fact that wars, disasters and migrations experienced worldwide increase women’s general health problems. The most common health problems encountered by immigrant women include infectious diseases, vaginal infections, inability to benefit from family planning services, spontaneous abortions, multiple pregnancies at short intervals, fewer births in public institutions, more births at home, and irregular menstrual bleeding. When we look at the effects of migration on women’s daily lives and health, it can be said that it generally negatively affects their health and quality of life.Conclusion: Nurses have important responsibilities in protecting and improving the health of immigrant women. Nurses should accept that immigrants are at-risk groups, and should be knowledgeable about the economic status, family structure, traditional practices, beliefs, communication methods, roles in the family and society, and cultural values of the women they serve, and should help immigrants access health services. In line with this information, an individualized transcultural nursing care approach should be offered to immigrant women without judging or questioning them.
- Price: 4.60 €
Kadin Hayatinin Evrelerine Göre Karşilaşilan Sağlik Sorunlarinda Ebelerin Rolü
Kadin Hayatinin Evrelerine Göre Karşilaşilan Sağlik Sorunlarinda Ebelerin Rolü
(The Role of Midwives in Addressing Health Issues Encountered at Different Stages of Women’s Lives)
- Author(s):Suna Aras Çelik, Ayşegül Dönmez
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Gender Studies, Health and medicine and law, Demography and human biology
- Page Range:571-591
- No. of Pages:21
- Keywords:Woman; life; health;
- Summary/Abstract:Women may encounter health issues throughout different stages of their lives, which can adversely affect their well-being. Understanding the health problems women face at various life stages and the role of midwives in these processes is important. Providing a comprehensive perspective on women’s health, emphasizing that health is not just the absence of disease but also a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, elucidates the need to evaluate women’s health in these three dimensions. By providing a detailed explanation of how women’s health is affected during different stages of life, particularly during pregnancy, childbirth, and menopause, it underscores the increased health needs of women during these specific periods. Examining how health issues during these periods impact women’s lives, the narrative focuses on how women’s access to health services and their needs can be addressed. Highlighting the diversity of factors influencing women’s health, the narrative not only mentions fertility-related factors but also social, economic, and cultural factors such as education, participation in the workforce, migration, and violence. While explaining the impact of these factors on women’s health, it particularly emphasizes various risks women face throughout their lives and underscores the need for shaping societal and health policies to reduce these risks. Focusing on the importance of midwives in women’s health, the narrative underscores the critical role these healthcare professionals play in providing health services to women. It mentions the effective role midwives play in providing services such as pre-pregnancy counseling, managing the childbirth process, postpartum care, as well as providing health education and support to women. Emphasizing the role of midwives from a gender equality perspective, it highlights their significant role in reducing women’s health problems and underscores the importance of education and awareness campaigns in this regard. The aim of the study is to discuss coping strategies for dealing with challenges by providing a comprehensive perspective on women’s health. This study was conducted using a review method. Existing articles, book chapters, reports, and other sources focusing on women’s health were reviewed. Researchers examined the health problems, risk factors, prevention and treatment methods women encounter at different life stages, and the role of midwives in this process. During this process, existing information was compiled, synthesized, and analyzed. In conclusion, the review emphasizes the importance of women’s health and highlights the critical role of midwives in this field. It underscores the need to develop health policies and services focused on women’s health to effectively address the health problems women face throughout their lives. In this context, it emphasizes the importance of increasing women’s access to health services and supporting women’s health from a gender equality perspective, highlighting the necessity of taking steps in this direction.
- Price: 4.60 €
Siyasal Hayatta Kadinlar: Cinsiyet Kotasi Uygulamalari Üzerine Bir Araştirma
Siyasal Hayatta Kadinlar: Cinsiyet Kotasi Uygulamalari Üzerine Bir Araştirma
(Women in Political Life: A Study on Gender Quota Applications)
- Author(s):Merve Özdemir
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Gender Studies, Governance, Sociology, Sociology of Politics
- Page Range:595-609
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:Political Participation; Parties; Quota Applications; Women’s Representation; Media;
- Summary/Abstract:In its most general definition, political participation is defined as the power of the governed to influence the decisions and practices of the state. Political participation in countries; It depends on various variables such as gender, education, profession, age, culture and family. Political participation cannot be directly associated with voting behavior. Various features such as citizens participating in discussions on political and administrative issues, having basic knowledge about politics, and being able to objectively approach the information they obtain from the media are important for political participation. It is seen that certain debates regarding gender equality continue since ancient Greece and continue today. Although there is a difference in terms of gender equality compared to the past, it is seen that this issue is not fully achieved in many areas today. One of these areas is the issue of taking part in politics. It is observed that especially women’s participation in the political field is lower than men. As in many countries of the world, women’s political participation in Turkey has a lower rate than men. From this perspective, the fact that women’s representation in politics is less in number than men brings about discussions on the democracy problem. One of the most important factors that create this situation is that women have a formal representation in politics. To prevent this, parties can create gender equality in politics by implementing quota activities, ensure that women are pioneers in meetings, and ensure that parties make women as visible as men in media campaigns. Quota practices to be implemented for this purpose will make it easier for women to gain more space in the political arena and for women to have a say in management. In this study, the concept of quota application will be explained and the practices of the parties in this sense will be included. In addition, in the method part of the study, female representation rates and quota practices in Europe will be evaluated and examined in terms of gender equality. For this purpose, although it is seen in the study that European countries are ahead in quota applications compared to some countries, it is seen that they cannot fully ensure equality between men and women in politics.
- Price: 4.60 €
Kadin Sağliğina Yönelik Cinsiyetçi Dezenformasyon: Sosyal Medyada HPV Aşisi Karşitliği
Kadin Sağliğina Yönelik Cinsiyetçi Dezenformasyon: Sosyal Medyada HPV Aşisi Karşitliği
(Gendered Disinformation Towards Women’s Health: Anti-HPV Vaccine on Social Media)
- Author(s):Aslıhan Ardıç Çobaner
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Gender Studies, Media studies, Communication studies, Health and medicine and law, ICT Information and Communications Technologies
- Page Range:611-628
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:Instagram; Gendered disinformation; digital misogyny; HPV vaccines; social media, Instagram;
- Summary/Abstract:One of the strategies used to silence women is “gendered disinformation”. In the literature, sexist disinformation or sexualized disinformation is defined as online disinformation based on the coordinated dissemination of false or misleading information against women using gendered and racialized narratives. As a form of “digital misogyny”, it aims to silence women who openly voice their opinions on social media and discourage them from participating in the public sphere. This study aims to examine the comments on Instagram influencer Ecem Taşer’s (@ecemtaser) post in which she and her husband announced that both she and her husband had received the HPV vaccine as a threat to women’s health and an example of sexist disinformation. User comments on Ecem Taşer’s post on HPV vaccination and the comments on these comments were analyzed through thematic analysis. Based on a case study, this study aims to understand the effects of sexist disinformation on women’s lives.
- Price: 4.60 €
Kadina Yönelik Ayrimcilik Temali Kamu Spotu: Kültürlerarasi Bir Yaklaşim
Kadina Yönelik Ayrimcilik Temali Kamu Spotu: Kültürlerarasi Bir Yaklaşim
(Public Service Announcement on the Theme of Discrimination Against Women: A Crosscultural Approach)
- Author(s):Ömer Aydınoğlu, Fikriye Çelik
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Gender Studies, Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Marketing / Advertising
- Page Range:629-646
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:Advertising research; public service announcement; discrimination against women; semiotics;
- Summary/Abstract:Inequality between man and woman is a prominent form of discrimination in modern societies. This form of discrimination is related to the role attributed to women by male-dominated societies. Patriarchal society attributes a commodity value to women as sexual objects. This meaning is visible in public service announcements aiming to create social change. As known, PSAs are an important communication tool to change existing behaviour and/or create new behavioural patterns. Therefore, PSAs on discrimination against women broadcast in Turkey and Ukraine were analysed. The aim is to reveal through which gender the theme of discrimination gains visibility. Evaluating the social and cultural perspective specific to the theme of discrimination through the PSAs of two different countries points to the unique value of the study. Two PSAs on the theme of discrimination, selected from Turkey and Ukraine by purposive sampling method, were analysed through semiotics. Both visual and linguistic indicator differences were found in the message production of the examined PSAs; it was understood that the use of appealing elements such as humour, fear, sexuality, violence and music stemmed from the dominant social perspective depending on the culture. As a result of the research, it is observed that while the PSAs in Turkey were addressed through the superiority of men over women, PSAs broadcasted in Ukraine addressed the same theme through the representation of a disadvantaged and inadequate man against women. The study shows that culture, is also an important determinant of media content targeting behavioural patterns such as PSAs.
- Price: 4.60 €
Kadinin Soyadi Hakkinin Türkiye’deki Serüveni: Bu Henüz Mutlu Son Değil
Kadinin Soyadi Hakkinin Türkiye’deki Serüveni: Bu Henüz Mutlu Son Değil
(The Adventure of Women’s Right to Surname in Turkey: This is Not a Happy Ending Yet)
- Author(s):Seda Özkan
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Gender Studies, Civil Law, Human Rights and Humanitarian Law
- Page Range:647-661
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:CEDAW; Turkish Civil Code; women’s right to surname; prohibition of discrimination; right to respect for private;
- Summary/Abstract:Article 187 of the Turkish Civil Code, which regulates the surname of women, annulment by the decision of the Constitutional Court dated 22/02/2023. Until the annulment decision of the Constitutional Court dated 22/02/2023, important judicial steps were passed regarding the woman’s right to surname. The ECtHR, in decision of Ünal Tekeli v. Türkiye, ruled that the woman’s right to surname was violated, and this decision became a turning point. In this decision, the ECtHR reveals that the article regulating the surname of the woman violates the right to respect for private life guaranteed by Article 8 of the ECHR and, accordingly, the prohibition of discrimination under Article 14 of the ECHR. This decision has also been a guide in terms of constitutional complaints brought before the Constitutional Court as of 23/09/2012. However, the violation of the women’s right to surname has not yet been eliminated. Because, although the annulment of Article 187 of the Law has eliminated the source of the violation, the fact that there is no regulation yet despite the nine-month period has expired, creating a new form of violation against the women’s right to surname by the legislature.
- Price: 4.60 €
Parlamentoda Bir Köylü Kadinin Temsili: Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nin İlk Kadin Milletvekillerinden Hati Çirpan (Sati Kadin)’In Siyasi Yaşami ve Etkileri
Parlamentoda Bir Köylü Kadinin Temsili: Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nin İlk Kadin Milletvekillerinden Hati Çirpan (Sati Kadin)’In Siyasi Yaşami ve Etkileri
(Representation of a Peasant Woman in Parliament: The Political Life and Influence of Hati Çirpan (Sati Kadin), One of Turkey’s First Female Deputies)
- Author(s):Ceren Avcil
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Gender Studies, Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Political Sciences, Sociology of Politics
- Page Range:663-679
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:women MPs; Republic of Türkiye; political participation; gender; women’s right;
- Summary/Abstract:This study examines the life and political career of Hatı Çırpan (Satı Kadın), one of the first female members of parliament in the Republic of Türkiye. The research utilizes published academic articles, books, theses, and archival documents pertaining to Çırpan’s life. Satı Hanım’s political journey serves as a significant example of the development of women’s political participation during the Republican era. The study emphasizes Çırpan’s unique position as the first female parliamentarian of rural origin, which is considered a crucial turning point in the process of changing traditional perspectives on women in Turkish Republic. In addition to her political career, the research also explores Çırpan’s views on gender roles and rural development. The study provides a detailed examination of the reforms implemented following the proclamation of the Republic to facilitate women’s participation in political life. In this context, important steps such as encouraging women’s participation in the public sphere, granting suffrage, and increasing educational opportunities are discussed. However, the study also draws attention to the fact that the current rate of women’s political representation is still not at the desired level. The research comprehensively analyzes the economic, social, cultural, and political factors affecting women’s political participation. Consequently, it emphasizes the need to reassess policies and strategies aimed at ensuring women’s full and equal participation. The study also discusses measures that should be taken to strengthen the status of women. In conclusion, this research examines the historical development of women’s political participation in Turkey through the life and political career of Satı Çırpan and evaluates the current situation. The study aims to contribute to the literature by offering recommendations for increasing women’s political representation.
- Price: 4.60 €