Savremena simbioza - nauka i društvo
Modern symbiosis - science and society
Contributor(s): Nebojša Macanović (Editor), Muhamed Omerović (Editor), Srećko Potić (Editor), Slavko MILIC (Editor)
Subject(s): Business Economy / Management, Criminal Law, International relations/trade, Political behavior, Politics and society, School education, State/Government and Education, Social development, Social Theory, Management and complex organizations, Penology, Sociology of Culture, Economic development, Inter-Ethnic Relations, Sociology of Politics, Socio-Economic Research, Sociology of Education, Sociology of Law, Politics and Identity, Pedagogy
Keywords: Science; Society; Modern society; Management; planning; social inclusion; geopolitical identity; underdeveloped countries; international relations; democratic development;
Summary/Abstract: Znaĉaj nauke za ĉovjeka i ljudsko društvo vrlo je velik. Nauka je naĉin spoznaje svijeta. A svijet u kojem mi ţivimo je veoma ovisan o nauci i tehnologiji. Da bismo bolje navigirali ovim svijetom, potrebno je da znamo ponešto o osnovnim nauĉnim fenomenima – kako stvari rade, kako se nešto dešava i kako funkcionira naš organizam. Zato ulaganje u nauku i obrazovanje, a samim tim i u ljudske resurse, donosi veliku korist za pojedince i društvo u cjelini. Pojedinci i društvene grupe zauzimaju odreĊeno mjesto u društvu na osnovu znanja kojim raspolaţu. Ono unapreĊuje sve oblasti ĉovjekovog ţivota i djelovanja. Društvo i nauka su ĉvrsto vezani i nalaze se u meĊusobnom odnosu. Društvo je stvaralo uslove i davalo društveni ambijent u kome se nauka mogla razvijati. S druge strane, nauka je omogućavala brţi razvoj pojedinih društvenih oblasti i cijelog društva. Povoljni društveni uslovi uticali su na nastanak brojnih izuma, patenata, tehniĉkih rješenja i modernizacija. Razvoj informatike dodatno je ubrzao razvoj i povezivanje preduzeća, multinacionalnih kompanija, drţava regija i svijeta. Povećana je razmjena ljudi, dobara, proizvoda i usluga. Ĉetvrta industrijska revolucija otvorila je neslućene mogućnosti razvoja i dalje promjene društva, društvenih odnosa. Sve ove promjene utiĉu pozitivno i na razvoj cjelokupnog društva, ali i demokratije i ljudskih prava. Sve ovo govori o jednoj simbiozi koja je rezultirala da nauka i društvo postanu jedna savremena forma ljudskog ţivora i razvoja civilizacije u XXI vijeku. Zbornik radova pod naslovom „SAVREMENA SIMBIOZA - NAUKA I DRUŠTVO“ je publikacija nauĉnih radova u okviru nauĉnog skupa „Nauka i društvo“. Ova publikacija predstavlja nauĉne i struĉne radove već dokazanih nauĉnih radnika i istraţivaĉa, ali i onih koji su na poĉetku svog nauĉnog rada. U Zborniku su objavljeni radovi nauĉnih radnika iz Bosne i Hercegovine i Republike Srbije, koji su u skladu sa njihovim nauĉnim iskustvom, uz dobronamjerne recenzije, usklaĊeni i adekvatno kategorisani. S obzirom na multidisciplinarnost teme zbornik obuhvata radove iz raznih nauĉnih disciplina kao što su: ekonomija, pravo, bezbjednost, defektologija, politiĉke nauke, sociologija i pedagogija. Radovi su aktuelni i obraĊuju savremena društvena pitanja i probleme, ali i teorijska i praktiĉna dostignuća pojedinih nauĉnih disciplina. Na takav naĉin dajemo podsticaja svim mladim ljudima da kroz svoj nauĉni rad daju doprinos u rješavanju brojnih društvenih problema. Upravo i prilikom izbora tekstova ureĊivaĉki odbor je ţelio da takvi radovi budu prioritetni u ovom zborniku, te je i sam naziv istog proistekao iz te ideje i potrebe. Nauĉni radnici, posebno oni koji su na poĉetku svoje akademske karijere, trebaju podršku kako bi istrajali u svom usavršavanju i nauĉnom dokazivanju. Ovaj Zbornik, kao i sam nauĉni skup, nastao je iz entuzijazma nekolicine profesora okupljenih oko Centra modernih znanja, da kroz ovakav vid nauĉnog rada otvore vrata nauke svim mladim nauĉnim radnicima i istraţivaĉima kako bi i njihova empirijska istraţivanja i dobijeni rezultati bili prezentovani široj javnosti. TakoĊe, dosadašnja saradnja sa kolegama iz Beograda i Nikšića rezultirala je da izdavaĉi ovog zbornika budu tri udruţenja iz regiona koja već duţi vremenski period saraĊuju organizujući razne edukacije. Brojni radovi otvaraju razne dileme i ostavljaju mjesta diskusiji kako i na koji naĉin nastaviti i razvijati razne nauĉne discipline. S tim u vezi ostavljamo vam prostora, da i vi svojim sugestijama i razmišljanjima, zajedno sa autorima traţite efikasnija rješenja i mogućnosti. Ovaj Zbornik nije konaĉan, jer nauka svaki dan traga za neĉim novim pa tako i autori i ureĊivaĉki tim ove publikacije.
- Page Count: 258
- Publication Year: 2024
- Language: Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian
Planiranje kao osnova procesa menadžmenta u malim i srednjim preduzećima
Planiranje kao osnova procesa menadžmenta u malim i srednjim preduzećima
(Planning as the basis of the management process in small and medium-sized enterprises)
- Author(s):Adnan Kamerić
- Language:Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, Micro-Economics, Management and complex organizations, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:7-19
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:small and medium enterprises; management; planning;
- Summary/Abstract:Planning is a process that includes the selection of tasks and goals and actions for their realization and requires decision-making, i.e. a choice between alternative future courses of action. Planning is a method of shaping our desires. Nowadays, planning is considered to be the dominant instrument of management. It represents forward thinking. Given the fact that thinking is a spiritual process, planning as such is defined only as a process or function. However, when it comes to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), this process has certain specificities, which primarily stem from the advantages and disadvantages of small and medium-sized enterprises. Bearing in mind that today's markets are dominated by SMEs, this paper deals with their specificities, with an emphasis on the specificities of planning as the basis of the management process.
- Price: 4.50 €
Друштвено предузетништво и особе с инвалидитетом
Друштвено предузетништво и особе с инвалидитетом
(Social entrepreneurship and people with disabilities)
- Author(s):Ljubinka Lazić, Deana Đekić
- Language:Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian
- Subject(s):National Economy, Social development, Economic development, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:20-32
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:social entrepreneurship; people with disabilities; social inclusion;
- Summary/Abstract:Considering that people with disabilities in society are often on the margins of the labor market, engaging in social entrepreneurship is a way of achieving their employment and social activism in order to provide means of livelihood and participation in social development. The aim of this paper is to point out the importance of social entrepreneurship with special reference to examples of the actualization of entrepreneurship of people with disabilities. For people with disabilities, social entrepreneurship offers the possibility of social and economic inclusion, utilization of abilities, raising the quality of life, realizing creative and innovative ideas, as well as making a personal contribution to social life and development. Precisely because of thаt, this paper deals with concrete examples of employment of people with disabilities through the concept of social entrepreneurship. For this purpose, the methods of interviews and qualitative analysis were applied to examples of social enterprises that work according to the concept of social entrepreneurship for people with disabilities.
- Price: 4.50 €
Geopolitički identitet i geostrateški značaj nerazvijenih zemalja
Geopolitički identitet i geostrateški značaj nerazvijenih zemalja
(Geopolitical identity and geostrategic significance of underdeveloped countries)
- Author(s):Asmir Mujanović
- Language:Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian
- Subject(s):National Economy, International relations/trade, Social development, Social Theory, Economic development, Sociology of Politics, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:33-43
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:geopolitical identity; geostrategic importance; underdeveloped countries; international relations; democratic development;
- Summary/Abstract:Failure to find adequate solutions for democratic development established on the basis of the market economy results primarily in economic, and based on it, other dependencies, which leads to a spiral development with negative consequences for these countries. The most recognizable are: sociopolitical dependence, economic, technical-technological and the necessity of joining one of the security alliances. Democracy and transition for these countries offer many options, and joining one of the alliances or associations is conditional in many ways. Insufficiently strong international entities are subject to various disturbances that they try to overcome independently within the framework of international relations, with the help of the international community or individual countries in the immediate and distant environment. The sublimation of historical, geographical, political, economic and securitydefense problems of underdeveloped countries clearly indicates that they are multiple dependent on international organizations and highly developed countries, but also that their power of absorption is not great when accepting some new values, so transition periods last quite a long time.
- Price: 4.50 €
Амерички интервенционизам и сукоб у Украјини
Амерички интервенционизам и сукоб у Украјини
(American interventionism and conflict in Ukraine)
- Author(s):Davor Strika
- Language:Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian
- Subject(s):Political history, Social history, International relations/trade, Sociology of Politics, Russian Aggression against Ukraine, Russian war against Ukraine
- Page Range:44-64
- No. of Pages:21
- Keywords:USA; Ukraine; Russia; foreign policy; international relations; American interventionism; hegemony;
- Summary/Abstract:American foreign policy and its approach to the world, throughout its nearly two-and-a-half centuries of existence, can be divided into periods of isolation and intervention. The period of isolation spanned from the victory in the American War of Independence against the British Empire in 1783 until the Spanish-American War in 1898, considered a pivotal point in America's foreign relations and global approach. American involvement in two world wars, followed by its position as the sole superpower in a unipolar world after the Cold War triumph over the USSR in 1991, enabled the USA to pursue an interventionist foreign policy. This policy involved active military and diplomatic interventions worldwide, often directly employing military force in places such as the former Yugoslavia (B&H and Serbia), Afghanistan, Iraq, and indirectly through proxies, leading to "proxy" wars as seen in contemporary Ukraine. In Eastern Europe, we are currently witnessing the largest military conflict on the Old Continent since the end of World War II. Given its scale, involvement of parties, weaponry used, geopolitical interests, etc., we can confidently assert that this conflict is not merely a conflict between Ukraine and Russia, but rather between Russia and the West or Russia and the American concept of interventionism, i.e. the American hegemony in international relations.
- Price: 4.50 €
Načelo oportuniteta krivičnog gonjenja
Načelo oportuniteta krivičnog gonjenja
(Principle of opportunity for criminal prosecution)
- Author(s):Dejan Đorđević
- Language:Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian
- Subject(s):Criminal Law, Politics and law, Sociology of Law, Court case
- Page Range:65-71
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:principle of immunity; criminal prosecution; restorative justice; courts;
- Summary/Abstract:By applying the principle of the opportunity of criminal prosecution, as a mechanism by which it is possible to eliminate minor crimes from the regular court procedure at the very beginning, the rationalization of the criminal procedure is achieved, as well as the faster functioning of the judicial system in general. Thus, in a quick and efficient way, it is "detoured" from the regular procedure for criminal acts that do not harm the public interest to a greater extent, while on the other hand, the circumstances of each individual case are taken into account, especially the personality of the perpetrator of the criminal act. The goal of introducing the principle of opportunity into criminal proceedings is to increase efficiency in criminal proceedings and relieve the courts. The principle of opportunity is interwoven with the ideas of consensual and restorative justice, the importance of which we will talk about in this paper.
- Price: 4.50 €
Karakteristike i mogućnosti upotrebe elektronskog novca
Karakteristike i mogućnosti upotrebe elektronskog novca
(Characteristics and possibilities of using electronic money)
- Author(s):Adnan Kamerić
- Language:Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian
- Subject(s):Supranational / Global Economy, Business Economy / Management, ICT Information and Communications Technologies, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:72-82
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:electronic money; financial markets; digital currencies;
- Summary/Abstract:E-money is the newest payment instrument. As part of the new electronic payment system, which will surely become a substitute for traditional payment in the future, electronic money is raising more and more interest in its implications for the further development of banking functions in the global and networked economy. Statistical evidence confirms the existence of electronic money is more pronounced in developed countries, which is understandable due to their high technological level, and knowledge and ability to absorb useful innovations of any kind. However, although electronic money has been present in certain markets for more than 20 years, its use is still at a generally low level globally. For this reason, this paper deals primarily with the characteristics and possible uses of electronic money, but with an analysis of the factors that influence its mass acceptance, that is, its use as a payment instrument.
- Price: 4.50 €
Kazna maloljetničkog zatvora u krivičnom zakonodavstvu Bosne i Hercegovine
Kazna maloljetničkog zatvora u krivičnom zakonodavstvu Bosne i Hercegovine
(Juvenile prison sentence in the criminal legislation of Bosnia and Herzegovina)
- Author(s):Nadežda Gudelj
- Language:Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian
- Subject(s):Criminal Law, Criminology, Sociology of Law, Court case
- Page Range:83-93
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:juvenile prison; educational measure; resocialization; treatment;
- Summary/Abstract:Juvenile prison is a hybrid criminal sanction, which in form is a punitive measure with pronounced elements of repression, but in terms of its content, essence and the goal it should achieve is an educational measure. Juvenile prison is the only type of punishment in the system of juvenile criminal sanctions (Art. 28-38 ZOMUKD). It is a special type of punishment that consists in depriving an older juvenile perpetrator of a serious criminal offense of their freedom of movement for a certain period of time. In terms of form, it is a sentence of deprivation of liberty, which is similar to the prison sentence that the court imposes on adult offenders. A juvenile prison sentence in Bosnia and Herzegovina can only be imposed on juvenile offenders over the age of sixteen, that is, only on older juveniles, which indicates that the juvenile criminal law of Bosnia and Herzegovina belongs to those laws that inherit a "humane" policy of punishing juveniles. In the paper, we will point out some legal characteristics of juvenile prisons, as well as the procedure for executing this educational measure.
- Price: 4.50 €
Resocijalizacija osuđenih lica kroz prizmu penološke andragogije
Resocijalizacija osuđenih lica kroz prizmu penološke andragogije
(Resocialization of convicted persons through the prism of penology andragogy)
- Author(s):Edis Bajić, Dejan Đorđević
- Language:Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian
- Subject(s):Criminal Law, Criminology, Penology, Philosophy of Law, Sociology of Law, Court case
- Page Range:94-105
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:penological andragogy; treatment; convicted persons; resocialization; punishment;
- Summary/Abstract:The problem of punishing convicted persons has always been a current topic of every human society. However, the purpose of every pronounced criminal sanction is the resocialization of convicted persons, which is carried out through the implementation of institutional re-educational treatment. The main discipline that deals with the problem of punishment and re-education of convicted persons is called penological andragogy. The goal of this work is to point out the theoretical starting points of this science, its subject, but also the connection with other scientific disciplines. This science is dynamic and requires constant upgrading, and its role is extremely important in the resocialization of criminals. Penological andragogy gives us clear guidelines on how and in what manner to deal with convicted persons who are serving a prison sentence. Her methodical approach is very important for the penological staff who work every day on the implementation of pre-educational treatment, and this article is also focused on some important forms and forms of pre-educational work that are used by educators on a daily basis.
- Price: 4.50 €
Sociološke teorije o uzrocima maoljetničke delinkvencije
Sociološke teorije o uzrocima maoljetničke delinkvencije
(Sociological theories on the causes of juvenile delinquency)
- Author(s):Danilo Mrković, Husein Ljeljak
- Language:Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian
- Subject(s):Criminal Law, Social development, Social Theory, Criminology, Penology, Sociology of Law, Court case
- Page Range:106-111
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:sociological theories; deviations; juvenile offenders; dysfunctionality of society;
- Summary/Abstract:In order to understand the causes of juvenile delinquency, we must look at the theoretical assumptions of criminogenic factors that lead to this deviant phenomenon among young people. In principle, all theories fall into three categories according to their origins and theoretical beliefs: biological, psychological and sociological. Not wanting to diminish the importance of other theories, and due to the structure and scope of the matter, in this paper we will deal primarily with sociological theories that are related to social factors and the dysfunctionality of a society in general. What all sociological theories have in common is that they see crime and juvenile delinquency as a socially conditioned phenomenon, and those who commit crimes as psychophysically healthy people who committed a crime due to the action of socially unfavorable factors. In using sociological theories for the emergence and development of deviations, one should be careful, because many have rightly asked the question: Why do those factors that favor sociological theories not affect the majority of citizens of a community, if unfavorable social factors are the only reason for the emergence of deviations in society?
- Price: 4.50 €
Alternativne krivične sankcije iz ugla krivičnog prava
Alternativne krivične sankcije iz ugla krivičnog prava
(Alternative criminal sanctions from the perspective of criminal law)
- Author(s):Dejan Đorđević
- Language:Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian
- Subject(s):Criminal Law, Criminology, Penology, Sociology of Law, Court case
- Page Range:112-121
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:alternative criminal sanctions; criminal law; legal norms; legal frameworks; criminal sanctions;
- Summary/Abstract:Traditionally, the basic criminal sanction is imprisonment, which is why in many legal systems the branch of law that is traditionally designated as criminal law in our country is called criminal law. If they would consider the prison sentence as the basic or dominant criminal sanction, then they could relatively easily label all other criminal sanctions as alternative. One of the more current issues of criminal law is the issue of alternative criminal sanctions. Alternative criminal sanctions mean all those sanctions that are an alternative to the penalty of deprivation of liberty and which are also followed by the penalty of deprivation of liberty as an instrument to ensure compliance with the imposed alternative criminal sanction. When it comes to criminal sanctions, in order for a certain criminal sanction to be considered an alternative, the existence of a primary criminal sanction is necessary. In the paper, we talk about the advantages and characteristics of alternative criminal sanctions, as well as divisions based on various criteria and their role in criminal legislation.
- Price: 4.50 €
Karakteristike krivičnih sankcija u savremenom društvu
Karakteristike krivičnih sankcija u savremenom društvu
(Characteristics of criminal sanctions in to modern society)
- Author(s):Nadežda Gudelj
- Language:Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian
- Subject(s):Criminal Law, International Law, Social Theory, Criminology, Penology, Sociology of Law, Court case
- Page Range:122-132
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:criminal sanctions; law; system of legal regulations; criminal acts;
- Summary/Abstract:In international criminal law, criminal sanctions represent coercive measures for the protection of humanity and international law against socially dangerous and illegal behavior imposed by the competent judicial authorities in the prescribed procedure, which consist in confiscating or limiting the freedoms and rights of the criminally responsible perpetrator. These are measures of social response that are applied to the perpetrator of an international criminal offense after its commission and in connection with it. They represent the necessary reaction of the international community to the most serious and dangerous cases of violation of the rules of international law of general civilizational significance.
- Price: 4.50 €
Uslovni otpust i resocijalizacija
Uslovni otpust i resocijalizacija
(Parole and resocialization)
- Author(s):Edis Bajić
- Language:Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian
- Subject(s):Criminal Law, Criminology, Penology, Sociology of Law, Court case
- Page Range:133-140
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:parole; prison; resocialization; punishment; treatment;
- Summary/Abstract:Conditional release is a measure that aims to "bring to an end" the process of resocialization of the offender at liberty. According to the opinion of the majority of lawyers and penologists, this process starts from the moment of initiation of criminal proceedings against that person until the last measures taken by the state in order to resocialize him. These last measures can also be final treatments in penal institutions, in other institutions if it is a question of security measures, that is, in the case of the application of some of the alternative sanctions or measures. The decision to release a person on parole is made by the Parole Commission, which functions within the Ministry of Justice. In this paper, we will point out the characteristics of parole and its significance as a legal instrument in the process of resocialization of convicted persons.
- Price: 4.50 €
Uloga i značaj sistema probacije za socijalnu integraciju osuđenih lica u društvenu zajednicu
Uloga i značaj sistema probacije za socijalnu integraciju osuđenih lica u društvenu zajednicu
(The role and significance of the probation system for the social integration of convicted persons in the social community)
- Author(s):Husein Ljeljak, Edis Bajić
- Language:Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian
- Subject(s):Criminal Law, Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Criminology, Penology, Sociology of Law
- Page Range:141-147
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:probation; sentence; social integration; convicted person;
- Summary/Abstract:Probation refers to the implementation of sanctions and measures in the community that are defined by the Law and that are applied to offenders. Also, probation implies a system of activities and interventions that include supervision, guidance and assistance, all with the aim of social integration of convicted persons as well as contributing to public safety. The institute of probation has been known and applied by numerous developed democratic societies for more than 170 years. Probation, in the most general terms, is treatment at liberty, as a rule conditional. The probation system has taken root in the countries of the region in the last thirty years. In Bosnia and Herzegovina, work is being done rapidly on the education of penological staff and on changing and adapting the laws related to this area. The goal of this work is to highlight the role and significance of the probation system and alternative criminal sanctions in the non-institutional treatment of perpetrators of criminal acts and their resocialization within the community.
- Price: 4.50 €
Uloga interpola u međunarodnoj policijskoj saradnji sa Bosnom i Hercegovinom
Uloga interpola u međunarodnoj policijskoj saradnji sa Bosnom i Hercegovinom
(The role of interpol in international police cooperation with Bosnia and Herzegovina)
- Author(s):Ognjen Sredojević
- Language:Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian
- Subject(s):Criminal Law, International relations/trade, Social Theory, Criminology, Sociology of Law, Court case
- Page Range:148-166
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:security; Interpol; international police cooperation; challenges; terrorism; organized crime; cyber crime;
- Summary/Abstract:International police cooperation with Bosnia and Herzegovina plays a key role in the fight against crime, i.e. drug trafficking, terrorism and other forms of transnational threats. Cooperation is achieved through various mechanisms, namely bilateral agreements, Europol, Interpol, and other regional and international organizations. Also, Bosnia and Herzegovina is a signatory to several international agreements on police cooperation, such as agreements with Europol and Interpol. The agreements enable partners from other countries to access information on criminal activities, then exchange intelligence data, as well as mutual support in criminal investigations and arrests. Interpol plays a significant role in maintaining security and international police cooperation in Bosnia and Herzegovina. For the subject of the research, the paper will cover various aspects such as the analysis regarding Interpol, i.e. how it contributes to maintaining the security of states and combating crime in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as the research of specific cases of cooperation, as well as the assessment of the effectiveness of their activities in the region, and all in terms of effective international police cooperation and suppression of transnational threats such as terrorism, organized crime and cybercrime.It is necessary to refer to various theoretical and empirical works, as well as relevant information, which contribute to the realization of successful police cooperation, as well as proposing new possible solutions. Also, it is necessary to analyze and cite scientific and professional works, reports of state authorities and agencies, and the media as sources of relevant information regarding this research. Certainly, it is necessary to draw a conclusion based on the content analysis, with the aim of determining the justification of the existing police cooperation between Bosnia and Herzegovina and Interpol, which relate to this topic.
- Price: 4.50 €
Društvo koje uči kao savremeni koncept u obrazovanju
Društvo koje uči kao savremeni koncept u obrazovanju
(The learning society as a modern concept in education)
- Author(s):Refik Trumić, Zakira Mulaomerović
- Language:Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian
- Subject(s):Educational Psychology, State/Government and Education, Social development, Inclusive Education / Inclusion, Sociology of Education, Pedagogy
- Page Range:167-175
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:knowledge society; lifelong learning; education system; learning society;
- Summary/Abstract:The old conceptual approach known as the "traditional paradigm of education", according to which the professor or teacher thinks and orders, and the students only execute, is becoming a thing of the past. The environment is too dynamic and full of changes for the classical approach to learning and teaching to remain viable and usable in human life. It follows that everyone, both teachers and students, must learn, that is, be ready for the integrative process of lifelong learning. Lifelong learning implies the integration of formal, non-formal and informal learning in order to acquire opportunities for continuous improvement of the quality of life. Young people who are educated within the institutions of the education system in Bosnia and Herzegovina are forced to constantly change and improve their own habits, abilities and skills in order to be as competitive as possible on the labor market.
- Price: 4.50 €
Specifičnosti i karakteristike inkluzivnog obrazovanja u nastavnom procesu iz ugla nastavnika
Specifičnosti i karakteristike inkluzivnog obrazovanja u nastavnom procesu iz ugla nastavnika
(Process from the teacher's point of view)
- Author(s):Muzafer Hadžić, Mirsada Tulumović-Kalajac
- Language:Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian
- Subject(s):Preschool education, School education, State/Government and Education, Inclusive Education / Inclusion, Sociology of Education, Pedagogy
- Page Range:176-190
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:educational system; inclusive teaching; children with developmental disabilities; teacher;
- Summary/Abstract:A special problem in regular schools is that all children who have been found to experience or have certain difficulties or special needs are not categorized. In this case, teachers and professional staff do not have any formal obligation to adjust the curriculum. This implies that these students are only integrated, but not included in the teaching process, which is created according to their individual needs and development possibilities. In this paper, the issue of adequate implementation of inclusive educational work is analyzed, with a special emphasis on the importance of including children with disabilities in inclusive education, the role of teachers in the implementation of the inclusive educational process, and the importance of educators', teachers' and teachers' attitudes towards children with disabilities. in development and their inclusion. In addition, the importance and highlighted role of teachers and all other actors of the educational process in achieving the proclaimed goals of social inclusion of children with developmental disabilities was emphasized.
- Price: 4.50 €
Moderno podučavanje gramatike engleskog jezika
Moderno podučavanje gramatike engleskog jezika
(Modern english grammar teaching)
- Author(s):Mirela Rahimić
- Language:Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian
- Subject(s):Foreign languages learning, School education, Sociology of Education, Pedagogy
- Page Range:191-205
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:English grammar; modern teaching; teaching; grammar-translation method; communication;
- Summary/Abstract:It used to be thought that the teaching of a foreign language should be reduced only to learning grammar, to knowledge of the language, so many teachers designed their lessons by forcing students to learn grammar rules by heart and say a few learned examples in accordance with those rules. However, as today's foreign language teaching goal has changed significantly, students should not be forced to learn a foreign language as required by some methods throughout history, especially the grammar-translation method. It is known that the traditional grammar-translation method focuses on teaching rules and practising grammar by translating sentences. The aim of modern communicative language teaching is to teach students to communicate, giving them the topic, material and frameworks with which they need to find out the meaning on their own. The grammar-translation method uses a limited number of techniques, such as lectures, translations, drill exercises, memorization of rules and words. On the other hand, communicative language teaching accepts a large number of activities, which are balanced, or at least should be. This kind of teaching involves more "information in context" and practising similar situations in real life. While the representatives of the grammar-translation method claim that students will learn better if they just listen to the teacher and do not make mistakes (due to the small number of opportunities to speak), in contrast, the representatives of communicative teaching suggest that students must "experiment" with the language in order to learn to use it. It is known that in the classroom the grammar-translation method does not promote oral exercises, however other methods can be used for this purpose. Therefore, the lack of one method can be replaced by the techniques and strategies of another. Thus, it would be a shame to completely reject the grammar-translation method and the teaching of grammar using its techniques, for example, in high school, knowing the fact that adolescents possess enviable analytical abilities and that they are the ones who succeed best in grammar and syntax. So, using only some techniques of the grammar-translation method, modern grammar teaching would be an ideal choice.
- Price: 4.50 €
Савремени образовни системи у свијету
Савремени образовни системи у свијету
(Education system of South Korea)
- Author(s):Mario Babić, Maja Babić
- Language:Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian
- Subject(s):School education, Educational Psychology, State/Government and Education, Sociology of Education, Pedagogy
- Page Range:206-218
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:educational system; students; curriculum; contemporary society;
- Summary/Abstract:The Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) organized by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), in addition to giving us an insight into the assessment of knowledge and skills of fifteen-year-olds around the world, also shows us that the countries that achieve the best results are located in different regions and parts of the world, and sometimes they have completely different cultures. The goal of this paper is to show how and in what way the education system works in South Korea, which for the last ten years has been at the very top of the most successful education systems in the world. In the paper, the authors present the structure and organization of the educational system, and their characteristics, but also shed light on the dilemma of what is actually the secret of the success of their educational system.
- Price: 4.50 €
Поремећаји узроковани лезијама на мозгу: афазија, апраксија, агнозија
Поремећаји узроковани лезијама на мозгу: афазија, апраксија, агнозија
(Disorders caused by brain lesions: aphasia, apraxia, agnosia)
- Author(s):Ružica Savić
- Language:Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian
- Subject(s):Social psychology and group interaction, Cognitive Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Health and medicine and law, Inclusive Education / Inclusion, Sociology of Education
- Page Range:219-228
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:speech; perception; disorder; aphasia; apraxia; agnosia;
- Summary/Abstract:The human organism is a complex system whose parts are responsible for certain functions important for human life. The central nervous system is responsible for the functioning of any part of the human organism. All our functions - movement, breathing, feeding, thought processes, speech, perception, etc. they are under the control of the central nervous system. Speech is one of the higher nervous functions that distinguishes us from other living beings. With the help of speech, we express our thoughts and feelings. Through movement, we get to know the world around us and perform the activities we need for life and leisure. Through perception and senses, we get to know the world around us, its structure and texture, heat, colors, tones, tastes and smells. That is, without all these functions, human life would be completely different. However, on the other hand, there are also disorders of these functions that are caused by injuries, diseases and degenerative conditions, namely: aphasia, apraxia and agnosia. The aim of this paper is to theoretically present the disorders aphasia, apraxia and agnosia, the clinical picture of the disorder and its impact on human life, and the subtypes of these disorders
- Price: 4.50 €
U susret stogodišnjici OŠ „25. Maj“ Delimeđe
U susret stogodišnjici OŠ „25. Maj“ Delimeđe
(In meeting the 100th anniversary of the "25. May" Delimedje)
- Author(s):Muzafer Hadžić
- Language:Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian
- Subject(s):Cultural history, School education, History of Education, State/Government and Education, Sociology of Education, Pedagogy
- Page Range:229-248
- No. of Pages:20
- Keywords:school; Delimeđe; education; teaching; students and teachers; geography; history; demography;
- Summary/Abstract:The essence of this work is dedicated to the Elementary School "25. maj" in the village of DelimeĎ in Tutina, and its concrete reason is the already completed hundred years of work and existence of this school. However, wanting to cover the topic as comprehensively as possible, the author gave the topic itself a broader context. Namely, in addition to the fact that the concrete course of time and the existence of the school itself through space and time, from its foundation to the present day, is dealt with, the paper pays additional attention to the historical context that preceded the school's creation, as well as demographic trends, geographical environment, and living conditions. , peaceful and troubled times, and socio-political events and happenings in the last three centuries. In the paper, the main emphasis is placed on the elementary school in DelimeĎ and the centenary period of its existence. The essence of this work is dedicated to the Elementary School "25. maj" in the village of Delimeđ in Tutina, and its concrete reason is the already completed hundred years of work and existence of this school. However, wanting to cover the topic as comprehensively as possible, the author gave the topic itself a broader context. Namely, in addition to the fact that the concrete course of time and the existence of the school itself through space and time, from its foundation to the present day, is dealt with, the paper pays additional attention to the historical context that preceded the school's creation, as well as demographic trends, geographical environment, and living conditions. , peaceful and troubled times, and socio-political events and happenings in the last three centuries. In the paper, the main emphasis is placed on the elementary school in Delimeđ and the centenary period of its existence.
- Price: 4.50 €
Ваннаставне активности и њихов значај на развој ученика прве тријаде
Ваннаставне активности и њихов значај на развој ученика прве тријаде
(Extra curricular activities and their significance on the development of students of the first triad)
- Author(s):Sanjin Buzadžija
- Language:Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian
- Subject(s):School education, Educational Psychology, State/Government and Education, Social psychology and group interaction, Developmental Psychology, Sociology of Education, Pedagogy
- Page Range:249-254
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:teaching; student; teacher; teacher; parent; extracurricular;
- Summary/Abstract:Extracurricular activities are a special type of teaching process, very important for students. Through them, students search for a new way of selfrespect and release of their creative potential. Also, through extracurricular activities, students fill their time constructively and creatively, and in this way they prevent those behaviors that are not acceptable neither in the family, nor in the school, nor in the social community. Extracurricular activities represent other forms of educational work and can be; scientific, social, artistic, technical, humanitarian, cultural, sports and other activities in accordance with spatial and human resources. The goal of this paper is to inform the interested public about the importance of extracurricular activities and their impact on student development, using them as a resource.
- Price: 4.50 €