Meeting with the world. Essays on global history Cover Image
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Spotkanie ze światem. Eseje o historii globalnej
Meeting with the world. Essays on global history

Author(s): Patrick Boucheron, Nicolas Delalande
Subject(s): Political history, Social history
Published by: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Keywords: global history; Eurocentric narrative
Summary/Abstract: A collection of essays published as part of the prestigious French series La Vie des idées. Polish edition supplemented with an essay on Polish history by Jerzy Pysiak. Texts included in a volume providing, with an expanding primary source, Anglo-Saxon, historiography, used for global action. On the one hand, the basic postulates of global history, such as a departure from the Eurocentric narrative (as e.g. in the essay about the conversation between the Dutch and the Javanese), on the other - express concerns about whether the new fashions in talking about history, which are always superficial and ideologically defined, will result in the application of the principles of validity of the historian's scientific workshop.

  • Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-235-2750-3
  • Print-ISBN-10: 978-83-235-12
  • Page Count: 133
  • Publication Year: 2013
  • Language: Polish