Hermeneutyka – fenomenologia – filozofia nadziei
Hermeneutics – Phenomenology – Philosophy of Hope
Texts Dedicated to Włodzimierz Lorenc
Contributor(s): Urszula Zbrzeźniak (Editor)
Subject(s): Philosophy, Phenomenology, Hermeneutics
Published by: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Keywords: phenomenology; hermeneutics; philosophy of history; hope; heritage
Summary/Abstract: The volume offers essays introducing selected varieties of hermeneutics and problems tackled by thinkers associated with the hermeneutical tradition as well as texts by philosophers as significant for modern thought as Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Martin Heidegger, Jacques Derrida, Hannah Arendt, or Jan Patočka. The publication pays homage to the academic achievements of Włodzimierz Lorenc, a Professor at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Warsaw, and a prominent student of modern continental thought.
- E-ISBN-13: 978-83-235-6132-3
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-235-6124-8
- Page Count: 186
- Publication Year: 2023
- Language: Polish
Tradycje badawcze hermeneutyki prawa – od Schleiermachera do Amseleka
Tradycje badawcze hermeneutyki prawa – od Schleiermachera do Amseleka
(The Research Traditions of Legal Hermeneutics – from Schleiermacher to Amselek)
- Author(s):Maria Gołębiewska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Philosophy, Phenomenology, Hermeneutics
- Page Range:19-42
- No. of Pages:24
- Keywords:hermeneutics; law; interpretation; statutory interpretation (Auslegung); norm; phenomenology
- Summary/Abstract:The purpose of the text is to discuss research traditions of legal hermeneutics, in the domains of which appeared and appear some questions specific to this type of hermeneutics. Research issues of legal hermeneutics, primarily regarding the questions of interpretation and statutory interpretation (Auslegung), are sometimes characterised slightly differently from the issue of ontological, theological or literary hermeneutics. It was these differences that Hans-Georg Gadamer devoted a lot of attention to, among others, analysing them in considerable detail in "Truth and Method". The purpose of the initial part is to discuss the specific research positions of legal hermeneutics in reference to theses and postulates of general hermeneutics. Subsequently, the history of legal interpretation is briefly presented (among others, the theses of Francis Lieber and Arthur Kaufmann, a polemic critical of the hermeneutics of Hans-Georg Gadamer). Two basic research contexts have been identified and distinguished, in relation to which legal interpretation is considered – next to the hermeneutic context is the narrower and stricter context of language analyses (argumentation logic, semiotics, semantics, theory of speech acts). This second context is particularly present in the semiotic and semantic approach to legal interpretation.
- Price: 4.50 €
Hermeneutyka a religia
Hermeneutyka a religia
(Hermeneutics and Religion)
- Author(s):Marek Szulakiewicz
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Philosophy, Phenomenology, Hermeneutics
- Page Range:43-61
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:hermeneutics; religion; understanding
- Summary/Abstract:The philosophical development of hermeneutics did not mean its restriction and confinement to philosophical considerations, but instead placed it at the centre of a lost culture. It affected all areas where a state of ambiguity was experienced, in particular religion and theology. The latter has long been torn between two tendencies. On the one hand, it was oriented towards tradition and fidelity to the sources, but on the other, it made constant attempts to exist in the present, developing reflections on revelation in the context of history. Both of these trends point to the need to take the principles of hermeneutics and understanding theory seriously. Here, theological science was reminded of the problems arising from the fact of the symbolic structure of the religious world. In this context, one has to ask the question of how the attempts to apply hermeneutics to religion and theology (hermeneutic theology) position themselves in the context of a theory of understanding? The article addresses this problem by highlighting the involvement of hermeneutics in the field of theology and religion, breaking with the metaphysical tradition and pointing to a human understanding of God.
- Price: 4.50 €
Spadkobierczyni religii
Spadkobierczyni religii
(The Heir to Religion)
- Author(s):Robert Grzywacz
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Philosophy, Phenomenology, Hermeneutics
- Page Range:63-75
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:hope; religion; moral enhancement; radical hope; scientific worldview; Immanuel Kant
- Summary/Abstract:The study deals with the philosophical problem of hope in an aspect that is determined by the issue of so-called radical hope. The latter perspective signifies hope as the heir to expectations previously associated with religion, and thus also as its substitute equivalent in line with the scientific worldview. The article shows several different dimensions of the problematic nature of such a substitution. To this end, it starts with a concise recall of some achievements of Polish philosophical inquiries devoted to hope, and broadens the scope of the presentation to include selected foreign approaches, in particular those referring to considerations made in the spirit of Kant. Ultimately, certain pragmatic and formal observations that can be made in the context of the summarised views seem to raise important doubts about the satisfactory character of the concept of radical hope.
- Price: 4.50 €
Hermeneutyka i czas
Hermeneutyka i czas
(Hermeneutics and Time)
- Author(s):Łukasz Kołoczek
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Philosophy, Phenomenology, Hermeneutics
- Page Range:77-95
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:time; hermeneutics; Heidegger; Gadamer; Ricoeur; Lévinas
- Summary/Abstract:The reasoning is based on two observations: first, each interpretation of time is closely related to the understanding of human existence and its relation to the world and to oneself (thus there is no isolated theory of time). Secondly, time is not one, and different descriptions of time do not allow to be consistent. If we agree that time is heterogeneous and incoherent, the question can be asked what understanding of human existence results from this fact. Human existence must have the ability to understand itself in different ways and to “jump” between them. This result entitles me to propose a “second degree hermeneutics” that will move in the field of various philosophical theories.
- Price: 4.50 €
System i pozór
System i pozór
(The System and the Appearance)
- Author(s):Paweł Pieniążek
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Philosophy, Phenomenology, Hermeneutics
- Page Range:97-119
- No. of Pages:23
- Keywords:Enlightenment; dialectics of the Enlightenment; system; domination; ideology; appearance; science; art
- Summary/Abstract:The article compares Rousseau’s thought to the philosophy of the authors of the Frankfurt school of critical theory in order to present Rousseau as a thinker who in his immanent criticism of the Enlightenment provided the principal, analytical premises for the conception of dialectics of the Enlightenment elaborated by Horkheimer and Adorno. The article shows and discusses the principal moments of the historiosophical scheme underlying it, which determine the logic of self-preservation and the dialectic of reification and domination. Then the ideological function of science and, most of all, of art is presented. The article addresses also the issue of the normative foundations of emancipatory, Enlightenment ideals in the thought of Rousseau and Horkheimer/Adorno.
- Price: 4.50 €
O wolności w filozofii Jana Patočki i Hannah Arendt
O wolności w filozofii Jana Patočki i Hannah Arendt
(Freedom in Jan Patočka’s and Hannah Arendt’s Philosophies)
- Author(s):Marek Drwięga
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Philosophy, Phenomenology, Hermeneutics
- Page Range:121-146
- No. of Pages:26
- Keywords:Jan Patočka; Hannah Arendt; freedom; totalitarianism; solidarity of the shaken; plurality; ethics; good and evil
- Summary/Abstract:In the paper the author would like to draw the readers’ attention to the question of freedom in the philosophies of Jan Patočka and Hannah Arendt. The analyses are situated in the context of the 20th century totalitarianisms. Patočka and Arendt were eyewitnesses and keen observers of this terrible period in history and both defended the freedom because of its significance for human beings. The Czech philosopher developed his concept of freedom in the context of “negative Platonism” and the movements of human existence to arrive at analyses of the experience of the frontline and solidarity of the “shaken”, where he emphasized the interpersonal and ethical aspect of this phenomenon. Hannah Arendt, on the other hand, started from the experience of total enslavement and absolute evil, and then developed the anthropological concept of the plurality of human individuals in the political context. She understood freedom as an inalienable property that is given with the birth of a human being, making it possible to start something new in the world, both good and evil.
- Price: 4.50 €
Dyskusja Derridy z myślą o sztuce Hegla i Heideggera
Dyskusja Derridy z myślą o sztuce Hegla i Heideggera
(Derrida Discusses Hegel’s and Heidegger’s Thought on Art)
- Author(s):Paweł Dybel
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Philosophy, Phenomenology, Hermeneutics
- Page Range:147-165
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:ergon; parergon; work of art; beauty; circle; presence; turn; abyss
- Summary/Abstract:In the paper I address the way in which Derrida, in his book "Truth in Painting", provides a critique of the aesthetic thought of Hegel and Heidegger. In his account, he tries to show that the traditional rigid distinction between the representations of a work of art (ergon) and its framing (parergon) does not convey how the latter significantly affects the representations of the work of art. Hegel, for example, conceived of the relationship between the work and its external contexts in terms of overlapping circles, whose traversing by the viewer allows him to get closer to the source of the work. A similar pattern is also present in Heidegger’s thought on the work of art, who conceives of it as a ‘present’, enclosed entity, unable to convey the ‘abyss’ of the circle that the representation of the work of art and the viewer's experience of it encircle. This objection by Derrida, however, is, in my opinion, unfounded. In it, he ignores the role played in Heidegger’s philosophy by the so-called ‘turn’, i.e. the abandonment of thinking in the form of a step-by-step ascent to truth, in favour of thinking in which truth occurs by way of an ascent to truth. In this perspective, too, the clear boundary between the ergon and the parergon of the work is blurred, although this has a different connotation from that of the author of "Glas". In Derrida’s thought on art, I also find problematic the complete disregard of the role played in the experience of the ‘beauty’ of a work of art by its clearly demarcated material ‘presence’ as an indispensable condition of this experience.
- Price: 4.50 €