Sosyal Bilimler Üzerine Araştırmalar III
Research on Social Sciences III
Contributor(s): Nüket Kirci Çevik (Editor)
Subject(s): Politics, Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Psychology, Visual Arts, Criminal Law, International relations/trade, Personality Psychology, Clinical psychology, Studies in violence and power, Family and social welfare, Demography and human biology, Rural and urban sociology, Environmental interactions, Fiscal Politics / Budgeting, ICT Information and Communications Technologies, Socio-Economic Research, Sociology of Art, Sociology of Religion, Peace and Conflict Studies
Published by: Özgür Yayın Dağıtım Ltd. Şti.
Keywords: Social Sciences; Technological developments; globalization; economy;
Summary/Abstract: Hukuki metinler toplumun huzur içerisinde yaşamalarını sağlamayı amaçlayan belgelerdir. Bu belgelerde sosyal konular yer almasının yanında oldukça fazla sayıda ekonomik konulara yönelik düzenlemelerin olduğu da bilinmektedir. Özellikle tarih boyunca ilk yazılı kanunlara rastlanan Mezopotamya’daki kanun metinlerinde iktisadi yaşama ait kanun maddelerine rastlanmıştır. Bu noktadan hareketle tespit edilen kanunnameler incelenmiştir. İncelemeler sonucunda Assur kanunları bu çalışmanın konusu olmuştur. Bu kanunun maddelerinde yer alan ekonomik maddeler ve bu ekonomik maddelerden muhasebe tarihi ile ilgili bulguların ortaya çıkarılması ve bu bulguların muhasebe tarihi çalışmaları kapsamında literatüre kazandırılması ve kanunnameleri muhasebe alanı bakışı ile yaklaşılmasına katkı sağlanmak amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmanın konu ve kapsamı doğrultusunda öncelikle Orta Assur Kanunları hakkında kısa verilecek, devam eden kısımda önce kanun metninin Prof. Dr. Mebrure TOSUN ve Doç.Dr. Kadriye YALVAÇ’ın “Sümer, Babil, Assur Kanunları ve Ammi-Şaduga Fermanı” adlı eserden alınan maddeler doğrudan verilmiş ve bu maddelerin içeriğinde muhasebeyi doğrudan ya da dolaylı yoldan doğuran bulgulara dikkat çekilecektir...
- E-ISBN-13: 978-975-447-586-9
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-975-447-586-9
- Page Count: 402
- Publication Year: 2023
- Language: Turkish, English
Muhasebe Tarihi Bakış Açısı ile Orta Assur Kanunları
Muhasebe Tarihi Bakış Açısı ile Orta Assur Kanunları
(Middle-Assurian Law in Accounting History Research)
- Author(s):Ali Apalı
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Penology, Law on Economics, Accounting - Business Administration
- Page Range:1-17
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:Accounting; Middle-Assurian Law;
- Summary/Abstract:Legal texts are documents that aim to ensure that the society lives in peace. In addition to the social issues in these documents, it is also known that there are a large number of regulations on economic issues. Especially in the texts of laws in Mesopotamia, where the first written laws were encountered throughout history, articles of economic life were found. From this point of view, the laws determined were examined. As a result of the examinations, Assyrian laws have been the subject of this study. It is aimed to reveal the economic articles in the articles of this law and the findings related to the history of accounting from these economic articles, to bring these findings to the literature within the scope of accounting history studies and to contribute to the approach of the lawbooks with an accounting field view. In line with the subject and scope of the study, firstly, a brief will be given about the Middle Assyrian Laws. Dr. Mebrure TOSUN and Assoc. The articles taken from Kadriye YALVAÇ's work "Sumerian, Babylonian, Assyrian Laws and the Ammi-Shaduga Edict" are given directly, and the findings that directly or indirectly lead to accounting in the content of these articles will be pointed out.
Vergi Ceza Hukukunda İçtima ve Tekerrür Kavramlarının Vergi Suçlarına Etkisi
Vergi Ceza Hukukunda İçtima ve Tekerrür Kavramlarının Vergi Suçlarına Etkisi
(The Effect of Joinder of Offences and Repetition Concepts on Tax Crimes in Tax Criminal Law)
- Author(s):Taner Ercan
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Criminal Law, Criminology, Fiscal Politics / Budgeting
- Page Range:19-45
- No. of Pages:27
- Keywords:Offences; Repetition; Tax Crimes; Tax Criminal Law;
- Summary/Abstract:One of the most important factors forming social order and discipline is law. With the establishment of the rules of law within the scope of the needs of the individuals who make up the society, public order is ensured and social values and rights are protected on the legal platform. The defense of the order in question and the provision of justice in the society are also possible with a strong, reliable and fair punishment system. Criminal law is the legal discipline that protects public order and prevents actions aimed at abolishing this order. Criminal law can be defined as all of the legal rules that determine human behaviors that are considered as crimes and envisage sanctions against these behaviors in the context of criminal law. Criminal law has a protective and punitive function in this respect, and in case of the realization of the punishing function, the protective function of the society occurs. Criminal law makes use of many different legal institutions while fulfilling these functions. Among these, there are the institutions of association and repetition, which are among the special appearance forms of crimes. It is the gathering of crimes and punishments that take place as an exception to the real society in criminal law. It is a criminal law institution that envisages giving a single punishment to the perpetrator despite the presence of more than one crime, within the conditions of the law. Repetition, on the other hand, refers to the situation of...
Terör ve Şiddet Üzerine Kavramsal Bir Çalışma
Terör ve Şiddet Üzerine Kavramsal Bir Çalışma
(A Conceptual Study on Terror and Violence)
- Author(s):Murat Sarı
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Criminology, Studies in violence and power, Peace and Conflict Studies
- Page Range:47-59
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Terror; Violence; terrorism; terrorist violence;
- Summary/Abstract:This article deals with terrorism and terrorist violence. Terrorism has been a phenomenon that has been continuing its existence for centuries, although it has undergone qualitative changes in each period. Although terrorism changes qualitatively in every period, the only thing that does not change in terrorism is violence. Because violence is the basic building block of terrorism. Terrorist organizations try to get people or groups to do what they want by intimidating, threatening and intimidating them with the elements of violence they use. Terrorism is also an excellent tool to achieve the targeted end of violence. Terrorism is also an excellent tool to achieve the targeted end of violence. In a way, it can be said that the existence of terrorism depends on violence. If there is violence, there is terrorism, if there is no violence, there is no talk of terrorism. This study has the nature of a conceptual study. In the study, the concepts of terrorism and violence are handled conceptually and the relations of these two concepts with each other are examined in all details.
20. Yüzyılda Türk Sosyal Politikasının Gelişimi
20. Yüzyılda Türk Sosyal Politikasının Gelişimi
(The Development of Turkish Social Policy in the 20th Century)
- Author(s):Abdurrahman Keskin, Erdal Beşoluk
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Politics, Sociology, Social history, Recent History (1900 till today), Politics and society, Social development
- Page Range:61-88
- No. of Pages:28
- Keywords:Social Policy; development of social policy;
- Summary/Abstract:There are many factors that affect the development of social policy in a country, and the development of social policy in countries differs from each other. While social policy in Western countries is shaped by a joint effort by social policy actors, the dominant actor in the development of social policy in underdeveloped or developing countries is the state. In the Ottoman Empire, as a result of the state's intervention in social problems being prohibitive rather than protective, having the characteristics of an agricultural society and weak industrialization, social classes could not be born and strengthened. The absence of social classes could not create the necessary conditions for the emergence of social policy. In the transition from the Ottoman Empire to the Republic of Turkey, there was a smooth transition rather than sharp changes in the economic and social fields. In this context, the state is the leading actor in the development of social policy in the Republic of Turkey, as it was in the Ottoman Empire. In Turkey, the development of social policy has been limited due to the problems that arose in the first years of the republic and in the following periods. This study, it is aimed to classify the historical development of Turkey's social policy in the 20th century according to certain periods and to reveal the main developments in social policy that took place in this period.
Yalnızlık Çağı’nda “Sorunlu Orta Yer” Kentte Hayvan
Yalnızlık Çağı’nda “Sorunlu Orta Yer” Kentte Hayvan
(Animal in "The Troubled Middle" Urban at Eremocene)
- Author(s):Murat Demirel
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Anthropology, Sociology, Rural and urban sociology
- Page Range:89-105
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:Emerocene; modern cities; animal species;
- Summary/Abstract:The study is based on the breaking point of the dependency between species in the modern cities established after the industrial revolution. Mankind have moved away from nature and the species they lived together and dependently for centuries in modern cities. The banishment of animal species in the city and their objectification and commodification in the name of human needs are criticized. This anthropocentric perspective is described as The Troubled Middle. It is widely practiced in modern cities. It is emphasized that The Troubled Middle and the place where the modern city will take humanity will be the Emerocene. It is underlined that the Eremocene is unsustainable.
Türkiye’de Çevre Vergisi Olarak Motorlu Taşıtlar Vergisinin Değerlendirilmesi ve OECD Ülkeleri İle Karşılaştırma
Türkiye’de Çevre Vergisi Olarak Motorlu Taşıtlar Vergisinin Değerlendirilmesi ve OECD Ülkeleri İle Karşılaştırma
(Evaluation of the Motor Vehicles Tax as an Environmental Tax in Turkey and Comparison with Other Country Practices)
- Author(s):Özgür Mustafa Ömür
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Environmental and Energy policy, Environmental interactions, Fiscal Politics / Budgeting, Transport / Logistics
- Page Range:107-131
- No. of Pages:25
- Keywords:Motor Vehicles; tax; Environmental Tax; Turkey; environmental sensitivity;
- Summary/Abstract:Especially since the early 2000s, most countries, especially developed European countries, apply a tax system based on the carbon dioxide emissions of vehicles, fuel type and consumption in the motor vehicle tax (MTV). In this way, more tax is collected from environmentally harmful vehicles, while environmentally friendly vehicles are taxed less. In Turkey, unlike these countries, motor vehicle tax is considered as a special wealth tax, and a taxation method is preferred based on the physical characteristics of the vehicles such as age, engine volume and the sales value excluding Value Added Tax (VAT). In this study, the importance of considering environmental factors in the taxation of motor vehicles in Turkey will be emphasized, taking into account the practices of other countries. In this context, first of all, the importance of the applicability of the motor vehicle tax as an environmental tax will be emphasized and the practices in OECD countries will be examined. In the next section, the motor vehicle tax applied in Turkey will be evaluated by considering the practices in other countries in terms of environmental sensitivity, and then the studies on the reconsideration of the motor vehicle tax in Turkey will be examined.
AB Yeşil Mutabakatı’nın ve Dijitalleşmenin Türkiye’deki Beyaz Eşya Sektörü Bağlamında Değerlendirilmesi
AB Yeşil Mutabakatı’nın ve Dijitalleşmenin Türkiye’deki Beyaz Eşya Sektörü Bağlamında Değerlendirilmesi
(The Evaluation of The EU Green Deal and Digitalization in the Context of the White Goods Sector in Turkey)
- Author(s):Aydan Arasan Türe, Betül Yüce Dural
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Energy and Environmental Studies, International relations/trade, Economic development, Environmental interactions, EU-Approach / EU-Accession / EU-Development, ICT Information and Communications Technologies
- Page Range:133-163
- No. of Pages:31
- Keywords:EU Green Deal; Digitalization; Turkey;
- Summary/Abstract:The EU Green Deal aims to transition to a circular economy in order to prevent the climate crisis and to use resources efficiently, especially by supporting changes in production with digital solutions. It is predicted that many sectors will be affected by these changes and will face threats and opportunities. Since the Turkish white goods sector is an important exporter of the EU, it has to adapt to this change in order to maintain its competitiveness and gain an advantage. This study evaluates the current situation of the sector and evaluates the applicability of green and digital transformation in the sector by using SWOT and PEST analysis methods. As a result of the analyses made, it was determined that Turkey's technological infrastructure should be strengthened for the development of the Turkish white goods sector, exchange rate fluctuations had a negative impact on the development of the sector and thus slowed down the adaptation to the green and digital transformation process. It has been concluded that the Green Deal and digital transformation are a priority issue for the protection and development of the mature ecosystem of the Turkish white goods industry in the international market.
The revitalisation of the Silk Road: Theoretical Challenges and Policy implications
The revitalisation of the Silk Road: Theoretical Challenges and Policy implications
(The revitalisation of the Silk Road: Theoretical Challenges and Policy implications)
- Author(s):Canan Çetin
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Politics, Energy and Environmental Studies, Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, International relations/trade, Political economy
- Page Range:165-192
- No. of Pages:28
- Keywords:revitalisation; Silk Road; Policy implications;
- Summary/Abstract:Considered as the ‘Heartland of the World’ by Mackinder, Central Asia has an essential influence on the power dynamics of the world. With the advantage of the revitalisation of the ancient Silk Road, Russia, United States of America, European Union, China and Turkey have different outcomes with their policy implications on the framework of complex interdependency. Due to the different bargaining powers, vulnerabilities and purposes of the states, each power has focused on the region in a different way. So, this paper aims to analyse the power dynamics on the region via revitalisation of the Silk Road on the concept of complex interdependency. Within the selected articles and journals, literature reviews for the theoretical framework and policy papers for the policy implications is used to deepen the analysis. To do so, the complex interdependency model will be analysed under three different aspects to explain its policy implications on the region, such as economic dimension, energy security section and human rights and democratization issues.
Tarihi Perspektifte İnovasyondan Günümüz İnovatif Okuryazarlığına
Tarihi Perspektifte İnovasyondan Günümüz İnovatif Okuryazarlığına
(From Innovation to Today in Historical Perspective Innovative Literacy)
- Author(s):Asiye Yüksel
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):History of ideas, Philosophy of Science
- Page Range:193-210
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:Innovation; Historical Perspective;
- Summary/Abstract:Innovation is ubiquitous today. Organizations use the term innovation in their statements, and politicians regularly mention the term innovation in their speeches. To determine what innovation is and is not, it is important to first define it. Reviewing the semantic journey without going through today's definitions of innovation will further reinforce the importance of the concept we think is current. Considering the historical journey of the concept, it would be correct to say that its meaning has moved from negative to positive. In this section, the semantic journey of innovation is handled from a historical perspective and a literature analysis is made about the meaning it has reached today. It has been seen that the meaning of the concept has developed a lot in both lexical and scientific terms.
Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nde Çağdaş Seramik Sanatının Gelişim Süreci
Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nde Çağdaş Seramik Sanatının Gelişim Süreci
(The Development Process of Contemporary Ceramic Art in The Republic of Turkey)
- Author(s):Selda Alp, Aysel Kürtoğlu
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Visual Arts, Post-War period (1950 - 1989), Sociology of Art, History of Art
- Page Range:211-257
- No. of Pages:47
- Keywords:Turkey; Ceramics; Contemporary Ceramic Art;
- Summary/Abstract:Ceramics, which has taken place in human life in Anatolia since the Neolithic period, has reached the present day by taking shape and developing according to the lifestyle of the societies it belongs to. Ceramic, which takes place in human life as functional architectural elements and auxiliary materials, has become a material that draws attention by painting and sculpture artists in the middle of the 20th century and is used to embody emotions and thoughts, by getting rid of functionality. The modernization process of ceramics, which developed with this European-centered innovation in the use of ceramics, was also reflected in Turkey, and ceramic production, which has a deep-rooted history in Anatolia, took on a new face. In the 1950s, ceramic works began to be produced by contemporary Turkish ceramic artists, which developed in parallel with Europe, completely moved away from the functional aspect, and completely embodied forms of artistic expressions. The adventure of contemporary Turkish ceramics continues today, thanks to ceramic artists, who show creativity and productivity in the country and around the world.
Türkiye’de Çocuk Evliliklerinin Siyaseti: Çocuğun Yaralanabilirliğinin İnşası
Türkiye’de Çocuk Evliliklerinin Siyaseti: Çocuğun Yaralanabilirliğinin İnşası
(The Politics of Child Marriages in Turkey: The Construction of Children as Vulnerable)
- Author(s):Hande Sözer
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Politics, Sociology, Politics and society, Family and social welfare
- Page Range:259-286
- No. of Pages:28
- Keywords:Politics; Child Marriages; Turkey; Children;
- Summary/Abstract:Child marriage is a form of child abuse and it is a subject of politics; it is an issue that has been, will be and should be related to politics. Child marriages are political: in narrow sense, they have been structured by political actors, politicians, law-makers, policy developers and implementers' political ideological positions, and in broad sense, they have been possible in individual, organizational and social levels by means of law, politics and broader society. This article sees child marriages both as a social and political issue and attempts to answer the following questions: Considering child-marriages in Turkey, who counts as a child, how the difference between a child and an adult is made, how it is posisible to represent and present child marriage as unrelated to child abuse so that some children's "marriages" are attempted to be presented as "legitimate." Therefore, which children become particularly vulnerable to child marriage risk?
Türkiye’de Çevrim İçi Mizah Kültürü: Sayısallaşan Gülmenin Temsil Ritüelleri
Türkiye’de Çevrim İçi Mizah Kültürü: Sayısallaşan Gülmenin Temsil Ritüelleri
(Investigation of Online Humor Culture in Turkey in the Context of Representations and Interaction Rituals)
- Author(s):Sinem Topalbekiroğlu, Savaş Keskin, Gülcan Albayrak
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Media studies, Sociology, Culture and social structure , Sociology of Culture
- Page Range:287-318
- No. of Pages:32
- Keywords:Instagram; media; humor culture; Turkey;
- Summary/Abstract:This research examines the representations shared from the Instagram profiles of Çağrı Taner, Cezmi Kalorifer and 'Karikatürhane' and the interactions of the followers with the representations from an ethnographic point of view in order to map the online humor culture in Turkey and establish a theoretical background. The aims of the research are to comprehend how the increasing online humor practices in the global world are acculturated in Turkey; to frame the culture of humor, which transforms identities, agenda, politics and relationships with the self as a catalyst, and to analyze the dominant consciousness in order to control the effects of humorous production, where inequality is produced/disseminated as a problematic area, on social value erosions. Within the framework of these purposes, an effort will be made to understand/describe the representations shared from the three profiles determined as the study area and the humor rituals produced in the interactions of the followers who interact with these representations by the method of content analysis. The project has a unique value in terms of making cultural mapping of humor, which takes place in a wide area in Turkey and has unpredictable effects in its interaction with all social structures because its theoretical framework has not been drawn, establishing ground knowledge and presenting predictions to those concerned by systematically explaining what is going on. While the accumulation of studies on humor in Turkey in specific fields causes a unique development, on the other hand, it can obscure the macro formation, which is formed by the relations of micro formations with each other. The research aims to produce a scientific added value by focusing on the macro-cultural framework of humor.
Bir Yönetim Sistemi Olan ISO 27001 Bilgi Güvenliği Sistemi Konulu Yayınların WOS Veri Tabanına Dayalı Bibliyometrik Analizi
Bir Yönetim Sistemi Olan ISO 27001 Bilgi Güvenliği Sistemi Konulu Yayınların WOS Veri Tabanına Dayalı Bibliyometrik Analizi
(Bibliometric Analysis of Publications on ISO 27001 Information Security System, Which Is a Management System, Based on WOS Database)
- Author(s):Gözde Akbalık Korkmaz, Okan Bütüner
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Communication studies, ICT Information and Communications Technologies
- Page Range:319-359
- No. of Pages:41
- Keywords:Publications; Information Security System; Management System;
- Summary/Abstract:In today's information society, the most important issue is information. Information has become the most valuable capital in all areas of life. Information that has become so important must be managed well, and more importantly, it must be protected very well. Information systems are faced with various threats, both maliciously and unintentionally. The way to eliminate them is to establish a systematic information management system. In this way, both management and protection can be provided. The most famous standard, which ISO 27001 Information Security Management System Standard, about the information management is examined with bibliometric technic. At this point, this study aimed to contribute to the literature on the ISO 27001, what the main sources and authors and where the direction of studies are, and to create a guide source. The data were obtained from the Web of Science database and analyzed with R and R Studio programs and Bibliometrix Biblioshiny packages. China and the USA stand out in every field of analysis. In addition, the institutions of the Far East countries have hosted influential publications. It has been seen that the subject is suitable for collaborations.
Post-partum Dönemdeki Kadınlarda Sosyo-Ekonomik Durumun Depresyonla Olan İlişkisi
Post-partum Dönemdeki Kadınlarda Sosyo-Ekonomik Durumun Depresyonla Olan İlişkisi
(The Relationship between Socio-economic Status and Depression in Post-partum Women)
- Author(s):Tuğba Makbule Çuvadar
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Gender Studies, Clinical psychology, Family and social welfare, Demography and human biology, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:361-380
- No. of Pages:20
- Keywords:Socio-economic Status; Post-partum depression; Mental health; women;
- Summary/Abstract:Mental health plays a critical role in the pregnancy process of women. Pregnancy is a period of great change in a woman's body as her baby develops. During this period, women often experience anxiety symptoms. Although the literature has suggested that socioeconomic status (SES) may contribute to the severity of pregnant women experiencing anxiety and depression, it has shown that women with low socioeconomic status may be more likely to experience symptoms of anxiety and depression during pregnancy. Specifically, it has been hypothesized that low ses will be associated with an increased experience of anxiety and depressive symptoms.woman's health before, during and after pregnancy. The results of this study shows that low socioeconomic status may increase the risk of anxiety and depression in pregnant women; therefore, practitioners should consider the socioeconomic status of patients assessing the risk of anxiety and depression during their pregnancy. The implementation of this type of screening for pregnant women is vital for ensuring both a healthy mother and a healthy baby. Post-partum depression is a serious psychiatric problem with a fairly high incidence, which can be the cause of morbidity and mortality for mother and baby. There are many factors that affect the development of depression in the post-partum period in women. The main factors among these are; the economic situation, the mother's family / own history of depression, not wanting pregnancy / child, the number of pregnancies and the excess number of children. Knowing these factors will guide on which issues the mother needs follow-up and support after childbirth. In addition, health supervision is a privileged opportunity to walk with new families through the transition to parenthood.
Dindarlık ile Kişilik Arasındaki İlişki: Jung ve Maslow Örneği
Dindarlık ile Kişilik Arasındaki İlişki: Jung ve Maslow Örneği
(The Relationship between Religious and Personality: The Example of Jung and Maslow)
- Author(s):İlyas Pür
- Language:Turkish
- Subject(s):Psychology, Personality Psychology, Sociology of Religion
- Page Range:381-402
- No. of Pages:22
- Keywords:religion; personality; humanistic psychology; Jung; Maslow;
- Summary/Abstract:The relationship between religiosity and personality is not one-sided and one-dimensional. On the one hand, religiosity affects personality, on the other hand, personality has an important effect on religiosity. Just as each person has a unique personality, each individual also has his/her own religiosity. For, just as there are as many personalities as there are people in the world, there are as many forms of religiosity as there are people in the world. A great deal of research has been done in the world on religiosity and personality, and many ideas have been put forward about these two. However, a full and clear view on this issue has not been put forward. Jung talks about introverted and extroverted personality while describing personality. Jung uses the concept of archetype when explaining religiosity. For him, God is an archetype. Maslow is the founder of humanistic psychology. He frequently dwells on the concept of self-actualization while explaining his views. According to him, self-actualized individuals are religious whether they believe in God or not. Maslow also focuses on the concept of institutionalized and non-institutionalized religion. He is against institutionalized religion. According to him, the real religious mystical person. In other words, the real religious are those who have non-institutionalized religion.